Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1163: Thirty-sixth generation master Chu Moxiu

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At this moment, it was the night, a dark paint, the roar of the beast roared from time to time in the forest, the depth of the night forest was very dangerous, and there were extremely powerful beasts.

Lin Feng and Wu Qingqing found a dry cave, and then Lin Feng raised a bonfire, and the illuminated hall in the cave warmed up.

"Does your Guxie Sect have a relationship with this blood demon mountain as a force of evil Dao?". Lin Feng asked.

Suddenly he thought of Guxiezong's power, which was also true and evil, and Wu Qingqing was definitely a cruel woman.

"The forces of the two demons have something to do with it." Wu Qingqing said, then frowned slightly, and said, "But Guxie Sect and Blood Demon Mountain should not be too involved. Our Guxie Sect has a closer relationship with the Holy Demon Temple."

Lin Feng nodded and said, "In the future, be more careful of the people of Blood Demon Mountain."

Wu Qingqing was silent for a moment and nodded slightly.

The campfire turned Wu Qingqing's beautiful face red.

Being alone with Wu Qingqing, Lin Feng was upset with his heart, and his right hand could not help swiping towards Wu Qingqing's waistline.

Wu Qingqing's pretty face changed slightly and sneered, "What are you going to do? Stay away from me and show respect, otherwise, don't blame me for being unkind to you"

"Ooooo ...".

Wu Qingqing's eyes widened as soon as she fell down. She did not expect Lin Feng to be so bold.

Wu Qingqing wanted to struggle.

But the body was embraced by Lin Feng in his arms.

The first time I didn't struggle, my body softened a little.

In the end, the ghost made a difference, and even slowly began to respond.

Jiangnan Alley, Wushan Lian Chumeng, sending rain and clouds. In the spring of the Golden Valley of Yaoxuan, the fairy of Yutong had no vision. Ziwu cigarettes are difficult to support, and the breeze and the moon are acacia. Acacia is far away, the grass is green, to listen to the Phoenix Song of Shuangfei.

This poem is a description of the beauty and shame between men and women, Wushan Yunyu, going to love together.

As Wu Qingqing has experienced.

The feelings of Lin Qing in Wu Qingqing's heart are very complicated.

After meeting Lin Feng again.

Complex emotions, a lot of surprises, a lot of surprises, and a lot of shyness.

However, as a woman, Wu Qingqing naturally does not express these feelings.

Lin Feng was so overbearing. After a little resistance, Wu Qingqing obeyed Lin Feng.

Women's feelings are very complicated in themselves.

After a cloud of rain in Wushan, Wu Qingqing, like a lazy kitten, curled up in Lin Feng's arms.

Satisfied expression hung on the beautiful face.

In the middle of the night, Lin Feng suddenly had a dream.

This is a black world. In the dream, he walks aimlessly along the path in this black world.

I don't know how long it has passed. He saw a monk, white in snow and black shawl.

Lin Feng felt a little familiar with this back.

He wanted to catch up and take a look, but the monk disappeared quickly.

With the gradual deepening.

Lin Feng suddenly felt that this world is getting colder and colder.

"The people of these worlds, after all, cannot escape the shackles of fate, cannot escape, the curse of destiny ..."

Suddenly, a voice resounded.

Such a sudden.


Lin Feng shouted loudly.

However, no one answered him.


I don't know how long it has passed. Lin Feng suddenly heard the sound of shaking waves.

Then in the distance, the sky was cloudy.

Yinbing borrowed!

Creatures avoid!

Lin Feng was taken aback, and he saw a terrible scene.

Yin Bing, the legend is the corps rushed out of hell.

Where the Yin Bing passed, it represented death.

That's why there is a saying that Yinbing borrows an excuse and avoids the soul.

The Yin soldiers rushed from a distance, the sky was cloudy, and the haze covered the sky.

All the flowers and trees withered and died where the Yin Bing passed.

Lin Feng quickly caught up, and finally, he saw that Yin Bing caught up with the man.

"Chu Moxiu. Follow us."

A Yin soldier came out.

When I heard the name.

Lin Feng was shocked.

Chu Moxiu.

Is n’t this the thirty-sixth heavenly teacher?

In the vein of Heavenly Master, a total of "Thirty-six Heavenly Masters" were born!

These thirty-six heavenly masters were branded by the stone scriptures.

Lin Feng clearly remembered the name Chu Moxiu, he should be the Heavenly Master in the last years of Taikoo.

"Fate ... Fate ...". Chu Moxiu muttered.

He turned around.

Lin Feng saw what he looked like.

Lin Feng was shocked and incredible.

This man turned out to be the man who "threw away the moonlight fairy."

Lin Feng suddenly felt wrong.

Wu Qingqing said that Yueqing Fairy was a figure in ancient times.

Well, it doesn't match Chu Moxiu's time.

But then Lin Feng thought that the ancient times were hundreds of thousands of years away.

It is also normal for the data to be recorded incorrectly.

After all, the figure was hundreds of thousands of years ago.

The wrong chronicle is not a fuss.

Chu Moxiu extended his right hand, and a paper crane flew out.

Chu Moxiu left with Yin Bing.

"The thirty-sixth generation of Heavenly Master was taken away by Yin Bing."

Lin Feng murmured.

He was very shocked.

The Yin soldiers will enter hell.

Why was Chu Moxiu taken away by Yin Bing?

Yin Bing and Chu Moxiu disappeared instantly.

The paper crane flew to a place called Yueqing Fairy Palace.

"Yueqing Fairy Palace is indeed the palace of the Yueqing Fairy. This Moon Fairy was originally a strong man of the Archaic era, and Chu Moxiu, the 36th generation of Heavenly Master, was her lover.

Lin Feng murmured.

The paper crane was burning, and a fairy palace was revealed.

"Yueqing, you and I are all done, forget me."

Chu Moxiu said.

"Mo Xiu, come quickly ...". In the distance a beautiful woman shouted softly.

Chu Moxiu walked over and grabbed the woman's small waist.

"Why is this?"

Yueqing fairy can't believe this is true.

She took out the small poem written by Chu Moxiu that day.

Jade furnace incense, red candle tears, partial portrait of Qiu Tang.

The eyebrows are thin, the sideburns remain, and the pillow is cold at night.

Sycamore trees, three more rain, do not suffer from suffering.

Yiyeye, with a sound, the empty steps dripped into the light.

Yueqing fairy chanted this little poem over and over again.

Tears fell.

She tried to wipe away her tears.

But it could not be wiped clean, and tears could not stop flowing down.


Moon Qing Xian Gong.

Renamed to become a palace of desperation.

The Fairy Moon Qing Dynasty was renamed the Unforgettable Fairy Gu.

Two hundred years have passed.

Yueqing Fairy Crosses the Giant God Tribulation, unforgettable Chu Moxiu.

The most critical moment of crossing the robbery was met by the sky-robbing.

Suffering from a road injury.

She retrieved her life hard.

"Mo Xiu, where did you go?".

Yueqing fairy murmured.

She wanted to see her lover again before she died.

But after all, until death.

With endless regrets, Chu Moxiu was never found.

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