Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1167: Shi Jingxianwei

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"Who the **** are you? You can actually break my geomancer"!

After Zi Donglai stabilized her body, she looked at Lin Feng somberly. Obviously, Zi Donglai had begun to doubt Lin Feng's identity.

But when Lin Feng cracked, it was too easy.

"Lin Feng, the descendant of Heavenly Master!"

Lin Feng looked indifferent.

"It's you……". Zi Donglai's eyes suddenly burst into a sensational killing intention.

It is natural that Zi Donglai has already heard about the story of Heavenly Master.

And the master of the earth has sent masters to find Lin Feng's whereabouts.

Zi Donglai never thought that he would meet the descendants of Heavenly Master here, and this person was actually the demon Lin Feng who stepped on Murong God.

When I heard the name "Lin Feng".

Zidong came to be able to confirm that Lin Feng was the rumored demon, no wonder such a tyranny, it is quite normal for such a demon to have such a powerful strength.

Lin Feng said indifferently, "Are you surprised? I know that the people of your earth division are looking for me. I am standing here now and show all your tricks at the bottom of the box."

Zi Donglai said with a sneer, "It's no effort to break through the iron shoes and find nowhere to go. You come to die, then you can blame me. Today I will use the inheritance of your heavenly master to kill you. Like our ancestors from the earth master line, kill the descendants of your heaven master line, and then plunder the inheritance of the heaven master line they got, and your destiny will also be doomed. "

When the words fell, Zidong came out step by step.

The rumbling noise came out.

Around Zidonglai, eight illusory worlds emerged.

This is the Octagon World, which Zidong had exhibited before coming.

This unique skill is also the inheritance of the Master Tian.

"In order to kill my ancestors who are my heavenly masters for the sake of selfish desires! In this life, the earth master is destined to be destroyed by me, and when you come to Zidong, it is the first earth master who was killed successor".

Lin Feng looked indifferent and quickly swept towards Zidong.

Split the sky.


Swords merge!

Instantly pierced the void, and beheaded towards Zidong.

"It's really big talk"! Zi Donglai's face was full of grinning expressions, "Today, I will let you know the power of the Eight Kingdoms world, use your heritage of the heavenly master to kill the descendants of the heavenly master, think about it, all feel Refreshing ".

Lin Feng's attack came to Zi Donglai in an instant, and Zi Dong came to the world of Bafang and devoured his attack.

The eight small worlds dissolve the two attacks that Lin Feng played.

And Zidong came out in one step, and the distance of a few hundred meters had already passed in an instant.

There are many magical uses in the Octagon world, and their attainments in speed are extremely high.

After coming to Lin Feng, Zi Dong swept towards Lin Feng with a punch.

Lin Feng hurriedly fought to resist, and Zi Donglai swept away with a punch, his body was still in midair, and Zi Donglai exhibited another line of inheritance from the master.

"Bagua map".

Buzz ...

The violent waves surged out, and I saw a gossip figure condensed above the sky, and suppressed towards Lin Feng.

The gossip is: dry, against, shock, Xun, Kun, Gen, Li, Kan.

Each hexagram shape represents a certain thing. Qian stands for the sky, Kun stands for the land, Xun stands for the wind, the earthquake stands for the thunder, the kan stands for the water, the distance stands for the fire, the gen stands for the fire, the gen stands for the mountain, and the hu stands for the Ze.

Gossip is like eight infinitely invisible big pockets that can hold everything in the universe.

The gossip matches with each other and turns into sixty-four gossips, which can be used to infer Zhou Tian and even the future.

The gossip map inherited by Tianshi is a congenital gossip map. It is rumored that the first gossip map of Tianshi was learned from the ancient holy emperor Fuxi.

It can be said that the Eight Diagrams is definitely one of the strongest inheritances of the Master Tian's line. This line of inheritance has even taken away the Earth Master's line.

Now, the Eight Diagrams are suppressed and Lin Feng is locked.

Since gossip claims to be able to devour the universe.

Lin Feng was enveloped by the gossip map, and he felt that no matter how hard he tried, he could not get rid of the gossip map. He could only look at the gossip map, suppress it, and bombard himself.

This is the ultimate inheritance of the heavenly master, but it was exhibited by the descendants of the heavenly master's enemies and the earth's master to deal with himself as a descendant of the master's roots, making Lin Feng angry and depressed.

"Gossip swallows the universe! How can you avoid the attack of the gossip chart? Boy, see how you die ...".

Zidong came to laugh with great pride, and seemed to have seen the scene where Lin Feng was bombarded by gossip pictures.

"Is Lin Feng dying?".

"I didn't expect Lin Feng to be the heir of the Heavenly Master's line, but it was too suffocating. As the heir of the Heavenly Master's line, he was going to be killed by the powerful lineage of the Heavenly Master's line."

Many people shook their heads.

Obviously, everyone felt that Lin Feng was afraid of being more aggressive this time.

Because this gossip picture is really powerful, it is not easy to crack it.

Even Jiang Yudie, Bai Shengyi and others could not help worrying about Lin Feng.

"The ancestors of the dead Heaven Master, your revenge, I will repay you, and your inherited inheritance, I will find them one by one."

Lin Feng stepped in the void, and his heart made a great wish.


It was at this time that the unreal stone sutra condensed into Lin Feng's mind seemed to sense Lin Feng's ambition.

At that moment.

The Unreal Stone Scripture seems to have made contact with a great being in Mingming.

The Unreal Stone Scripture was originally unable to be urged, but now, after communicating with the Great Being in the Underworld, an energy descended into the Void and poured into the Unreal Stone Scripture.

The Unreal Stone Sutra has become much more solid.

"this is……". Lin Feng was taken aback, could it be that Shi Jingzun sensed that the Master Master had sent a wish to himself? So part of the power comes from feedback?

The relic of the relics of Heavenly Master is a treasure bred from heaven and earth, and it can sense the ambitions he has issued. Lin Feng is not surprised at all.

"Come out……".

Lin Feng waved his right hand, and the Unreal Stone Sutra flew out.

This is a huge book.

The book unfolds and Lin Feng stands above it.

When the Eight Diagrams were killed, they were directly swallowed by the Stone Sutra, and the Eight Diagrams turned into a rune on the Unreal Stone Sutra.

"How can it be?". Zidong came roaring in disbelief.

"Forbidden Eight Seals"!

"Great Suppression"!

Lin Feng rushed over in an instant, first exhibited the eight seals of the forbidden **** Zidong, and then exhibited a large repression technique to suppress Zidong.

Two-pronged approach.

Zidong roared angrily, trying to break Lin Feng's seal and repression.

But he failed, his body was entangled in dense patterns, and then suppressed by the large cracking operation, which was difficult to move.

Lin Feng stepped forward and punched Dantian who came from Zidong.


Lin Feng punched and killed Zi Donglai's belly.

Click, click!

Dan Tian from Zidong directly shattered.

He flew out several tens of meters, fell to the ground, his hair spread, his body twitched violently.

The inevitable Zidong came and was directly destroyed by Lin Feng and became a waste person.

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