Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1169: Fusa

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"Send you a journey, and be a man in the afterlife, stop enemies with me, because my enemies are destined to have a dead end"!

Lin Feng looked indifferent, raised his right hand and directly cut Zi Donglai's head.

Many people were shocked. Zidong came to such a level of supreme Tianjiao, and was also a descendant of the earth master, so he was killed.

Obviously, Lin Feng and the master of the earth have been endless.

Lin Feng threw away the body of Zi Donglai, and at this time, the Supreme Column was enveloped in it by a light curtain.

This is because an hour has passed since the prohibition of the Supreme Pillar disappeared.

Therefore, the prohibition of the disappearance of the Supreme Pillar will appear again, protecting the monks occupying the Supreme Pillar from being disturbed by others.

The monks occupying the Supreme Pillar will not hear the voice of the outside world at this time, and can practice on the Supreme Pillar with peace of mind.

"Look him lucky ...".

Emperor Shengtian, Ning Litao and other monks who originally wanted to shoot after seeing Lin Feng's Supreme Column being banned and shrouded again, all looked cold and gloomy.

Lin Feng sat cross-legged.

The outside world has nothing to do with him. He now begins to understand the two magical powers of Bafang World and Eight Diagrams.

Gradually, Lin Feng entered a state of epiphany.

The top lineage of the heavenly master is naturally not so easy to comprehend.

Lin Feng had been enlightened for a long time, and was not able to realize the mystery of it. Suddenly, in Lin Feng's mind, a voice resounded.

"Fuze Tianzhu, Fuze Tianzhang, the roads are one, the magical power is self-made"!

With that voice falling.

Suddenly, the inheritance of the two heavenly teachings of the Eight Kingdoms and the Eight Diagrams began to take the initiative to gather magical powers.

"This is ... Fuzer?"

Lin Feng was taken aback.

Immediately afterwards was the expression of joy.

This Fuze Tianzhu (Supreme Pillar) is too powerful. The advent of Fuze helps the monks to take the initiative to enlighten the magical power and cultivate the magical power.

Lin Feng finally understands why so many people are fighting for the supreme column.

Eight worlds and eight diagrams began to form a magical array.

Immediately afterwards, the six archaic supernatural powers of the gods, the fierce flames of the sky, the wrath of the Buddha and the thousand waves of the wave, the fight of the stars and the fist of the galaxy, and the violent waves of the sword and the sword, also began to gather together.

With these six ancient magical powers, Lin Feng has not had time to realize.

Now, I don't need to practice by myself, because Lin Feng got Fuze.

All supernatural powers will take the initiative to practice success.

In the end, all eight top supernatural powers were promoted to the "realm of Dacheng".

This made Lin Feng very excited, and it would take at least a few years to get all eight magical powers to Dacheng.

Now Fuze came down.

The time for astonishing magical power is completely saved.

In addition to these eight magical powers, Lin Feng's great winding technique has also reached the "Great State".

Originally this magical Lin Feng was only an entry to cultivation.

Under the influence of Fuze's power, two levels have been continuously raised.

From entry, to Xiaocheng, to Dacheng.

So this time occupying a Fuze Tianzhu (Supreme Pillar), the benefits to Lin Feng are too great.

After all these supernatural powers were completed, Lin Feng's Danhai expanded again.

More mana poured into Danhai.

Lin Feng's mana became more majestic than before.

It is deeper and more powerful.

Cultivating an ancient magical power, cultivation can be greatly improved, not to mention, Lin Feng is a six-level ancient magical power, two supernatural powers inherited from the same line of the heavenly master, and a three thousand avenue?

The improvement of strength is even more obvious.

But Fukuzawa's power obviously did not end like this.

"Occupy Fuze Tianzhu and reward the power of luck!"

The voice resounded again.

The power of luck ... is the most obsessive force.

Some people can pick up the magic weapon when they go out.

Some people go out and suffer a disaster.

Why are you going out, but the things you experience are overjoyed and overwhelmed?

Why is there such a big contrast?

The reason is because of luck.

People with strong luck can often encounter luck.

People with bad luck can choke to death if they drink saliva.

Now Lin Feng is blessed with luck.

Lin Feng immediately felt that there was an intangible energy in his body.

This kind of energy, Lin Feng can sense its existence.

But it is impossible to explore what kind of energy this kind of luck power is.

The power of luck is such a must.

Obviously exists in the world.

But the monk could not discover this energy.


"Fuze, luck, and the two rewards are over, choose to continue training? Or choose to be sent out?".

The voice came again.

Lin Feng estimated the time of the Tianjiao battlefield.

The distance of the Tianjiao battlefield is closed, and it is estimated that there are less than two months left. I am already getting enough benefits in the Tianjiao battlefield.

It's time to leave the Tianjiao battlefield.

Leaving early will also save you a lot of trouble.

"Choose to leave ..." Lin Feng replied.


With a flash of light, Lin Feng disappeared from the Fuze Tianzhu (Supreme Pillar).

A hundred miles away, the light flashed.

Lin Feng stepped out of the void.

He stopped staying and flew towards the exit of the Tianjiao battlefield. Lin Feng was in trouble when he came to the exit of the Tianjiao battlefield.

Because he found that many people were searching for his whereabouts.

Moreover, powerful thoughts swept through the void.

This is the idea of ​​the reincarnation strong man.

Some monks who left the Tianjiao battlefield felt that the thoughts of these powerful reincarnations had changed their complexions, thinking what serious things had happened.

At this time, it was said, "Don't be afraid, these powerful reincarnations are searching for Lin Feng's whereabouts to prevent Lin Feng from escaping, not against us."

"Searching for Lin Feng's whereabouts? The one who climbed onto the Tianjiao stage? Lin Feng stepping on Murong Tianshen?". Asked a monk in surprise.

"There's nothing wrong ... This Lin Feng's talent is too evil, many forces, don't want to let such a evil exist again in the world."

The monks who discussed this matter left the Tianjiao battlefield. Sure enough, they successfully walked away and were not attacked.

Lin Feng did not dare to go out, because the strong people outside were searching for him, and it was not easy to cross the sea.

"This is troublesome"! Lin Feng frowned, feeling that things were going in a very bad direction.

Qing Yunzong did not have the power to protect him.

Therefore, when going out like this, there is only one way to go.

In the end, Lin Feng decided to take a risk. He changed his appearance with a simple transfiguration technique, and became a middle-aged scribe in his forties. He then mixed with a group of monks and left the Tianjiao battlefield. When they got outside, they didn't make any stops and swept directly in the direction of the teleportation array.

"what……". Suddenly, a strong man in samsara realm frowned slightly, looking at Lin Feng among the crowd.

This is a strong man of Yin and Yang religion, who has become a master of the whole body.

"You stop, this seat has something to ask you." Said the strong man of reincarnation.

"not good".

Lin Feng's complexion changed suddenly, and it was as if he wanted to hide from the sky in front of the reincarnation strong man.

Lin Feng rose directly into the sky and flew in the direction of the teleportation array.

"It really is you ... where to go?".

The strong eyes of the reincarnation realm suddenly gleamed, and his big hand caught Lin Feng directly.

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