Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1177: Xuanyuanwu

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The three-headed cobra family and the swallowing devil toad family were the two main forces that took the demon emperor's fetus out of the small moon. They didn't miss the kindness of the Taiqing emperor to these two groups at all. It can be said that the wolf child's ambition.

The two tribes even defiled Lin Feng as a spy, and the reason is very simple. How could Lin Feng rescue the little princess alone from the siege of a house and three houses? Of course, these sounding excuses are just the reason they want to get rid of Lin Feng.

I want to get rid of Lin Feng because these two tribes are peeping at Lin Feng ’s treasure, and Lin Feng is alone, even if he kills Lin Feng to grab treasure, there will be someone who is against the three-headed cobra tribe and the Devils Toad Clan for the sake of a human monk. Not successful?

However, the three-headed cobra family and the swallowing demon toad family did not expect Lin Feng to be so powerful. Not only did they not kill Lin Feng, but they were abolished by Lin Feng and several geniuses of the two families. Xue Buxian and the demon dragon personally rushed Arriving at the Demon Clan, when the eight forces siege the Demon Clan, Lin Feng and others went to the rescue, they attacked Lin Feng together and tried to kill Lin Feng, but they failed.

Lin Feng had been guarding against the two for a long time, so he successfully escaped. Obviously, Lin Feng and the three-headed cobra and the swallowing demon toad were already in an endless situation. The two sides were also very jealous when they met each other. After seeing Lin Feng, the face of the evil dragon Naturally it will not look good.

"I didn't expect you to dare to run to the East China Sea, could it be to die?". The demon dragon looked indifferently to Lin Feng. He knew that Lin Feng's talent was against the sky, but talent was not the same as strength. Lin Feng's age had disadvantages, so there was a disadvantage in the realm, so the demon dragon had the confidence to cut Lin Feng.

Lin Feng said indifferently, "It's you? Dare to talk to me like this? I remember you called the demon dragon, right? Obviously it is a snake, you have to put gold on your face and call it a dragon. Why is your skin so thick? I have seen shameless, but I have never seen you so shameless, admire it below! "

Many onlookers stared dumbfounded at Lin Feng and the demon dragon.

Many people have already recognized the demon dragon, the supreme arrogance of the three-headed cobra family, no one dares to provoke the existence.

But who is Lin Feng? Everyone is not clear.

Seeing Lin Feng dare to be so blatantly ridiculous as a demon dragon, everyone was extremely surprised.

In their view, the person who dared to do so either had to live up to himself and seek his own way.

Either it has enough capital and it does not fear the demon dragon.

Many people murmured secretly, is it possible that the monk who is opposed to the demon dragon is also a character of supreme Tianjiao level?

At this time a young monk in the crowd said, "That person is Lin Feng!"

"Lin Feng? Which Lin Feng?" Suddenly someone asked in doubt.

"It's the recently-rumored Lin Feng. In the Tianjiao battlefield, step on the Murong Tianshen, the talented newcomer Tianjiao Linfeng. I saw him on the 99th heavy stone stairs and Tianjiao platform in the Tianjiao battlefield. It ’s definitely not wrong. ” Said the young monk.

Many people immediately exclaimed. Everyone was so stunned by the name Lin Feng, but they had never seen it. Now that Lin Lin is so young, his talent has overwhelmed Murong Tianshen.

The eyes of the demon dragon flashed with a sense of murderous intention. His voice said coldly, "If you want to die, then I don't mind chopping you now."

"I'm afraid of you? I just want to make a snake soup, but now I still lack good snake meat, cut you, and the materials are gathered together." Lin Feng sneered and replied, fighting in the sky, without fear.

Seeing that the two were about to fight, at this time, a streamer flew in the distance and landed. This is a very handsome man with black hair shawl and eyes like stars. This person is called Xuanyuanwu. Simply, this uncle of Xuanyuan Wu is the master of the Wu soul palace in Wu mainland today.

The power of Wuhun Palace monitors Zhou Tian, ​​and its strength is unimaginable. Moreover, Wuhun Palace can communicate with the undead world. This is the most terrible place, which makes countless forces dread.

Xuanyuan has no sons and he has always treated Xuanyuanwu as his son. Xuanyuanwu has attracted much attention since he was a child. He is humble and has an amazing talent, but he is not publicized. He has a high prestige among the younger generation.

"Two people, give me Xuanyuanwu a face, how is the value of peace for all ages today?". Xuanyuan martial arts.


Lin Feng was surprised, he had heard the name.

It can even be said to be thunderous.

Yu Ji once said that although Xuanyuanwu is low-key, the younger generation can beat Xuanyuanwu, no more than three people.

It can be seen how high Yu Ji rated Xuanyuanwu?

Lin Feng never thought of seeing the famous Xuanyuanwu here today.

The demon dragon said, "Since Xuanyuan Brother came forward, this face naturally needs to be given. Today, I will look at the face of Brother Xuanyuan, and temporarily spare this life!"

The demon dragon's tone is casual, and there is a high breath in his bones. It is no wonder that the demon dragon does not put Lin Feng in his eyes.

Ten years ago, the demon dragon was the supreme Tianjiao. Ten years later, the strength was not many times stronger than it was ten years ago.

Although Lin Feng's talent is against the sky, his talent is not equal to strength. No matter how good the talent is, the training time is too short, and the strength is still difficult to improve.

The demon dragon is nearly ten years older than Lin Feng, and has been practicing for ten more years. This is the spirit of the demon dragon.

Mo said that if you practice for more than ten years, sometimes you can practice for an additional year, which can cause a gap in strength between the two.

After the voice of the demon dragon fell, he quickly left and entered the Wanghai Tower.

"Sister Yu Ji often mentioned Brother Lin, today you and I finally met." Xuanyuan Wu said with a smile.

The master of Yu Ji was Xuanyuan to rule the world, so Xuanyuan Wucai called Yu Ji a sister.

"I have also heard many things about Brother Xuanyuan from Sister Yu Ji. Lin Feng reported a clenched fist.

"This place is not a place for communication, let's go in too," Xuanyuan Wu said with a smile.

Lin Feng nodded and entered the Wanghai Tower together with Xuanyuan Wu.

The entire Wanghai Tower has been taken down. After seeing Xuanyuanwu and Lin Feng coming, many people greeted Xuanyuanwu.

Many Tianjiao recognized Lin Feng's identity, and many people talked about it and looked at Lin Feng with different looks.

Many people have heard about Lin Feng's affairs. Now when Lin Feng himself arrives, various ideas come out of his mind.

Lin Feng and Xuanyuan Wu came to the third floor of the Accord, where more than thirty people had gathered here. Seeing the two arrived, everyone looked over.

Everyone knows Xuanyuanwu, many people came to say hello, some people recognized Lin Feng, but some people did not know Lin Feng, monks who did not know Lin Feng whispered who Lin Feng was.

Someone replied, "This person is stepping on the Tianjiao stage, stepping on the Murong Tianshen, and severing the Feng Feng from the East of the Supreme Tianjiao on the Supreme Pillar."

Many people exclaimed that they did not expect Lin Feng, a descendant of the Master of Heaven, to come here today, as the new Supreme Master Tianjiao, now spread throughout the three thousand states.

Everyone's eyes were on Lin Feng, including Xu Yibing, Miao Lingyu, and Huo Erer, who also looked at Lin Feng at the same time, and there was a slight surprise in his eyes.

When Mrs. Qi heard the person was Lin Feng, her eyes lit up suddenly. She couldn't help but lick her red lips. The charming eyes stared closely at Lin Feng, revealing intriguing eyes.

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