Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1182: Big change

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"I am an immortal existence, you never want to destroy my origin"!

After the flesh exploded, Wan Yanxiao made a roar of roar, a face of energy condensed suspended in the source, and the vicious eyes looked at Lin Feng.

The power of the source is distorted, and it seems to reorganize the body.

This is the ability possessed by the heavenly demons, and reorganizing the body is not a difficult thing for their family.

But Lin Feng will not give Wan Yanxiao this opportunity, he stepped forward and took a shot towards Wan Yanxiao's origin.


This palm shot on the origin of Wan Yanxiao, the body that had already begun to reorganize exploded again.

Forbidden God Eight Seals!

Great crackdown!

Immediately after Lin Fengshi exhibited these two supernatural powers, one was the seal and the other was the suppression.

The densely intertwined runes are the runes condensed by the Eight Seals of the Forbidden God, which directly seal Wan Yanxiao.

Immediately after the great crackdown operation, the word "zhen" suppressed the origin of Wan Yanxiao.

At this time, Wan Yanxiao no longer had the power to resist.

"Inheritance of Heavenly Master Taoism! You actually understand the inheritance of Heavenly Master Taoism, and you also learned the great repression technique."

There was a panic in Wan Yanxiao's voice.

No matter how strong his ability is, there is no room for it now. Wan Yanxiao feels the smell of death.

"It's not bad looking"! Lin Feng looked at Wan Yanxiao indifferently.

Wan Yanxiao said, "We can talk and trade. As long as you let me go, I can teach you a very powerful three thousand avenue. Is this a good deal?".

Lin Feng sneered, "Soul Soul Dafa can also get your secret."

When the words fell, Lin Feng sacrificed four fierce tripods and temporarily collected the origin of Wan Yanxiao.

At this time, after seeing Yan Yanya being suppressed, the villagers on the island all breathed out, but when they thought of their loved ones who died before, many people could not help crying.

In the distance, an old man came under the help of two middle-aged men, he would kneel and bow to Lin Feng, Lin Feng quickly helped the old man.

"A gift like this for the elderly is a shame to the juniors." Lin Feng said.

This old man is the old village chief of the island village. He gratefully said, "Without the help of later generations, all of us on the island are afraid of tragic death."

Lin Feng said, "Eliminating the Demon Guard Road is something that people in my generation should do. Fortunately, this demon was stopped in time, and no more casualties were caused."

After a pause, Lin Feng said, "I don't know how this island can suppress such a powerful demon? Has the old man heard about it?".

The old man said, "There is a Tai Xuan Mansion in the mountain range deep in the island. It is said that it was left by Li Taixuan, the wine sword fairy. It ’s just a story, but now I know that everything is true. ”

Li Xuan, the word Taixuan, is called the Qinglian lay, and is also known as "Fairy Fairy". He is a great romantic poet, known as "Poetry Fairy" by future generations.

Of course, Li Taixuan is not only good at poetry, but also very good at swordsmanship. He is called Jiujian Jiu because he is so addicted to alcohol and swordsmanship.

"Old man, please count the wounded, let me go deeper to see." Lin Feng said.

Then flew towards the depths of the island.

There is a cave house beside the cracked mountain. This cave house is written with three words, Tai Xuan House.

Lin Feng entered the cave house, there was a faint rhyme flowing in this place, Lin Feng guessed that Li Taixuan might have practiced here.

It may be that you cultivated here before suppressing Yan Xiao.

It is also possible that they only practiced here after suppressing Yan Xiao.

Lin Feng sealed the hole, not afraid of disturbing people.

Then he took out the four fierce tripods, directly sacrificed the sky fire, and burned the four fierce tripods.

The temperature of Sixiongding keeps rising.

"Boy, what are you going to do?". Wan Yanxiao growled angrily.

"I intend to use your source to refine a few source pill"! Lin Feng smiled slightly.

"Are you going to use me for alchemy? You must not die ...". Wan Yanxiao cursed incomparably.

"If it is useful to curse people, there will be no fighting and fighting in this world, so you should save effort." Lin Feng sneered.

The sky is burning.

Countless runes on Si Xing Ding are resurrected.

Each rune gushes an amazing energy into the origin of Wan Yan.

Begin to decompose Yan Xiao's original power.

Wan Yanxiao's original power gradually turned into pure energy.

As the original power is refined, Wan Yanxiao has only a part of residual soul left. Without the original power, Wan Yanxiao's residual soul has no threat at all.

"Soul Searching Dafa ..."

Lin Feng directly exhibited this magical power, and this soul-searching Dafa is not a powerful magical power, belonging to the level of ancient magical powers.

It was Lin Feng who found it from a storage ring. Every time he killed a strong man, he collected the opponent's storage ring, so Lin Feng did not know who the storage ring was.

However, Soul Dafa is used to forcibly search the memory of others, and the effect is quite good.

"You dare to search my soul, I curse you, and will be ten times more miserable than my death in the future ...".

Wan Yanxiao roared bitterly.

Lin Feng sneered, ignoring Wan Yan's curse at all, and continued to search the soul of Wan Yan Xiao.

From the memory of Wan Yanxiao's soul, he searched for endless viciousness and evil thoughts. These vicious thoughts and evil thoughts were produced after Wan Yanxiao was suppressed by Li Taixuan.

It seems that in these hundreds of thousands of years, Wan Yanxiao has been living in endless hatred.

If such a demon is free, it is difficult to imagine how much killing it will cause.

In the memory of Wan Yanxiao.

There are very few really useful memories.

After all, this is just the remnant of Yan Xiao, and many memories have long been lost.

"Hey, I found ... Great Change! It turns out that this is the Three Thousand Avenues that Wan Yanxiao holds."

Lin Feng was surprised.

This great change technique is an auxiliary three thousand avenues. It is rumored that the heavenly demon can change into anyone's appearance at will. At that time, the Tianwu continent and the invading heavenly demon had a great loss.

Heavenly Demon changed into an adult race, sneak attacked and killed many strong men in the Tianwu Continent.

The reason is that Demon has mastered the three-thousand avenue of big change.

The most powerful thing about this big change is the change of breath.

Tianwu Continent also has many techniques of change. Although the technique of Yirong can change its appearance, it cannot change the breath, so it can be easily recognized by others.

But the big change technique not only changes the appearance, but also can completely change the breath of the practitioner.

Unless the other party has some magic weapons that can distinguish the true and false identities, or if there are many monks who are higher than the big change technique, it is difficult to find clues.

Just like Lin Feng.

If the cultivation has become a great change technique, if you want to discover his true identity, you must use some magic weapons to verify Lin Feng's true body.

But such a magic weapon is obviously extremely rare, and it is not an easy task to get it.

Either cultivate to exceed Lin Feng's realm of more than ten, otherwise, if you want to discover who Lin Feng's deity is, it's hard to climb into the sky.

There was a smile on the corner of Lin Feng's mouth: "Great! Really great! If I practiced this big change technique, I will be easy in the future and want to hide my identity, it will be too easy."

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