Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1205: Mirror of the future

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Lin Feng walked towards the trail on the left. Among the trails, there were some messes. There were shops on both sides. The people here were all dirty and smelled of stench. Now these people are gradually turning towards Lin Feng. .

"Among the fifth store on the left ...".

The mysterious voice came out again.

Lin Feng speeded up and entered the fifth store on the left before those around him gathered together.

In this shop, all kinds of shelves are placed in disorder.

On the shelves, there are many dazzling things.

"Huh, what is this bone?" Lin Feng was instantly attracted all eyes by a bone palm.

A palm rested on a shelf.

This bone palm is purple and black, and Lin Feng saw it for the first time.

He looked closely and found that there were many runes on the bone palm, which surprised Lin Feng.

Could it be that the bones don't work?

Some powerful monks or fierce beasts will have their bones imprinted on them. The runes in the bones record some powerful magical powers.

Lin Feng observed the runes on the palms of the bones, but these runes were not coherent. He stretched his fingers apart and continued to watch the runes on it, reading the content on the first finger.

Lin Feng moved slightly, he finally connected a part of the content, the rune above this bone palm seemed to record a certain kind of supernatural power.

Lin Feng speculated that this should be a magical power.

Lin Feng was planning to take the five palms apart and take a look.


A clicking sound came out, and that bone palm actually grabbed Lin Feng's wrist directly.

Then a powerful force poured out from the applause, and the bone palm seemed to want to pinch Lin Feng's wrist directly.

The more Lin Feng struggled, the tighter the palm of the hand grasped.

Just like having your own life, Bone Palm just fell asleep and is now recovering.

"Such evil door, if you don't let go, I will burn you with the sky fire." There was a flame around Lin Feng's left fingertip.

The bone palm seemed to have life, feeling the horrible temperature of Skyfire, and quickly released Lin Feng's right hand.

"Really the bones of the evil door ...".

Lin Feng hurriedly left the location of the bone palm.

He didn't dare to touch anything else. This shop gave him a gloomy feeling, which made Lin Feng quite uneasy.

"anyone there?". Lin Feng asked aloud.

But the surroundings were empty, and no voice answered him.

"You didn't call me over, why didn't you show up?". Lin Feng frowned, looking deep into the shop, where it seemed to be able to lead to the back, and did not know where the back was connected.

He walked cautiously toward the inside of the shop. At this time, a mirror placed in the southwest corner of the shop suddenly flashed waves of light. Eventually, the image in the mirror gradually became clear.

In the mirror, a hazy figure appeared.

"I called you ..." said the mysterious existence in the mirror.

Lin Feng frowned, even a mirror was talking to him. This was too weird. What kind of mirror was this?

"What the **** are you?". Lin Feng asked.

"I am the mirror of the future!" Said the dim existence.

"Mirror of the future?". Lin Feng murmured the name.

The word "future" represents too much meaning.

Who dares to say that he can foresee the future?

But this mirror is actually called the mirror of the future, which is really strange.

"What do you mean by saying that I'm a descendant of sin and blood? If you can't explain it, I will smash you today, so as not to confuse others."

Lin Feng looked coldly at the mysterious existence in the mirror.

"Don't be so angry with young people"!

The mysterious existence in the mirror said aloud, "You are called Lin Feng, and your father is called Lin Baitian! Your mother ...".

Suddenly, the mysterious existence in the mirror no longer speaks.

"What happened to my mother?". Lin Feng asked nervously. Now in his heart, there was already some confidence in this mirror.


The mirror just said his name, his father's name.

Now Lin Feng needs to continue to confirm whether this mirror is really capable.

"Your mother, from that race, that is a cursed race, that is a race that cannot be said, nor can I say that if I say it, it will be condemned."

Said the mysterious existence in the mirror.

After a pause, he continued, "Now, your mother, being suppressed by Jiu Tian's burial coffin in the depths of the starry sky, I know that you want to save your mother, but the starry sky is so big, I do n’t know the specific location of your mother ’s repression. Even if you practice in the realm of the gods in the future, you can go on a starry sky tour. You do n’t know the specific location, and you ca n’t find your mother. ”

"you know?".

Lin Feng took a deep breath and asked Shen Sheng.

"I naturally know ...".

The mysterious existence smiled slightly, "Since I am called the mirror of the future, I can naturally predict everything that will happen in the future world, including everything about your parents, as well as the future destiny of your parents. Look ...

The voice fell, and a picture appeared in the mirror. In the depths of the endless starry sky, a coffin resembling the condensed world at the beginning of the world, the coffin was too large. Suppressed below.

That seems to be the rumored nine-day burial coffin.

"Is that a mother?". Seeing the woman crushed underneath by the Jiutian funeral coffin, Lin Feng suddenly felt like a knife.

In the distance, a war between monks broke out, and the black mist rolled, attacking a blood-stained monk.


Seeing the man, Lin Feng exclaimed.

The battle was so tragic that Lin Baitian wanted to rescue his repressed wife.

But he failed.

A war gun flew out of the black mist.


The black war gun directly penetrated Lin Beitian's chest.

"No ... father ...". Lin Feng cried out in pain, even if he knew that the picture would only appear in the future, and now seeing it, it made Lin Feng painful and difficult to breathe.


Lin Baitian's face was pale, and he walked towards the woman who was suppressed by Jiu Tian's funeral coffin.

"Husband ...". The repressed woman cried bitterly, with bleeding tears in her eyes.

"I still failed after all and I can't save you."

Lin Baitian smirked.

Black mist came, and a big hand was found in the black mist, grabbing the war gun, he picked Lin Baitian in the air, his right hand was shocked, Lin Beitian's body exploded directly, and all forms were destroyed .

All the pictures disappeared, and the mysterious existence appeared again in the mirror.

"This is absolutely impossible?". Lin Feng's eyes became blood-red and his breath was short. He couldn't believe what he saw. His father would be so miserable that he would die.

"Don't believe it, I am the mirror of the future and can predict the future. This is the fate of your father ...".

The sound of mysterious existence must be ethereal, as if it passed from the ancient times to Lin Feng's ears across the river, ringing in his mind.

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