Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1256: Break through life and death

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Thunder roar was vast and shocked too many people, making countless people moved and shocked.

Thunderjacket that enveloped a hundred miles of land, how terrible was this man to extradite such a huge thunderjacket?

It's unbelievable.

But all this is true.


Lin Feng opened his eyes within the stone chamber of the 99th Holy Pagoda, and there was a flash of light in his eyebrows.

"It's time to cross the robbery"!

Lin Feng stepped out, walked out of the holy tower, walked in the void, above him, intertwined with hundreds of millions of thunder.

Those thunders, as if they would come down anytime and anywhere, bombard Lin Lin.

"Look, Lord Lin!"

Countless people marveled at it, and it was Lin Feng who caused such a thunderstorm.

But if you think about it carefully, it seems reasonable. Such a thunderous tragedy is unprecedented. Only when a figure like Lin Feng breaks through can it lead to such a feared thunderstorm?

Lin Feng stepped toward the outside of the temple city, he was going to enter the ancient and ancient forest crossing the robbery, if the temple city crossing the robbery, the temple city might be destroyed by thunder.

"Come on, look at it ..."

Countless people shouted and followed, wanting to watch Lin Fengdu robbery.

"Such a powerful Thunder Tribulation, then see how he dies."

Someone sneered.

The thunderstorm in front of me is indeed too terrible. To many people want to succeed, it seems difficult for many people.

But the four deputy lords of Lin Feng, many elders and others did not have any concerns.

Because they knew that Lin Feng had practiced the catastrophe technique.

A thunderous rumbling sounded through the clouds, and the thunder flashed above the ancient wild forest, and the entire ancient wild forest became quiet at this time.

Hundreds of millions of thunder, as if to destroy the world, can break the sky, can destroy the world.

Lin Feng stood in the void and let the thunder go down.

The first thunder landing, huge like a mountain, directly smashed past Lin Feng, the momentum was really shocking.

Many people were scared and pale.

This kind of mountain robbery is the last thunder robbery that many monks have crossed.

But now, Lin Fengdu's first thunder robbery, a terrible thunder robbery such as mountain robbery, is really too shocking.

In the face of the mountain robbing Lin Feng can't avoid, when the devastating attack bombarded Lin Feng.

It was not able to cause any damage to Lin Feng.

"Is this flesh too powerful?". Countless people were shocked, and the flesh contends against such a powerful thunderstorm, which is simply incredible.

It is said, "Master Lin is rumored to rely on the power of pure flesh to climb to the forty-first heavy stone stairs in Tianjiaotai. His flesh can become a god. His flesh may be able to fight against the real dragons, unicorns, and cypresses fierce".

Many people nodded and looked at Lin Feng who was drowned by the endless thunder above the nine days.

One after another the thunder landed.

The general monks are crossing the nine thunders.

But Lin Feng's thunder robbery seemed like never ending.

Keep falling.

Lin Feng has resisted forty-nine thunderstorms in a row with his flesh. After being absorbed by Lin Feng's flesh, the power of thunder robbery continues to refine Lin Feng's flesh.

Lin Feng's flesh became stronger.

Thunder Tribulation Body.

There is no better way to improve the strength of the flesh.

It's just that other monks are like walking on thin ice when they cross the robbery. Who dares to use pure flesh to counter the power of thunder robbery?

It is estimated that only Lin Feng, this kind of flesh can fight the existence of a real dragon, dared to use thunder robbery to refine the flesh when crossing the robbery.

Soon, the fiftyth Thunder Tribulation came down, a thunder phoenix, Chang Ming nine days, rushed towards Lin Feng.

"Oh my god! It's a beast robbery"!

"This is the fiftieth thunderstorm, how many thunderstorms does he have to go through?".


Many people shouted in horror.

The shock caused by Lin Feng's crossing was too strong.

These monks have never seen anyone who would actually cross fifty thunderstorms, and thunderclouds continually come together over nine days.

This shows that a more powerful thunderstorm is still in the making. Obviously, Lin Feng is not as simple as crossing the fifty thunderstorms.

There should be more Thunder Tribulation behind.

Facing the animal beast robbery, Lin Feng stepped up, waved his right fist, and shattered the void.


Thunder Phoenix was crushed by Lin Feng.

That power of Thunder Tribulation was completely swallowed by Lin Feng, and the power of Thunder Tribulation turned into majestic mana.

The mana in Lin Feng's body is getting stronger and stronger.

His Danhai is constantly expanding, endlessly, the golden ocean is boiling. This is the ocean of mana condensed. The mana in the Danhai moves slightly, as if it could break the stars.

The laws in Lin Feng's body also began to change.

Yin and Yang realm, condensed Dao marks.

In the realm of creation, Dao marks are transformed into laws.

Break through the realm of life and death!

The laws within the body are further transformed.

From the law of creation to the law of life and death.

The law after transformation will be more powerful and mysterious.

Boom ...

After the Phoenix Thunder Tribulation was broken, a more powerful Thunder Tribulation was killed.

But no Thunder Tribulation can hurt Lin Feng, any Thunder Tribulation comes, Lin Feng smashes his fist directly.

"It's too cruel ... How can Thunder Tribulation survive this way?".

Numerous monks stared dumbfounded at Lin Feng.

And Murong Baishan and other deputy hall owners who had turned to Lin Feng, the elders were very excited.

The stronger Lin Feng is, the happier these followers will naturally be.

Moreover, they also received the Xiaodu robbery taught by Lin Feng. Now that Lin Feng really ignores thousands of thunder robbery, does it mean that they have practiced Xiaodu robbery, and they will be like Lin Feng in the future. Thinking of this, there was a lot of excitement.

Thunder Tribulation is getting stronger and stronger, and the Thunder Tribulation that appears in the back is even more terrifying.

Formed from thousands of horses and horses.

The young emperor's phantom appeared.


Various legends of thunder robbery appeared one by one.

But no matter how powerful the Thunder Tribulation came down, it was difficult to hurt Lin Feng.

Lin Feng broke an iron fist and broke hundreds of millions of thunders.

"Who can stop me?".

After breaking 108 thunderstorms, Lin Feng rose to the sky and came out with 36 consecutive punches.

Above nine days, the thunder and the ocean that covered a hundred miles were directly dispelled by the smoky smoke.

The mana in Lin Feng's body exploded like a flood that broke through the dike, flowing in his body.

In the end, they were all imported into Danhai.

In Lin Feng's body, the laws of life and death are condensed, entrenched in the Dantian, rebellious life and death.

"Breakthrough ..." Lin Feng stood in the void and opened his eyes, as if there were two small worlds entangled in his two eyes.

Lin Feng raised his right hand, and the sound of a loud tremor shook the sky, as if the **** of war in the heavens was shaking the drum of war.

at this moment.

Lin Feng felt that every move he had had the terrifying power of breaking the world.

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