Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1289: The terrible Hades

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"Is he dead?" Everyone looked at the Great Underworld Demon King who had fallen to the ground.

It's just that everyone is now unable to move after being blown out by the aftermath of the energy.

One by one pale.

Everyone was traumatized.


"I am immortal"! At this time, the Devil King made a roaring sound.

He struggled to sit up.

"He is not dead, we are finished ...". The surviving monk stared in horror at the Great Devil.

Now there is only fear and trembling.

Faced with such a terrible existence, who can contend?

There is only one way out.

"Hahahaha, it's really refreshing. I haven't been this cool for a long time. I even hurt this seat through the technique of sacrifice. A group of ants joined together and can display extraordinary power.

The Devil King of the Great Hail suddenly burst out laughing.

"It's crazy ..." Lin Feng and others felt their scalp numb, and half of their bodies were blown up, and the Great Underworld Demon King was even very happy.

Not a lunatic, what is it?

"Little ants, next, this seat is going to eat you to add physical strength." The Devil King of the Great Haunt said unkindly that he stood up from the ground and walked towards Lin Feng and others.

Many people were so scared that they were as white as paper and wanted to struggle, but the injuries on their bodies were too heavy, and their own mana had already been shaken away, and they could not get up at all.

The Devil King came to a monk and grabbed the monk's leg directly.

He bit the monk's leg in a single bite and then tore it hard.


A large piece of meat was torn off.


The monk screamed.

The rest shivered.

Eat raw people.

The Devil King is too cruel.


Lin Feng tried to run the undead **** body to recover the injury, but an extremely strange power poured into the body, making it difficult for Lin Feng to activate the undead **** body.

His face was very ugly. If he couldn't recover from his injuries, wouldn't he have only one dead path?

"So hungry ... really hungry ...".

The Great Underworld Demon King yelled and ate living people alive. It didn't take long for a dozen monks to be eaten alive by the Great Underworld Demon King.

But he is still calling himself hungry.

This guy's appetite is really good.

"Do you know why this seat swallowed you up? That is because after every millennium reincarnation war, this seat will be very hungry. This seat needs to eat enough food to supplement nutrition."

The devil king said in a haughty voice.

"You demon ...". Some people know that it's hard to escape, and the courage also grows, and they curse loudly.

"Demon? This seat is forced, do you think this seat is willing to eat human flesh? If this seat was not cursed by the **** reincarnation demon palace, it became a slave to the reincarnation demon temple, and was enslaved by the eternal devil in eternity, you I think this seat is willing to stay in this place? ", The Devil King of the Great Haunt roared angrily.

"Curse? Slavery?" Lin Feng took a breath of gas. He thought of the fire crow, he thought of the big demon king in Qiankun Cave House.

They were cursed by Dongfu and Qiankundong respectively.

How similar is it to the Great Underworld Demon King who was enslaved by the reincarnation magic hall?

"You were enslaved, so you killed so many people? Then let many people, like your fate, let those innocent people also suffer, endless pain?". Lin Feng said.

"Why am I the only one suffering? I want everyone to suffer with me, ha ha ha ha"! The Devil King laughed.

"It's really heartbreaking!" Lin Feng sneered.

The Devil King of the Great Hammer pouted, and said, "Whatever the world thinks, this seat doesn't care at all. Now, this seat can do whatever it wants. You can control the life and death of your lowly creatures, and all of your lowly creatures must become your seats. The food is over. When the seat eats you and recovers, the seat will launch a reincarnation. All the dead souls will be resurrected again, but their souls will be enslaved again by the seat. They will lose themselves and lose consciousness. Like the walking dead of a fellow traveler, waiting for the millennium again, and you people will also become one of them, and the soul will be enslaved by this eternal life. "

The voice of the Devil King of the Underworld fell, and he continued to eat live.

Lin Feng looked gloomy. He continued to try to activate the undead **** body, but failed again and again. Eventually Lin Feng gave up activating the undead **** body. He planned to communicate with the blood of the emperor, to see if he could get in touch with the blood of the emperor.

This time Lin Feng was not disappointed, and was even very happy, because he actually got in touch with the Emperor's Blood, and the Emperor's Blood shook slightly.

Immediately afterwards, a dominant force flowed through the body.

This dominating power swallowed the strange energy flowing in Lin Feng's body.

After that strange energy disappeared, Lin Feng found that he could run the undead body.


Creak! Creak!

The sound of chewing the body came out.

The King of the Underworld has eaten several monks raw.

He went on to the next monk.

"Don't eat me ... don't eat me ..." Wu Dong exclaimed in horror.

Wu Dong is Wu Yong ’s son. He watched his father and several uncles of his family kill the Devil King of the Great Underworld in order to open the door of sacrifice. He sacrificed himself and sacrificed, watching the tragic death of many loved ones. The East is a huge blow, and now the Devil King of the Underworld will eat Wu Dong raw, and Wu Dong is about to collapse.

"You should not be afraid, because it is your pleasure to be eaten by this seat."

The Devil King of the Great Haunt said unkindly that he grabbed Wudong and wanted to eat Wudong like those before.


At this moment, a lightning-cold cold awn flew to the Great Demon King.


The blow and bombardment on the body of the Underworld Demon King did not break the body of the Underworld Devil King, but just flew him out.

Seeing this scene, Lin Feng could not help but take a breath.

The blow just now, but he used the sword control trick to control the Black Dragon Sword. The blow made by the Black Dragon Sword did not hurt the Great Devil. The physical body of the Great Devil was too strong?

"Ji-Ji-Ji-Ji ..." The evil ghost of the Great Underworld prisoner grinned humorously as he climbed up from the ground, his dark eyes looked at Lin Feng, and said, "You still have the power to fight? It's really out of the book." The seat is unexpected, this year is really interesting, this seat was injured by a group of ants, and was flicked out by a weaker ants, your bloodline seems very simple, it is so good, this seat can not wait Eat your meat and drink your blood. "

The Great Devil Prison Master stretched out his scarlet tongue and licked the blood at the corner of his mouth, which was the blood that was eaten by the monk. Then, the Great Devil Prison Master walked towards Lin Feng step by step.

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