Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1367: Survival is difficult

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Yinger looked around, vaguely, and she seemed to see a man too, lying on the rock, motionless, unaware of life or death.

"How could there be a person?". Ying'er was puzzled.

"Shall we go and see?" Xiaoshen said.

Ying'er is a kind girl. She nodded and walked towards the distant rock with her brother.

The rest of them saw their sister and brother walking towards the distance, and they all vocally asked what happened. Xiaoshen pointed to the distant rock. Everyone looked around and they saw a person.

They were also very curious, and passed along.

A group of people came to the rock, and Xiao Shen said, "Sister, let me see if he is still alive."

Ying'er nodded and said, "Be careful!"

"Sister, you can rest assured that nothing will happen." Xiaoshen gave a smile that assured Yinger, and then he climbed up towards the rock.

Without much meeting, Xiaoshen climbed onto the rock and reached out to look under Lin Feng's nose. Want to see if Lin Feng is still angry?

At this time, Lin Feng suddenly reached out and grabbed the hand extended by Xiao Shen.

Xiao Shen was frightened and kept struggling, but failed to struggle.

Lin Feng sat up and let go of Xiaoshen.

Seeing Xiao Shen and the following people, he was shocked and delighted. There is someone living here, which is really great.

In this **** world, mana was suppressed, the mind could not be used, and no food or water could be found, which made Lin Feng extremely depressed.

The only good news is that he finally saw the "living person".

"You are alive, it's so nice." Xiao Shen took a breath.

But Lin Feng couldn't understand what they were talking about.

This is another language, and Tianwu Continent is not related to the language of this world.

Seeing Lin Feng not answering himself, Xiao Shen asked doubtfully, "Aren't you able to speak?"

Lin Feng nodded, he really did not understand the language of this world.

Xiaoshen looked at her sister below and shouted, "Sister, this person doesn't seem to speak."

"It's dangerous, please hurry up." Yinger shouted worriedly.

"Let's go together, shall we?" Xiao Shen made a gesture of climbing down to Lin Feng.

He climbed down first.

Immediately Lin Feng also climbed down.

Yinger looked at Lin Feng and found that Lin Feng was very handsome. It was really difficult for them to find such a handsome man.

Perhaps, Xiaoshen will grow up to be so handsome in the future?

Seeing Lin Feng's cracked lips and red eyes, Ying'er naturally knew that this was caused by lack of water and hunger.

Lack of water and hunger can even cause bleeding in the eyes, mouth, ears, and nose.

Ying'er bit her lip and took out the taro and a water sac in her arms.

"Sister Ying'er, you are crazy, give him, how do you live with Xiaoshen?". Said a teenager.

"Yes, Sister Ying'er, you also have to live without food." Some people persuaded one after another.

Food is life.

The demand for food in this world exceeds everything else.

In Tianwu Continent, Lin Feng did n’t have any problem if he did n’t eat for half a month, because he could draw energy from heaven and earth to replenish his body, but not here.

Even mana cannot work here, let alone draw energy to replenish the body.

Here, he became an ordinary person.

Will be hungry like ordinary people, will be injured like ordinary people.

Perhaps the only difference is that Lin Feng's body is much stronger than ordinary people.

Can compete with scary creatures like skull monitor lizards.

"Let him eat it first, we still have a way." Yinger said.

She hesitated to look at her brother Xiao Shen.

But if the food was given to Lin Feng, Xiao Shen would have to suffer again.

"Sister, I'm okay, let this big brother eat quickly." Xiaoshen said.

Yinger felt happy for Xiaoshen's understanding and kindness, and felt helpless for the tragic fate.

But Ying'er is a strong and kind character. Even though her survival is difficult, she still strives to remain optimistic.

Ying'er handed taro and water bladder to Lin Feng.

Even though the words of this world are not clear, Lin Feng also knows the preciousness of food and water.

In this world, the forests are full of poisonous piranhas, poisonous malaria trees, and it is difficult to see other vegetation. It is difficult to find wild animals in the forests, but you can see many Yin beasts infesting and hunting.

Therefore, food and water are too precious.

He glanced at Yinger gratefully, and took half of the taro and the water sac.

There was very little water in the water bladder. Lin Feng took a sip and coughed violently.

The water is bitter and astringent, and the taste is very strange, but his body is too short of water. Even if it is so difficult to drink, Lin Feng also drinks it like Qiongjiangyuye.

Then he gorged on the dried taro. This kind of food was often fed to pigs in the Tianwu Continent. Basically no one ate this kind of food, but in this world, this is a life-saving food. .

Many people looked at Lin Feng enviously, watching him gobble up and swallow.

This is true of Yinger and Xiaoshen. They are really too hungry and lack food for a long time, making their bodies look weak.

"Brother, it's going to be dark, there will be Yin beasts, and stay here will be eaten by Yin beasts, follow us back." Xiao Shen gestured.

Lin Feng can understand Xiaoshen's gestures. His learning ability is very strong. Through Xiaoshen's gestures and language, he can guess the meaning and learn the language of this world.

Lin Feng followed them back to the village.

This village is located in a valley, there are about a thousand people in the village, but Lin Feng did not find the old man.

Perhaps, in such a world, it is difficult for someone to live too long.

This is an extremely poor village. The arrival of Lin Feng has not been able to cause great upheaval in this village.

Every day, such villages are destroyed by Yin beasts or skeleton lizards, and of course some lucky ones will escape.

In the eyes of many people, Lin Feng may belong to such a person.

The village lives in a cave, and the villagers have dug a huge cave that leads to the inside of the mountain, and inside the cave, some small caves have been dug out.

This is the home of the villagers.

Ying'er and Xiaoshen's home is about six or seven square meters. There are some pyrophyllites stacked here. These pyrophyllites are used for food. They also have a jar made of unknown vines and grass. A broken porcelain jar, besides, seems to find nothing else.

The night is very cold and terrible, because every night may become the last night in their lives. Xiao Shen greets Lin Feng in the past and sits between him and his sister. They shrink in the corner of the cave, so it is easier to keep warm, Then they covered their bodies with a single blanket.

"Brother, your body is so warm." Xiaoshen said.

Ying'er also seemed to feel that Lin Feng's body was warm and could not help leaning closer.


In the middle of the night, a low roar came out, which was the sound of a skull lizard.

At night, the skull dragon came out for food.

Both Ying'er and Xiaoshen were awakened, their whole bodies shivering, full of expressions of terror and helplessness.

The skull lizard finally left, but soon after, outside the mountain village, a demon snake nearly 100 meters long crawled out. The devil snake spit out the snake core and its cold eyes looked in the direction of the valley.

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