Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1400: Chu Tianba

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"I never imagined that I would get such a chance ...". Lin Feng said to himself, even now it is a little unbelievable. This is true.

Three heads before the Buddha!

Actually got the "Cultivation Method of Great Cause and Effect".

This is the three thousandth avenue in the third place. Who can resist the cause and effect of the world?

All living beings living in this heaven and earth have their own cause and effect.

"Once the mysterious Great Cause and Effect is successfully cultivated, how powerful will it be?". Lin Feng took a deep breath and couldn't help thinking.

He just mastered some of the fur now, and bluntly said, not even the entry level.

However, even if only some fur is mastered, Lin Feng can feel the horror of the Great Karma.

He believes that, with his own talent, he will soon be able to practice great causality.

At that time, the many wonders of the Great Karma technique began to show.

It must have been quite horrible and unnatural.

Lin Feng departed from the main hall and returned to the palace where the four princes, including Tian Pharaoh, practiced.

"It seems that Lin Daoyou must have some understanding"!

The ancestors of Tianfa, the ancestors of Tian, ​​the ancestors of Tianyu and the ancestors of Tianzong looked at Lin Feng and said with a smile.

Lin Feng said, "I do feel appreciated, and I would like to thank the four Taoists for providing such a place of enlightenment. Just because I have little things here, I donate them to the four Taoists to express my gratitude." .

Lin Feng waved his right hand, and four magic weapons flew out.

"Quasi artifact"!

The four ancestors all stood up with a shocked expression on their faces.

This is a quasi-artifact!

The treasure that none of them had.

Now Lin Feng even gave them away.

Let them shake in their hearts.

"We have already collected Lin Daoyou's 40 million spiritual stones before, how can we collect Lin Daoyou's things? If so, wouldn't it be too greedy? Please ask Lin Daoyou to take things back!"

The four said in unison.

It's just that his eyes stared at four quasi-artifacts.


They were insincere.

If you let them choose between four quasi-artifacts and 40 million spirit stones.

The four will choose four quasi-artifacts without hesitation.


Lin Feng smiled slightly and said, "Four Taoists, we saw it as usual. Although we have known each other for a while, I feel that we have become friends who are close enough. I don't know if the four Taoists feel the same way?".

"Haha, Lin Daoyou said that the four of us are in the heart." Heavenly Pharaoh said with a smile.

Lin Feng is young! Unfathomable repair behavior! Endless wealth!

Such people, the four ancestors of the Taoist Temple, also want to have a good relationship with them.

Lin Feng smiled and said, "Since we are friends we can make friends with, it is normal to give some baubles to each other, right? Unless the four don't take me Lin Feng as a friend."

Heavenly ancestor hurriedly said, "How can we not treat Lin Daoyou as a friend? In this case, we will accept these four quasi-artifacts. In the future, Lin Daoyou has nothing but one sentence. The four of us absolutely do Frown "!

"Haha, the four Taoists are polite." Lin Feng smiled and clenched his fists.

Stayed in the Taoist Temple for another three days.

These three days.

Lin Feng and the four great ancestors exchanged Daoism and promoted each other, benefiting a lot.

The four ancestors personally sent Lin Feng away, and their appearance caused a huge sensation.

Even more shocking to countless people was that the four ancestors of the Taoist Palace actually sent a young man away.

This is too incredible.


While countless people were discussing this matter, Lin Feng walked towards Xuexi Bieyuan.

"Every four quasi-divine soldiers have laid down a profound friendship with the four ancestors of the Taoist Temple. This transaction is so worthwhile ..." A smile appeared on the corner of Lin Feng's mouth.

There are dozens of quasi-artifacts on Lin Feng's body. For him, the four quasi-artifacts are simply ordinary things that are not worth mentioning, but they are treasures for the four ancestors of the Taoist Temple.

The four ancestors of the Taoist Temple, not only represent the Black Stone City Taoist Temple.

The force of Dao Dian is equivalent to the "Wu Soul Hall" of the Tianwu Continent.

Belongs to a neutral force.


This neutral force is terrifying.

Lin Feng knows well that when he arrives in a new world, it is likely that there will be many unexpected times in the future, and at this time, he should make a lot of strong people in this world.

Maybe someday in the future, these powerful people will be able to help them enormously.

Just like the four ancestors of the palace.

If you use the four ancestors of the Taoist Temple in the future.

The four ancestors of Dao Dian will definitely help.

The most important thing is that behind the four ancestors of the Taoist Temple, all the Taoist Halls of the Great World are exiled, including the General Hall of the Taoist Hall.

The strong man standing behind the four ancestors of the Taoist Temple can become Lin Feng's network resources in the future.

It didn't take long for Lin Feng to return to Xuexi Bieyuan.

"Mr. Lin! Hurry up and leave here. There is a mixed world demon in the depths blocking you. If you are blocked by that mixed world demon, it will be in trouble."

Lin Feng had just arrived at Xuexi Bieyuan, and the chief of security ran over.

"Mixed World Demon King? What is the Mixed World Demon King?". Lin Feng asked doubtfully.

"It's Chu Tianba from the Chu family! This man is crazy, but this man is extremely terrifying. He is born with divine power, and his body can fight the real dragon. The mana is monstrous. He heard that Chu Zifei suffered a loss here. He came to block Mr. Lin, never left. " Said the guard.

"That Lin Feng is back"! Someone in the distance saw Lin Feng, who seemed to be the Chu family monk who sent the whistle, and suddenly shouted.


Immediately afterwards, a breath of terror came from the depths of Bieyuan.

More than thirty people flew.

The person headed is a man with a height of three meters, like a giant bear.

The huge body gave a strong visual impact.

This person is what Chu Tianba said by the guardian.

Seeing that Chu Tianba and others had flown in, the guard's face changed slightly, and he said: "You must hold up, Mr. Lin, I will send someone to invite Yundieyi and Shen Yingxin to rescue you now. ".

In the view of this chief of security, Lin Feng certainly cannot be Chu Tianba's opponent.

In terms of Chu Tianba's moody character.

It is possible to kill Lin Feng directly.

Chu Tianba has torn people alive in half more than once.

Therefore, in this black stone city, everyone talks about Chu Tianba discoloration.

The captain quickly ran towards the entrance of Bieyuan. He summoned a man and gave a few words, and the man left quickly.

Obviously, the man should be Yun Yunyi and Shen Yingxin.

At this time, Chu Tianba and more than 30 people had already flown over and surrounded Lin Feng.

Among these people, in addition to Chu Tianba, there is also a middle-aged monk, who is very gentle and gentle.

Lin Feng saw Nalan and Chu Zifei in the crowd, so he guessed that the gentle middle-aged man should be the master of the Star Gate.

After seeing Lin Feng, Nalanci and Chu Zifei both flashed fierce expressions in their eyes.

The two looked fiercely at Lin Feng and shouted coldly, "Boy, do you want to live? If you want to live, kneel and beg for mercy now"

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