Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1405: Do not understand the rules

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"Miss, Heishilou is here ...". The housekeeper's voice came in from the outside.

"Let's go down!" Nan Qinger said.

Nan Man'er nodded excitedly. She and Nan Qinger got out of the carriage one by one, and saw that the streets around Black Stone City had already been emptied. There were three big families everywhere, and the masters of the five major gates patrolled here. Obviously I ’m not allowed to be close to here. I ’m afraid to disturb that big man?

"Sister, isn't that Liu Shihai of your sect?". Nan Maner pointed to a monk on guard.

She will not forget Liu Shihai this person.

Some time ago, when Nan Man'er came to Blackstone City and followed her sister to Xuanzong Gate, she saw this Liu Shihai.

At that time, Liu Shihai couldn't live forever, and the appearance of the stars holding the moon left a deep impression on Nan Man'er.

Later, Nan Man'er inquired and found out that Liu Shihai's uncle was the master of the mission hall of Xuanzongmen.

Liu Shihai has a deep background, so a high-profile attitude is flattered by countless people.

At that time, Nan Man Er Dian mentioned how envious.

But now Liu Shihai turned out to be a guard here.

Nan Man'er whispered, "That big man must be amazing. Even a son like Liu Shihai can only stand outside. I really don't know where the big man is."

"Hush ... Forbidden words, you must remember, speak less, and in many cases, the trouble comes from the mouth."

Nan Qing'er cautioned that she was really worried about Nan Man'er's feverish mind, saying a lot of things she shouldn't say, or doing something out of the ordinary.

"Yes, sister, I know, rest assured." Nan Maner said.

Soon, Nan Qing'er and Nan Man'er came out of Heishilou.

Nan Qinger said his identity to the guards. When even one guard said, "Come with me two sisters, some people will teach you some etiquettes to be followed, and you need to change and dress up."

"Thank you, Brother, for leading the way." Nan Qing'er and Nan Man'er gave gifts slightly.

The **** said immediately, "The two sisters and sisters have broken the stupid brother. If the two sisters and sisters can fly to the branches and become phoenixes, I hope that they will not forget the stupid brother.

Nan Qinger smiled bitterly. She did not have any expectation about it, but came to complete the task given by the Master.

But Nanman is different, but she has great expectations.

Hearing the words of the guard, he immediately smiled and said, "Relax, if Miss Ben really has that day, she will not treat your brother badly."

"Haha, I thanked the sister first." The guard said with a smile.

Snow Creek Bieyuan.

"Master! The veterinary car is ready. Do you want to go now?". Chu Tianba came to Lin Feng's residence and asked.

"Come on ...". Lin Feng said.

This is a nine-headed red flame beast pulling an ancient **** car.

Lin Feng got on the beast car.

Chu Tianba drove in person.

Roar roar roar ...

Nine-headed Red Flame Beast roared the sky and earth, and immediately started to conflict, running in the air.

"The nine-headed red flame beast pulls the car, and Chu Tianba drives the car himself. Who is sitting in the beast car?".

Along the way, countless people are pointing, unusually shocked, guessing who the person sitting in the beast car is.

Of course, there are some people with good information who have heard about what happened in Xuexi Bieyuan.

Naturally I also heard some rumors about Lin Feng.

Only before that, many people didn't believe those rumors.

After all, hearing is false, seeing is believing.

In this world, there are too many false rumors.

But now I see Chu Tianba actually driving for others.

Those monks couldn't help but think in shock, "Can it be said that the rumor is true? A young monk who cultivated against the sky, even Chu Tianba is not an opponent? Even Chu Tianba worships him as a teacher?".

Just when countless people talked about or made various guesses.

Chu Tianba has been driving the beast car to Heishilou.

The strong families of the three major families and the five major schools have already received the news that Lin Feng is coming soon, so they all came out to greet them.

"coming……". Suddenly someone said, pointing away.

I saw the flame burning the sky.

In the flames, the nine-headed red flame beast pulled the **** car to crush the sky.

The **** car finally stopped in front of the Black Stone Building.

"Master, here ...".

Chu Tianba's voice came out.

Lin Feng nodded.

Then came out of the beast car.

"Everyone, this is my master Lin Feng." Chu Tianba introduced to you.

Chu Tianba, who is known as the devil of the world, naturally has no worries about doing things.

So even for the three major families, the patriarchs and masters of the five major sects are also very carefree.

The rest of the people have been blamed.

"Haha, this is Lin Daoyou. We have been close friends for a long time, and we finally met today."

An old man smiled and clenched his fists.

"When I first arrived in your land, I never visited. I hope everyone, Haihan." Lin Feng also clenched his fists.

"It is we who should do our best to be friends with the landlord first." Another old man said with a smile.

Chu Tianba also knew that Lin Feng did not know these people, so he quickly recommended Lin Feng.

Patriarchs of the three big families.

Sovereign of the five major sects.

There are also three big families, some high-level companions in the five major schools.

All referrals were made.

After both sides knew each other, they entered the Black Stone Building.

Everyone came to the box.

Shen Shizhong, the head of the Shen family, smiled and said, "I wonder if Lin Daoyou is interested in tea tasting?".

Lin Feng said, "I don't know much about tasting tea, but I have also tasted a lot of spirit tea."

"Haha, Daoyou has taken it orally"!

Shen Shizhong said with a smile, "We exiled the world to have an ancient Taoist tea tree. It took only 3,000 years to produce dozens of leaves. Some time ago, by chance, I got a piece of ancient Taoist tea. a bit".

"We are all thanks to Lin Daoyou's blessings, otherwise, we will not have the opportunity to taste Wudao ancient tea." Many people laughed.

Lin Feng said, "Enlightened ancient tea, this name sounds different from the rest!"

"Rumors can help people realize the avenue, as to whether it is true, but it is unknown, after the Taoist friends have tasted, you can know the true and false."

Shen Shizhong said with a smile.

The middle-aged monk standing behind Shen Shizhong went out.

Without much meeting, the middle-aged monk returned to the box, followed by a dozen beautiful female disciples.

Each of those beautiful female disciples carried a tray, lowered their heads, and walked in carefully.

Then a maidservant who was waiting in the box took the tea cup off the tray and placed it in front of every big man.

Nan Man'er was also among the female disciples who came up for the tea. She was extremely curious about who the big man really was, so she secretly raised her head and looked around.

But what Nan Maner didn't expect was that she even saw Lin Feng in the box. Everyone here was a tall person. How could Lin Feng sit here?

So after seeing Lin Feng, Nan Maner shouted in disbelief: "Ah, Lin Feng, how do you sit here?".

For Lin Feng, Nan Man'er's impression still stays in the impression of a rogue young man wandering around.

She naturally remembers that her father Nan Zaitian wanted to match her marriage with Lin Feng.

How could I see such a desolate person, so he refused without hesitation.

But Nan Man'er could not have imagined that Lin Feng was qualified to sit in the box where all the big men were.

Seeing that Nan Man'er was so indecent, Nalan Juan couldn't help but sullenly sneered, "Careless, so unruly, what discipline are you a disciple?".

Nan Maner recovered at this time and knew that he was in a catastrophe. His face was scared and pale, and he only felt weak all over his body. He was directly paralyzed on the ground, his face full of fright.

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