Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1409: Praying mantis catches cicada cardinal

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"Who are you? Why did you know me?". Lin Feng asked the monk of the Jin-Wu ethnic group.

"This seat is Jin Wushu, the descendant of King Jinwu Shengjun"! The Jinwu ethnic monks carried their hands on their backs.

"What? You are the Golden Wushu? The Dayuyu is known as the strongest quasi-God's Jinwushu, some magical powers, and even one or two that can compete with God?".

After hearing the name of this person, many people in Black Rock City suddenly changed color.

Jin Wushu's high expression looked down on everyone in Blackstone City and said, "You guys, the information is still well-informed, and you know the name of this seat."

"We have no complaints with you in the past, no hatred today, why attack us?". An elder from the Star Gate said angrily.

"Hahahaha, it's really stupid. Your goal is the treasure of Heavenly Fire and God. The goal of this seat is also the treasure of Heavenly Fire and God. Sneak attacking you will naturally kill your competitors."

Jin Wushu said with a smile.

This reason is really difficult to refute.

But Lin Feng vaguely felt that things were not as simple as Jin Wushu said.

Because this Jin Wushu actually knew himself.

It stands to reason that he should not know himself.

Suddenly, Lin Feng thought of a possibility.

He said, "Jin Wushu, you don't have to cover it up. If I guess it's good, it should be that Peng Mosu colluded with you, leaked our whereabouts, and let you attack us here?"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, the monks in Blackstone changed their faces suddenly.

Peng Mosu is the owner of Blackrock City.

The three big families and the five big ancestors thought they did not tell Peng Mosu about Tianhuo, and Peng Mosu didn't know. Apparently they underestimated the city owner.

Peng Mosu was able to become the master of the Black Stone City, not only because of his deep background.

If this person is not capable, the mud will not be able to help the wall.

"You're a smart man ... that's right, it's Peng Mosu contacting this seat and letting this seat wait for you here." Jin Wushu said with a smile.

Lin Feng said, "Peng Mosu is very greedy. He wants to take this opportunity to let you get rid of the top of the three families and the five ancestors. , Quickly control the three major families, the five major gates, at that time, the three major families, the five major gates were all in his hands, and you can also get the treasure of Heavenly Fire and God, and even get the treasures of us, You are also making a lot of money. This cooperation is really a win-win for you. "

The three major families in Blackstone City and the masters of the five major gates all became difficult to look at.

They now know that they have looked down upon Peng Mosu and Peng Mosu's ambitions.

Peng Mosu's greedy character concealed Peng Mosu's control of his rights.

Of the three major families, the five major gates took root in Blackstone City for too long, so Peng Mosu could not move, so Peng Mosu was looking for a rare opportunity to remove all three major families and the top five gates. Now This opportunity was finally found by Peng Mosu.

Jin Wushu said, "No wonder Peng Mosu made me pay special attention to you. Sure enough, she is so wise as a demon. I heard that you have endless wealth, boy, now I am self-cultivation, and then hand over the wealth to spare you not to die. If you do n’t know what to do, then you will die here with the monks of Blackstone. "

Lin Feng chuckled and said, "It's too early to say big things, just rely on you guys, I'm afraid I won't be able to stay."

"I don't know what to do, do it, kill all of these people, one will not stay"!

Jin Wushu looked indifferent.

"Fight with them."

The people of the three big families and the five big clans knew that it was time for desperation at this moment, and their eyes were fierce.

"Kill". Four or five hundred masters of Dayiyu killed.

"Great Battle Gun, come out"!

Lin Feng shouted and took out the Great Sword Warrior Gun. He held the Great Sword War Gun and swept the gun towards the front. This Giant Warrior showed great power.


When the tearing sound came out, Lin Feng killed more than 30 monks in one shot.

"What? So powerful?". Everyone was taken aback.

The spirit of the monks in Blackstone City was greatly improved.

The monks of Dayiyu quickly retreated, and the magic weapon in Lin Feng's hands was too powerful.

"What kind of baby are you?" Jin Wushu's eyes stared at Lin Huang's Dahuang War Gun.

He can't wait to take away the Great Waste Gun now.

This magical soldier.

Endless greed emerged in Jin Wushu's heart.

"Want?" Lin Feng looked at Jin Wushu indifferently.

"Boy, this artifact is powerful, but the mana consumption is too large, can you urge it a few times? It is estimated that the urge to reach the limit three or four times? At that time, your mana is exhausted, and a dead end, and I There are more than four hundred people here, how many can you kill? Now if you give me this great barren war gun, I will let you go, how? ".

Jin Wushu Yin looked to Lin Feng and said.

"Hahahaha, I want my Dahuang War Gun to directly grab it. Why do you say so much nonsense? The three-legged crow just likes nonsense." Lin Feng laughed and said.

"Boy, you are dead." Jin Wushu's face suddenly became extremely difficult to look, and his eyes were gleaming with a sense of killing.

The Jinwu ethnic deity is a three-legged Jinwu.

It is the blood of the gods and beasts.

But Jinwu is not a crow.

Now Lin Feng even said that Jin Wushu was a three-legged crow, and Jin Wushu suddenly felt that he had been greatly humiliated.

"Give me the best of siege, this kid brought me alive, this seat is going to smash him tens of thousands of corpses." Jin Wushu's face growled slightly distorted.

"Kill ...". The master of Dayiyu shouted loudly.

The group rushed again.

The two sides fought together, and some masters in Dayiyu continued to fall, and many people in Blackstone also died tragically. The killing of both sides was fierce.

At this time, the earth suddenly cracked.

Overwhelming poisonous insects flew out. The poisonous insect covered the sky and surrounded the monks of the Great Sun and Blackrock City.

In the center of the poisonous insects, there are more than a dozen monks standing.

"Hahahaha, it really made us watch a good show. That kid in Blackstone City, your big wild war gun Laozi took a fancy, as well as the golden wushu of the big sun, I heard that you have abnormal blood vessels Powerful, Lao Tzu will devour your blood. "

There was a murky voice among the poisonous insects.

Overwhelming poisonous insects came out.

Looking around, there are poisonous insects everywhere, and no matter where they fly, they seem to be attacked by poisonous insects.

"You are people in the poison domain ...". Jin Wuzhu's complexion changed suddenly.

The poison domain is adjacent to Tianzhou domain and Dari domain at the same time.

The monks in the poison domain are good at using poison, captive of all kinds of poisonous insects, and the means are strange and terrifying.

The monks in the Poison Field have obviously been around for a long time, but they haven't shot it until the Blackstone City and Dayiyu's killing both hurt.

The monks in this poison domain played a trick with the praying mantis to catch the cicadas, and the cardinals followed, trying to wipe out the people of Black Rock City and the people of Dayiyu.

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