Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1420: Domineering Lin Feng

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Any opportunity does not mean that you can get it if you are strong.

Since it is a chance, naturally talented people can get it.

Strong, but the probability of getting this opportunity is greater.

But it does not mean that it will be available.

This is why there are so many monks every time when the treasure is born or the treasure of the **** is born or the ancient Xiudong Mansion is born.

For example, when Huangfu Qingtian got the Cangtian Secret Realm, at that time, Huangfu Qingtian's cultivation performance was still very low. Many strong people went to fight for the Cangtian Secret Realm, but in the end, the Cangtian Secret Realm was only gone by the 13-year-old Huangfu Qingtian. It was the chance of Huangfu Qingtian.

The siege of Molian is actually a truth now, so many monks' minds invade Molian.

Maybe a monk refined Molian, and then urged Molian to break the blockade, escape, and enjoy this great opportunity.

Lin Feng also flew over, his thoughts invading the magic lotus.

Lin Feng is searching for the breath of Mosheng Tianzun.

The nine-fold world of Molian, Lin Feng's thoughts, constantly invade the world inside Molian.

"Boy, you ... are you still alive?". Suddenly, a bitter roar passed into Lin Feng's mind.

Then, a terrifying force rushed towards Lin Feng's thoughts and wanted to destroy Lin Feng's thoughts. When Lin Feng felt the power, his expression shook slightly.

Demon Saint Lord!

It didn't die!

Lin Feng's Shen Nian quickly retreated towards the outside, he said to Mo Sheng Tianzun, "Mo Sheng Tianzun, what a coincidence, I met you again here, but it seems that your situation is not particularly good, and you can't do it in Tianwu Continent Kill you, in exile in the world, you are dead, this magic lotus will be plundered by me, your magical powers will also be plundered by me, you are destined to become my stepping stone, ha ha ha ha ... ".

"I want you to die"! Mo Sheng Tian Zun roared angrily.

The powerful force quickly destroyed Lin Feng ’s thoughts, but Lin Feng ’s thoughts had quickly backed away, avoiding the attack of Mosheng Tianzun.

Now Demon Heavenly Sage has only remnants left, and even the original power has been dissipated.

Therefore, Mo Sheng Tian Zun is not afraid at all.

If it was put in the past, Mo said that tens of thousands of monks besieged, even if a few gods besieged Mo Sheng Tianzun, Mo Sheng Tianzun is the winner.

But today's situation has already changed dramatically.


Lin Feng stepped towards the magic lotus, and the three "potentials" were superimposed.

Feeling the "potential" emanating from Lin Feng's body, many monks were shocked and retreated.

"Who is this person? It's so powerful?".

Many people looked at Lin Feng in horror.

"It's him ..." Wei Qingying was slightly surprised. She naturally recognized Lin Feng, because they and a group of more than a dozen people came to the depths of the Dayi Plain, but for Lin Feng, Wei Qingying didn't pay much attention before.

Among those dozens of people at the time, Lin Feng seldom spoke and did not show how powerful he was.

But now seeing Lin Feng's shot shocked Wei Qingying, and the breath from this person was terrible. This is not like the strength a young monk can possess.

"This man hides so deeply, but what is he going to do now? Could it be that he wants to grab Molian from so many strong men?". Wang Yuanzhi frowned slightly, and he also recognized Lin Feng.

"There are tens of thousands of masters here and dozens of powerful people in the quasi-god realm. Isn't this kid wanting to grab the magic lotus? Isn't this wishful thinking?". Dongfangchuan shook his head.

"court death"!

The strong voice of the quasi-god realm was cold, and he shot towards Lin Feng with a palm.

This is a strong three-eyed clan, with a third eye in his eyebrows, which is very strange.

Lin Feng suddenly remembered the mythical legend of Erlang, Yang Jian, who also has three eyes. I do n’t know if this ancient giant is a strong three-eyed clan?

"Molian is mine"! Lin Feng's expression was indifferent, and the Devil Emperor swept to the other side with a move.


He and the three-eyed clan's powerhouse blasted together. The three-eyed clan's powerhouse flew out if struck by lightning.


A spit of blood came out.

"Oh my god, what is this cultivation method? One stroke will spit blood from a strong man in the quasi-god realm?".

Many people exclaimed and couldn't believe it was true.

There are such terrible young people in the world?

"Where is he sacred?". Wei Qingliang's beautiful eyes shone slightly.

A handsome young man with a handsome and terrifying strength like Lin Feng will naturally attract the attention of many people, including beautiful women like Wei Qingying, who cannot help being attracted by Lin Feng.

Whether it is a man or a woman, they always worship the strong.

Lin Feng stood in the void, his eyes squinted coldly toward the dense powers around him, a domineering and awe-inspiring voice came out, "Molian I want it, you can leave."

"Junior, rampant"!

Immediately, many strong men roared.

Treasures like Molian are naturally no one willing to give up.

If a **** came, he said to a crowd, he fell in love with Molian.

Everyone may retreat.

But Lin Feng is just a young monk.

Such a young monk even underestimated them so that many strong men burned with anger.

A strong man in the quasi-god realm shouted, "You feel his breath of life, at the age of 27, even if you come down from your mother's womb and start to practice, how many years have you practiced? He showed it With such a powerful fighting force, I guess that it must have used some magic weapon. Everyone need not be afraid to destroy him and steal his magic weapon. "

The monk's remarks aroused many people's hearts.

Lin Feng said contemptuously, "Only people who are ignorant and stupid will think that I am relying on a magic weapon to improve cultivation."

The strong man of the quasi-god realm suddenly became very gloomy after hearing Lin Feng's mocking of him.

He continued, "You guys, this kid is obviously bluffing, what are you waiting for? Kill him together."

"Kill ...".

Many monks roared loudly, various magical powers or magic weapons were sacrificed, and they came towards Lin Feng.

Of course, many monks have chosen to wait and see.

Because those monks feel that Lin Feng is not easy.

The world of cultivators is respected by strength, not by age. Lin Feng has just shown a terrible place.

It would be terrible if Lin Feng really had such a strength, because he is only 27 years old, what horror will be in the future?

So many people choose to observe temporarily and then decide whether to start.

"It seems that you all want to die, well ... since you are looking for death, I will fulfill you all."

Lin Feng's expression was indifferent. In his right hand, the light flashed, and the Great Desert War Gun appeared in his hand.

"Sweep all directions"!

Lin Feng swept out with a single shot, and the light of the gun tore the world, sweeping towards the dense practitioners.

Thousands of cultivators' attacks were instantly broken by Lin Feng.

Bang Bang Bang ...

Then, a famous monk exploded in flesh.

Lin Feng killed thousands of monks in one move.

"This child is cruel, retreat ...". Seeing Lin Feng being so powerful, many people were almost scared, with a terrified expression on their faces, quickly retreated.

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