Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1442: Big Poison

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Three days later, Lin Feng, the ancestor of poison, and poison rose came to the ancient capital of chaos.

The chaotic ancient capital is like a huge wild beast living on the ground, exuding a thick and depressed atmosphere.

Entering the ancient chaotic capital, someone immediately stared at Lin Feng, the ancestor of poison, and poison rose.

The place of chaotic ancient capital itself is a place of weak meat and strong food. Without strength, there is simply no way to survive here.

Lin Feng is too young to avoid contempt.

And the ancestor of poisonous poison has also become a strange young monk, and deliberately suppressed his cultivation behavior.

At first sight, this guy wanted to play the role of pig and tiger.

As for the poisonous rose, Lin Feng has now sealed his mana, but it is not the former mercenary queen.

Lin Feng, a pedestrian, is young, not strong, and there is a woman with an extremely hot body. Although the poisonous rose wears a veil to cover his beautiful face, anyone can see that this perfect body Woman definitely has a suffocating face beautiful.

"Haha, little girl, come and play with my uncle. Uncle will let you die ...". A monk with a brutal face was lascivious. He came with a smile.

Lin Feng embraced the poisoned rose's waistline and said with a smile, "This girl is mine, I want to play, and I play too, do you count that green onion? Go away."

Poisonous Rose gave Lin Feng a vicious look and secretly reached out to twist the soft flesh of Lin Feng's waist. Lin Feng could not help but take a breath of air. This place is a man's weakness.

Seeing Lin Feng's painful look, Poison Rose couldn't help but feel proud.

But at the next moment, the poisonous rose's pretty face suddenly turned pink, because Lin Feng's right hand, which was originally placed on her waistline, gradually moved down to that very upright place, and she also kneaded a little.

Poisonous Rose glared fiercely at Lin Feng, wishing to bite the **** in front of him who dared to take advantage of her.

Lin Feng and Poison Rose secretly compete, but others seem to be flirtatious.

I don't know how many people showed expressions of envy and jealousy.

The faceless monk could not wait to enjoy the poisonous rose, he sneered and said, "Little boy, uncle, the woman I like, I can't get it."

As the words fell, the monk with a fleshy face slapped Lin Feng, and the other hand grabbed the poison rose directly.

"Tang Hu is a fierce person, not only is he quite powerful, but he is still standing with the Tang family behind him. He is now in love with the woman, and we have no part."

Many monks shook their heads again and again.

Obviously many people know this monk with a big face.


Just when Tang Hu shot, the poisonous ancestor standing next to Lin Feng grabbed Tang Hu's wrist, and he smiled and said, "Grandson, even our son dare to offend you, you have eaten the bear heart leopard guts ? "

"court death……". Tang Hu snorted.

Just about to kick towards the ancestor of all poisons.

But suddenly.

Tang Hu felt a sore wrist.

He looked towards his wrist.

Then he saw that his wrists were black quickly, and soon the flesh on his wrists began to erode.

In the blink of an eye.

Bone was revealed!

"Forgiveness, forgiveness ...". Tang Hu shouted in horror, because he found that his entire arm also began to corrode.

"Offend our son, there is only one way to die"!

The ancestor of all poisons said yawningly.

"I'm from the Tang family, look at the face of the Tang family, let me have a way of life"!

Tang Hu shouted loudly and moved the Tang family out, wanting to use the reputation of the Tang family to stun the ancestor of poison.

But what kind of person is the ancestor of poison?

How could one be afraid of the so-called Tang family?

"Tang family? Is it great? Uncle, I just want to find someone to move my muscles, and then rob by the way. Is this Tang family rich?".

The ancestor of poisonous poison laughed.

next moment.

Tang Hu's whole body was corroded by poisonous poison and turned into a pile of bones.

"Oh my god, it's poison Xiu ... Hurry up and stay away from these people."

Many people looked pale and quickly backed away, looking at the ancestor of poison in horror.

Poison repair, belongs to evil Taoist monk.

Because Duduxiu is good at using poison, no one dares to provoke poisonxiu, because the method of poisonxiu is really too weird.

"Let's go"!

Lin Feng said lightly, walking towards the distance.

The poisonous rose and the ancestor of all poisons followed Lin Feng.

"Who is that kid? There was a drug repairer by his side. That drug repairer seemed to call the boy's son, the drug repairer, the kid's follower?".

"It's probably a master of evil Dao, it's better to be less provocative"!

"Tang Hu is dead, this matter will not end so easily, Tang family, it's not a good thing!"

"Hey, let's wait for the show"!


Many people are talking about it.

Lin Feng found an upscale inn with an independent Bieyuan.

The elegant environment in the Bieyuan Garden is green with trees, luxuriant grasses, rockeries and rocks, and small bridges.

The courtyards are located everywhere.

In the room, Lin Feng sat on his knees, and in his left and right hands, he grabbed a nine-color unreal stone.

At this moment, Lin Feng is comprehending the profound art of poison.

Great poison, ranked 15th among the Three Thousand Avenues.

At that time, the ancestor of all poisons entered the Tao with great poison.

Cultivate yourself into a body of all poisons.

Then, only one step away, he became a powerful emperor.

It can be seen how powerful this venomous technique is, and once it reaches the point of intensive practice, it is absolutely invincible.

Lin Feng is very interested in this venomous technique, which of course has a reason.

Although Lin Feng is an immortal body.

However, his immortal body could not resist the highly toxic invasion.

One day, if someone poisoned Lin Feng, he might be able to kill Lin Feng.

But it's not the same if you practice the poisoning technique.

Once the great poison is successfully cultivated, any severe poison can be swallowed up.

As a result, Lin Feng no longer feared highly toxic.

Of course, the lethality of the great poison is extremely powerful.

When confronting the enemy, the power of terror can erupt.


While Lin Feng was practicing the poisoning of the great drama, three monks entered this garden where Lin Feng lived.

They also rented a courtyard. Their courtyard is a thousand years away from Lin Feng's courtyard.

These three people, not others, are Mo Sheng Tian Zun, Jun Tian Di and Wang Tian Yi.

"When is Brother Jun going to do it?". Mo Sheng Tian Zun asked.

Emperor Juntian said, "The old monster in the chaotic ancient city has a strange temperament. If we work together to deal with Lin Feng here, the old monster may be involved in this matter."

Mo Sheng Tianzun frowned slightly, and said, "Brother Jun means to wait until the kid leaves the chaotic ancient city?"

Jun Tiandi nodded and said, "Yes, you can do it outside the chaotic ancient city, and the old monster in the chaotic ancient city is not easy to intervene!"

Mo Sheng Tianzun smiled and said, "Since this is the case, let this kid live a few more days."

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