Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1444: Rich money!

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"Even the ancient ancestral worm eggs can be taken out. This chaotic ancient city auction house is not easy." Lin Feng touched his chin.

This first auction item is called a good starter, so it's all treasures.

From the first auction item, the strength of this auction house can often be seen.

"Behind this auction house is the chaotic domain owner, which is certainly not simple." Said the poisonous rose.

Lin Feng was moved, and could not help saying, "It seems that you should have a deep relationship with the chaotic domain master?".

Poison Rose sneered, "I have nothing to do with him"!


Lin Feng pouted and said, "Since the auction house is a subordinate force of the chaotic domain owner, it is not easy to put someone in the auction house, and since you can find me the person who holds the auction items from the auction house Who is it? This shows that the people who have you at the top of the auction house, even if they are not yours, should be the right people you know. "

"And the important identity of the top of the auction house should be the heart of the chaotic domain owner, and the other party dare to risk the damage to the reputation of the auction house and tell you the identity of the person who sent the auction item. The relationship is doubtful, plus your poisonous rose mercenary group has been active in the poison fog forest for so long. It is safe to say that there is a place called a couch, how can you let others sleep? The chaotic domain master has not dealt with you, Obviously, he does n’t want to deal with you. Based on the above two reasons, obviously you should have a relationship with the chaotic domain master. "

"As for any relationship, it ’s easy to guess. Either it ’s a relative or a woman who is chaotic domain master. Seeing you as a perfect person, it means that you are not a woman who is chaotic domain master. You set up a mercenary corps on his site, killing people and robbing money. Obviously this is not the relationship of ordinary relatives, so you are most likely to be the daughter of the chaotic domain master. Just now I mentioned the chaotic domain master. Your attitude is very cold. I guess you are with The relationship between chaotic domain owners should not be very harmonious. "

Poisonous Rose looked at the monster like Lin Feng. The more she touched Lin Feng, the more shocked she was.

Lin Feng is young, strong, and proficient in formation, and is wise. He often can understand the truth of the matter from words.

Poison Rose reached out and knocked on Lin Feng's head.

Lin Feng said silently, "What are you doing?"

"I want to pry it open to see if you are an old monster reincarnated." Said the poisonous rose.

Lin Feng said lightly, "It is a pity that I was not born from the reincarnation of an old monster."

The ancestor of Wandu said on the side, "It seems that you are really the daughter of the chaotic domain master, and have not taken our son to meet his father-in-law."

"Dogs bark". The poison rose kicked the ancestor of poison in the chair.

Lin Fengyu said earnestly, "Rose, I am going to see my father-in-law sooner or later. See you sooner or later. See you later, why not just tonight."

"Go to death". Poisonous Rose said angrily.


At this time, the price of the eggs of Taikoo Insect had reached 10 million gold coins, but it did not mean to stop.

Poison Rose said, "It seems that the price of the eggs of this archaic protozoa is likely to reach hundreds of millions, or even three or four billion."

Then the poisonous rose whispered again, "But even if it's taken, isn't this archaic protozoan not easy to breed?".

Lin Feng nodded and said, "This kind of thing is naturally very difficult to cultivate, but if it can really be cultivated, it will be against the sky."

The ancestor of the poisonous man said, "The archaic ancestors are not particularly terrifying. The real horror is the archaic king butterfly! In the ancient times, I saw an adult archaic king butterfly confronting an emperor in the extraterrestrial sky world. The wings fluttered and the universe collapsed. The great emperor was hit hard and fled in embarrassment. "

"Hi ..." Lin Feng and Poison Rose both took a breath.

This is terrible, right?

Lin Feng was a little hard to believe. He said, "That's the emperor. How could Taikoo Emperor Butterfly hurt the emperor?".

The ancestor of Wandu said, "Although the emperor is rare, but since the dawn of the earth, countless times have passed, and there have been many emperors, but the Taikoo Emperor Butterfly has appeared four or five in succession, which is naturally terrible."

"It is indeed understandable to say so," Lin Feng said.

The poisonous ancestor said, "The young man can take down the archaic ancestor, and then place the ancient ancestor's eggs under the Jianmu tree seedlings. The life force of the Jianmu tree seedlings will reverse the feeding of the insect eggs. This insect has a certain probability. Hatch out ".

It is not surprising that an old antique such as the ancestor of poisonous poison can see a seedling of a tree built in Lin Feng Dan Tian.

Lin Feng asked, "What is the probability of hatching?".

"About one in ten thousand"! Said the ancestor of poison.

Lin Feng rolled his eyes and said, "This probability is too low?".

The ancestor of Wandu said, "If someone else has to go, the probability of hatching is zero. Archaic gods can't be hatched if they want to hatch."

The price of the Archaeopteryx eggs soared all the way, eventually reaching 350 million gold coins.

"Is there a price higher than 350 million yuan?". Beautiful woman auctioneer Nangong Tianqing asked with a smile.

"350 million for the first time"!

"350 million second time!"

"350 million third time!"


The transaction is about to fall.

Suddenly, a voice came out.



Suddenly, the entire auction became silent.

"Are you crazy?"

Poisonous Rose exclaimed, looking at Lin Feng with a lunatic look.

Lin Feng directly raised the price from 350 million to one billion.

It has raised the price of 650 million yuan.

Is this something normal people do?

Not only poisonous roses are shocked.

Many people at the auction are stunned.

Lin Feng said lightly, "One billion may seem to you a lot, but in my opinion, it's only a small amount of money"

Poison Rose smiled wryly, "How much wealth do you have?"

Lin Feng smiled slightly and said, "I don't even know it myself".

"Billions, is there any higher?" The beautiful woman auctioneer Nangong Tianqing asked excitedly.

No one spoke at the auction.

No one has seen such a wealthy person, and they do not use money as money at all.

The first bid was one billion, which raised the price by 650 million. How can others bid?

"One billion for the first time!"

"Billions for the second time!"

"Billions for the third time!"


The auction hammer of the old auctioneer Zong Zheng Wanli fell, and the eggs of Taikoo Ancestor were photographed by Lin Feng.

It didn't take long for an elder of the auction house to come to Lin Feng's box and handed over the porcelain bottle containing the ancient ancestral worm eggs to Lin Feng.

After the elder left, Lin Feng broke the seal of the porcelain bottle and poured out an egg of an ancient ancestral worm the size of a green bean.

"Hey, this egg has golden spots." The ancestor of all poisons was taken aback.

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