Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1458: Thousands of priests who killed the poison domain (middle)

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With the rise of Lin Feng, there are many legends about Lin Feng in exile in the world. What gods are reincarnated, what old monsters have taken the body, what Lin Feng is not a person, but a three-headed six-armed demon, even this year only There are also versions like eight years old.

For various versions, many monks naturally do not believe it. After all, hearing is false, seeing is believing.

In fact, even Lin Feng is the same. He seldom believes in the so-called "rumors". He doesn't believe in things that he doesn't see and verify in person.

So now everyone is so shocked when they see that the master of Longmen Yuyu turned out to be a young monk in his twenties.


When the war broke out, Lin Feng manipulated the Nine Demons and drove towards Mu Qianzong.

The poisonous ancestor turned into an endless poisonous fog, covering the sky and the sun, and headed towards Muqianzong.

The evil dragon spewed out the dragon's breath, drowning Xiang Muqian.

Ru Wu sprayed a beam of death light, sweeping towards Mu Qianzong.

With the help of this terrain, Lin Feng evolved the Evil Dragon Mountain Range and the Ruwu Mountain Range into the Evil Dragon Beast and the Ruwu Beast, which is equivalent to two more **** helpers.

They are the four powerful men besieging the Qianzong one person.

Although Mu Qianzong is powerful, he is now under siege, and he has also suffered enemies and frustrations.


Under the joint attack of Lin Feng, Poison Ancestor, Evil Dragon, and Ru Wu, Mu Qianzong was blasted out and could not help but spit out a bit of blood.

His face also became extremely pale.

"With four to one, this battle is too disparate." Many people shook their heads.

Mu Qianzong is now under siege, and the situation is obviously very bad.

Lin Feng sneered and said, "Mu Qianzong, now you know the taste of being besieged?"

Mu Qianzong said in a cold voice, "You really don't think that this boy can't deal with you, and today I will let you know how powerful this seat is."

The voice fell, and Mu Qianzong waved his right hand.

Uh, uh, uh!

Three figures flash out.

This turned out to be three puppets, but the three puppets from Muqianzong's sacrifice were rather strange, and they were actually formed by highly toxic condensate, not flesh and blood.

"These are the three venomous puppets I got back then. Each venomous puppet has the power of a virtual heaven. With these three venomous puppets helping me, I will be able to hold you and wait until the Demon Saint Venerable , Emperor Juntian, Mo Zixie arrived, at that time, it was your death. "

Mu Qianzong grinned again and again, and his mind manipulated the three poisonous puppets to rush towards Lin Feng, the evil dragon, and Ru Wu.

The Mu Qianzong personally dealt with the poison ancestor.

Because the poison ancestor is also good at using poison, Mu Qianzong is worried that the poison ancestor has a way to deal with his three treasures.

After seeing these three highly toxic puppets, Lin Feng knew that Mu Qianzong was also a man who had a great adventure. He could get such a powerful toxic puppet, and he didn't know who had inherited the Taoism.

These highly toxic puppets must have been refined from a powerful drugist.

The rise of Mu Qianzong is also estimated to have a huge relationship with his ethics.

Although the three venomous puppets are just the cultivation of the virtual **** realm, but this venomous puppet is incomparably strange, there is no real body, but it is formed by the venomous poison, even if it is destroyed, it can be quickly reorganized. restore.

Lin Feng destroyed the venomous puppet who attacked him several times in a row, but the venomous puppets were successfully reorganized, leaving Lin Feng speechless.

But then Lin Feng thought of swallowing the sky.

Although the poisonous puppet is strange, in essence, this is not a "spirit", but a magic weapon.

Since it is a magic weapon, is it possible to swallow the three highly toxic puppets?

Thinking of this, Lin Feng hurriedly swallowed the Tianguan.

Buzz ...

The Sky Swallowing Tank was activated by Lin Feng, releasing a powerful swallowing power, directly covering the poisonous puppet who attacked him.

The powerful force of devouring began to devour the highly toxic golems.

The poisonous puppet, struggling violently, trying to break away from the swallowing of the sky.

But the swallowing the sky pot was so powerful that it directly swallowed the highly toxic puppet.

Then swallowed the pot and forcibly cut off the connection between Mu Qianzong and the highly toxic puppet.


The first poisonous puppet was seized, and Mu Qianzong was repulsed, and a painful scream was made.

He roared like crazy, "Lin Feng, you little brute, forcibly plundered my poisonous puppet, I will kill you!"

Angrily attacked, Mu Qianzong repulsed the poison ancestor in one palm and then rushed towards Lin Feng.

Zuzu sneered and said, "Your opponent is me"!

The poisonous ancestor quickly rushed between Lin Feng and Mu Qianzong and intercepted Mu Qianzong.

Lin Feng continued to manipulate his sky-sucking pot to devour two other highly virulent puppets.

This poisonous puppet is extremely strange. Once swallowed, once refined, it is equivalent to three more guardians of the **** realm.

The other two highly toxic puppets are also unable to escape the fate of being swallowed by the sky.

In the end, the other two highly toxic puppets were also swallowed by Tian Tian.

The three highly venomous puppets were all swallowed by the Sky Canister. Mu Qianzong was repulsed three times.

The poisonous ancestor raised his right hand, the poison mist rolled, and once again took a shot towards Mu Qianzong.


Lin Feng shouted and rushed towards Mu Qianzong.

At the same time, the evil dragon and Chu Wu also rushed to Mu Qianzong.

The dragon's huge tail pulled towards Mu Qianzong.

Ru Wu waved his giant claws and shot at Mu Qianzong.

Lin Feng exhibited "The Great Reincarnation, Part I, Ancient Hurry".

Hundreds of millions of years have passed.

Deprived of Shou Yuan.

Let life grow old instantly.

The four powerful men besieged the Muqianzong one by one, and the Muqianzong suffered enemies in the stomach and were tired of coping.


Lin Feng's fist bombarded Mu Qianzong and swept away Mu Qianzong.


Mu Qianzong's body began to age rapidly, and his strength quickly passed away.

"What's going on? What's wrong with my body?" Mu Qianzong looked at the aging body horrorly, with a horrified expression on his face.

"what's going on?". Many people looked at Mu Qianzong creepy.

At this time, an old monk said, "Can it be the legendary Great Reincarnation? The old man has seen the introduction of Great Reincarnation in a book. It is said that it can deprive the monk's life. "

"Great reincarnation surgery, this is the fourth inferior-grade road among the three thousand avenues, it has long been lost, and it was learned by Lin Feng?".

"It's no accident that Lin Feng is young and able to become the master of a domain. This person is too scary."

Many people talked about it, and it was full of shock in their hearts. Everyone's eyes looked at Lin Feng with awe.

"Let him die while he is sick"! Lin Feng shouted loudly and took the lead to kill Qian Muzong.

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