Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1463: Agreement with the sarcophagus guardian

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"Maybe so, but I didn't see ...". Said the sarcophagus guardian.

Lin Feng asked doubtfully, "Why is this? Didn't Taiyin Emperor fall here?".

The sarcophagus guardian said, "He left and entered the starry sky. He said that he would do something in the last life."

Lin Feng continued to ask, "But once said, what are you going to do?".

The guardian of the sarcophagus said, "I once asked him, but he didn't tell me, but I saw that he looked at the sky dome and was always in a daze, not knowing what he was thinking."

Lin Feng did not expect that Taiyin Great Emperor left the world of exile.

However, Emperor Taiyin has not much time. Has it fallen into the starry sky?

"Taiyin Emperor sword, Taiyin Emperor's Taoism, Taiyin Emperor's treasure ...".

Lin Feng suddenly had an urge to thump his chest.

This is really too depressing. Emperor Taiyin left with everything. Are those babies destined to be lost in the endless starry sky?

Lin Feng suddenly thought of another strange thing. The guardian of the sarcophagus stopped working because of Xiao Yaoyao.

This is naturally seen in the face of Taiyin Emperor.

But is it necessary for the sarcophagus guardian to give this face to Taiyin the Great?

No need at all.

After all, he had no friendship with Taiyin the Great.

Unless, the sarcophagus guardian reached an agreement with Taiyin Emperor.

Therefore, the guardian of the sarcophagus would give the emperor Taiyin the face.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng asked aloud, "Senior ... The junior has something to do with. I don't know if the senior can answer the junior?".

The guardian of the sarcophagus said, "Let's hear it."

Lin Feng asked, "Have seniors reached a certain agreement with Taiyin Emperor?".

The sarcophagus guardian said, "Yes ... I reached an agreement with Taiyin Emperor, he brought me a message to find my clan, and I was one day in the future, after his daughter came here, he would Give his daughter something. "

Lin Feng was flustered. Can the Taiyin Emperor calculate the future?

Is this too incredible?


The emperor itself is terrifying to an unimaginable existence.

Therefore, it seems that Emperor Taiyin can calculate what may happen, and it is not particularly incredible.

Lin Feng asked, "I don't know what the great emperor Taiyin left to Xiao Yaoyao? I am now the guardian of Xiao Yaoyao, you just give it to me."

The sarcophagus guardian extended his right hand, and a piece of jade appeared in the sarcophagus guardian's hand.

"What is this stuff?". Lin Feng murmured, with some regrets, he had hoped that Taiyin Emperor would leave his Taiyin Emperor's sword and storage ring to Xiao Yaoyao, but the ideal is beautiful and the reality is cruel.

"This may be a very important token," said the sarcophagus guardian.

Lin Feng nodded and accepted the jade piece.

Then Lin Feng said, "Are seniors interested in reaching an agreement with me?".

"Agree with you?", The sarcophagus guardian looked at Lin Feng.

"Senior, don't you want to find your own clan? It is estimated that Taiyin Great Emperor has fallen for hundreds of millions of years, and your clan has not seen you. It can be seen that Taiyin Great Emperor has not been able to help you find your clan, it is better to entrust me to help You look for it, maybe I can find it. " Lin Feng said.

"The great emperor Taiyin had been in the starry sky world in the past, and he has a wide network of contacts. He is qualified to reach an agreement with me. As for you ...", the sarcophagus guardian snorted and continued.

Lin Feng couldn't help but touch his nose. His embarrassment in his heart was despised.

Lin Feng said, "Emperor Taiyin also walked from the weak to the strong, and I, there must be such a day, justifying the Emperor is only a matter of time."

The sarcophagus guardian said, "Whenever an emperor is born, as a guardian of the cyan sarcophagus, I can basically feel their existence, and since the end of the ancient times, hundreds of millions of years, I have not sensed the new The Great Emperor appeared. "

Lin Feng touched his chin and said, "Why is this?"

The guardian of the sarcophagus said, "Maybe I have some problems, so I can't sense the birth of the new emperor. If it is not my own problem, then there is only one possibility, that is, since the ancient times, no one has become an emperor. More inclined to the second reason. "

Lin Feng said, "What if no one becomes an emperor? I will break through the emperor and show you!"

"If the emperor is really so easy to break through, the emperor will have gone everywhere." Said the sarcophagus guardian.

"Let you see my bloodline". Lin Feng runs the blood in his body.

The guardian of the sarcophagus glanced, and said in surprise, "The blood of the undead, the top blood, your talent is very good."

But the words hadn't fallen yet, and suddenly the sarcophagus guardian's eyes widened.

Because, he discovered another kind of blood vein hidden in Lin Feng's body.

"You, you, you ... how is it possible? You turned out to be a descendant of that race."

The guardian of the sarcophagus exclaimed.

Although he was cursed, the guardian of the sarcophagus was only missing a part of his memory because he was so powerful.

But many memories still exist.

Therefore, he could recognize Lin Feng's blood of the emperor.

Lin Feng said, "Is it possible to become an emperor?".

The guardian of the sarcophagus said, "It is indeed possible. You are now qualified to reach an agreement with me."

"Tell me about your family first ...". Lin Feng said.

The sarcophagus guardian said, "I can't remember where my family is, but I remember that my family, covered with seven-colored **** trees, is an extremely beautiful place. I hope you can find my family Let them come to banish the big world, I have the biggest secret of the family here, I want to tell them! "

Lin Feng said with a smile, "You just told me the secret, I will find your clan, and then tell them to them."

The sarcophagus guardian rolled his eyes and said, "Can the family secret tell you?"

"If you don't say it ..." Lin Feng waved his hand and said, "But, I will help you find your clan, what can you get?".

"I have a forbidden device here, which can be used five times and can be given to you." Said the sarcophagus guardian.

"The ban is not worth much." Lin Feng said.

The sarcophagus guardian said, "This forbidden device is made by imitating a purple electric hammer. The purple electric hammer is the treasure of the sage Hongmeng. The primitive saint ’s Sanbaoyu Ruyi waited for the existence of a treasure level. Although my forbidden device was only an imitation, and there were only five opportunities to use it, it was more powerful than Taiyin Emperor ’s Sword, Nine Demon Figure, Demon Emperor Bell Xuanyuanjian and other top soldiers! "

"Ah? So powerful? Hurry up to me ...". Lin Feng said excitedly.

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