Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1466: Smashed to death

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"You can't escape, there is only one way to die today!" Lin Feng sneered again and again, the purple electric hammer in his hand moved again and smashed towards Molian.

There was a loud noise.

Molian was once again blasted out.

Mo Sheng Tianzun and others hiding in Mo Lin, though, have removed most of the attacks because of Mo Lin.


The power of the purple electric hammer is too powerful, so the power of shock is still very scary.


They were seriously injured again, their faces pale as white, and they coughed up blood constantly.

"The weapon in the kid's hand is a forbidden device. Although such a weapon is powerful, it has a limited number of times of use. We leave for a while and wait for the power of his weapon to dissipate. Mo Sheng Tian Zun shouted loudly.

This is indeed the best way to stay and fight against Lin Feng, even if there is a magic lotus, it is likely to fall, so now Mo Sheng Tianzun and others have no intention to continue the battle with Lin Feng, they are now pointing to leave quickly.

Emperor Juntian and Mo Zi nodded gloomyly. They also knew that the proposal of Mosheng Tianzun was currently the most beneficial option for them.

As for Wang Tianyi, he has now become a walking dead, with no expression and no words.

Mo Sheng Tianzun said, "Everyone, we need to burn Shou Yuan, activate Molian, and escape with the help of Molian."

Now Wang Tianyi has no Shouyuan to burn, so it can only be urged by Mo Sheng Tianzun, Jun Tian Di and Mo Zixie to burn Shou Yuan.

Each of them burned a hundred thousand years old.

Although these life yuan are long, burning 100,000 years of life yuan is also extremely painful.

After all, two people like Yuan Tiandi and Mo Zixie are about three million years old. They have lived for more than one million years, and 100,000 years of life is not a small number for them.

These Shouyuan cannot be consumed casually.

But now, in order to escape from birth, they no longer give up, they must burn these Shou Yuan.

On the contrary, Mo Sheng Tian Zun doesn't care much about burning 100,000 years of life, because the life of the Tian Mo family is much longer than other races.

The three men each burned 100,000 years of life, a total of 300,000 years of life.

So the power of Mo Lin was greatly improved.

At this time, Lin Feng had already killed him again with a purple electric hammer, and then hit the magic lotus with one hammer after another.

More than ten hammers in a row went down and smashed Molian out again and again.

Originally, Mo Sheng Tianzun and others also expected that after the burning Shou Yuan, Molian could resist the attack of the purple electric hammer, and they could escape.

But this time these talents know.

It turned out that they were whimsical.

The power of the purple electric hammer is too strong.

Even if everyone burns 100,000 years of life to urge Molian, there is still no way to contend.

"Can I continue to burn Shou Yuan?" Mo Zixie's look was extremely gloomy.

Burning 100,000 years old Shouyuan has already made him extremely painful. If he continues to burn Shouyuan, it will be like cutting his meat.

Emperor Jun Tian's complexion was also gloomy.

At this time, Lin Feng's offensive continued, hitting Molian with one blow after another.

The magic lotus swayed violently, and the powerful shocking force kept coughing up blood.

The situation was very bad, and Mo Shengtianzun's eyes flickered.

Heavenly Demon is extremely cunning.

Now Mo Sheng Tianzun moved a strange mind.

Now Mo Sheng Tianzun feels that Lin Feng's purple electric hammer is really powerful. Even if he burns Shou Yuan again, he might not be able to contend with the purple electric hammer.

Even if he could fight the purple electric hammer after the second burning of Shouyuan, Molian might be damaged.

And if Mo Zixie and Jun Tiandi help to resist it, doesn't it mean that he doesn't have to continue to burn Shou Yuan, and he can escape, and Molian will not be damaged?

Thinking of this, Mosheng Tianzun put his mind on Jun Tiandi and Mo Zixie.

He secretly communicated with Molian.

Suddenly, a powerful force caught Jun Tiandi, Mo Zixie, Wang Tianyi and others, and then threw the three of them out of Molian.

Emperor Juntian roared, "Demon Sheng Tianzun, do you dare to pit us?".

Mo Zixie cursed and bitterly, "Mo Sheng Tianzun, you count us like this, you must not die."

The only one who didn't speak was Wang Tianyi.

This is because Wang Tianyi was driven by Mo Sheng Tianzun, without his own thoughts, and without joy and anger.

The command given by Mo Sheng Tianzun to Wang Tian was to hold Lin Feng down.

Mo Sheng Tianzun said with a big smile, "It's really terrible that you are going to fly alone, and now you are in trouble. You can help me to resist for a while, and wait for me to escape, and I will worship you in the future."


At this time, Lin Feng had already carried a purple electric hammer and had been bombed down again.

Mo Zixie, Emperor Jun Tian had to fight against the attack of the Purple Electric Hammer, otherwise, they would have only one way to die.

The magic lotus flew away.

"No? Mo Sheng Tianzun betrayed his allies."

"This time Jun Tiandi they are miserable, it is likely to fall into Lin Feng's hands."

"The Celestial Clan has been extremely cunning. Before that, Mo Sheng Tian Zun had sold Jinwu Sheng Jun, but several people of Jun Tian Emperor also cooperated with Mo Sheng Tian Zun, and now they are sold by Mo Sheng Tian Zun.

Many people talked in a low voice.

There was something in the tone of gloating.

This is not the case that Mo Sheng Tian Zun betrayed his allies, but this is also in line with the behavior of the Tian Mo family.

But Mo Sheng Tian Zun has betrayed his allies twice.

Presumably, no one will cooperate with Mosheng Tianzun in this banishment of the world.

Although Fengsheng Tianzun escaped, Lin Feng felt a little pity.

But he believes that he will see Mo Sheng Tianzun again next time.

This Demon Saint Heaven will surely die.

Now what Lin Feng needs to do most is to kill the emperor and the emperor, and then occupy the territory in large quantities and build a temple.

This is the top priority.


Lin Feng's terrifying hammer killed him, Wang Tian Yixiu was the weakest, and was the first to be robbed. He was directly killed by Lin Feng's hammer.

Both Emperor Juntian and Mo Zixie were blasted out, and their bones did not know how many were broken.

Emperor Juntian shouted loudly, "Lin Yuzhu! We can negotiate."

"Not necessary." Lin Feng looked indifferent, holding the purple electric hammer to kill the past again.

Mo Zixie looked gloomy, and he began to read mantras. Obviously Mo Zixie wanted to use the curse technique to deal with Lin Feng.

Before in the Dark God Tower, Lin Feng had a big loss.

Clang clang ...

Suddenly, Lin Feng felt an invisible force bombard the purple lightning shield that protected him, which should be the curse of Mo Zixie.

"not good". Mo Zixie's complexion changed greatly.

Lin Feng sneered and said, "I have a lightning shield protector released by the Purple Electric Hammer. Your curse spell has no effect on me now."

As the words fell, Lin Feng killed him again with a purple electric hammer.

"Cursed Blade"!

"Crack God Breaking Cube Sky Halberd"!


Facing Lin Feng's attack, Mo Zixie and Jun Tiandi each sacrificed their own artifacts, holding the artifacts to resist Lin Feng's attack.

Clang clang ...

Lin Feng smashed 36 heavy hammers in a row.

The dim light of the two artifacts was smashed, the power was greatly reduced.

Lin Feng seized the opportunity and rushed to Mo Zixie and Jun Tiandi.

Another two hammers fell down.

Power can be called ruinous.

The two hammers hit Mozixie and Juntian Emperor respectively. They could not bear such a terrible attack on their flesh. They were directly torn apart by the Purple Electric Hammer and their souls shattered.

Lin Feng was killed by Lin Feng with a purple electric hammer.

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