Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1473: Strong enemy

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Lin Feng's upcoming trip to the extraterritorial world for extraterritorial travel soon spread throughout the entire world of exile.

This incident made the energetic enemies of the Great World who exiled the world extremely envious.

Many powerful gods hope that they will be able to travel outside the territory one day, but no one has an ancient starry sky and is doomed to leave.

The monks are adventurous.

Especially powerful monks, who are more active in their thinking, are not willing to stick to one place, and stay in one place all their lives, and they are also eager to travel to a larger stage and a wider world.

Traveling outside the country is an opportunity. Although it is full of danger, it is also full of opportunities. The monks challenge the danger and look for opportunities. Such a life is more exciting and not a waste of time.

Moreover, if you want to be the strongest, you must find more powerful inheritance and more resources. Outside the territory, there is the oldest extraterritorial battlefield, which is the land of war of Gods and even imperial warfare. The inheritance and treasure of heaven.

Traveling outside the realm, you can go to many unexplored ancient star fields, and you can get the treasures in the ancient star fields.

Several domain masters came to see Lin Feng in person, hoping to travel with Lin Feng to the extraterrestrial world. These domain masters, who have cultivated to the **** realm, have lived for millions of years.

However, they have never been able to leave the open world to the big world. In the eyes of outsiders, they are high above the world. However, in their view, the exile of the big world is like a cage, trapping them.

Lin Feng did not directly agree to the requirements of these domain masters, because he was not familiar with these domain masters, and wondered if there would be any accidents when taking them out, and some domain masters were exceptionally powerful, so it was better to be careful.

So Lin Feng told these domain owners who came to find him expressing his wish to follow him on an extraterritorial journey, let them wait for a while, and wait for him to return from the extraterritorial world, and next time he will leave the open world and go to the big world for the extraterritorial journey, he will definitely bring it with him. They went together.

These domain owners have lived for more than one million years. They naturally did not mind continuing to wait for some years, and they agreed. The patriarchs of the five major families felt that this was a good opportunity, and they personally visited several domain owners, hoping to be able to The site was built for Lin Feng to build a temple. Now these domain masters are thinking about the future to be able to follow Lin Feng to travel to the extraterritorial world, and quickly agreed to the proposal of the five patriarchs.

Parting is always accompanied by reluctance, especially Yundieyi has had a substantial relationship with Lin Feng, knowing that Lin Feng is about to leave, and even more reluctant, I hope to follow Lin Feng to leave, but the road is far away, and the extraterrestrial world is dangerous So Lin Feng did not let Yun Dieyi follow.

Lin Feng took out the old starry sky ship that Chu Lao gave him from the porcelain bottle that sealed the old starry sky ship.

This old starry sky ship has returned to its normal size, about fifteen or six meters long, very quaint, and densely covered with patterns. Lin Feng is quite happy that this old starry sky ship still has a star cannon. It can be fired like a spirit stone, causing huge lethality.

Lin Feng and the poison ancestor got on the ancient ship of the starry sky and entered the extraterrestrial starry sky world. On a mountain peak in the poisonous fog forest of the chaotic domain, the poisonous rose looked at the sky and was startled.

A middle-aged monk appeared quietly and said, "Rose, I went to see Lin Feng. Now he just left. If you have anything to say to him, I can still chase it out and help you convey it." .

This middle-aged man is a chaotic domain owner, and one of several domain owners who wants to leave the world in a big way.

Poisonous Rose bit her lip and said, "You shouldn't come to me."

"Perhaps there is a **** to open the big world, I hope that you can stop hating me so much." The chaotic domain owner said.

Poisonous rose looked uncertain, he asked aloud, "Will he ... will he come back?"

"Yes! He said that he will return to the world of exile and he will definitely come back." The chaotic domain owner said.

"Okay, thank you for telling me all this," said Poison Rose.

The chaotic domain master is happy like a child. For many years, his daughter has not talked so much with him so calmly.

Even today, there are only three sentences.

The extraterrestrial sky world is dark and icy. Of course, for the monks, their six senses are powerful. Even in the dark world, they can see all kinds of things that appear very far away.

Standing on the cabin, you can feel the cold wind, looking towards the distance, you can see the huge oval planet.

That is to banish the big world.

The poison ancestor said, "The exile world is also one of the 3,000 worlds, but the exile world belongs to the world with a very low ranking, so the resources are scarce and the strong are few, even from the emergence of the exile world to the present , I do n’t know how many tens of thousands of years have passed, no one can become an emperor. "

Lin Feng said, "Among these three thousand worlds, what are the more powerful ones?".

The poison ancestor said, "Undead Realm, God Realm, Buddha Realm, Dragon Realm, Kyushu Realm, Demon Realm, and Demon Realm are called the Supreme Seven Realms! This is the top seven of the three thousand worlds."

Lin Feng was surprised, "Kyushu border? Could it be the mainland of Kyushu on the other side of the Tianwu mainland?".

The poison ancestor said, "Yes! That is the Kyushu Realm! It was the cradle of the strong, and many great human holy emperors, three emperors and five emperors were born, figures from the world of Kyushu. Perhaps, the world of Kyushu should be a human race It is said that Nuwa had been living in the Kyushu World before the Innate Spirit War.

Lin Feng's words shocked Lin Feng quite a bit. He did not expect that Kyushu Great World turned out to be one of the Seven Realms. After returning to the Tianwu Continent and solving the matter of the Tianwu Continent, Lin Feng had to go to the Kyushu Great World to get some insight.

"Booming ...". Suddenly at this time there were three terrifying breaths in the distance.

Lin Feng and the poison ancestor were both alarmed.

They looked towards the distance, only to see a round of hot Shenyang flying.

In the blazing sun, a one-armed monk came.

This monk was no one else, but turned out to be "Jinwu Shengjun".

The other two statues are sealed in stone.

This should be the "inheritance" of the Jinwu people.

God in self-styled stone.

The emergence of three powerful beings surrounded Lin Feng's ancient ship.

"Jinwu Shengjun, I did n’t go to Dariyu to kill you. You should feel lucky that you came out and died today? Did you wash your neck? If you wash it, now I can cut off your head. ". Lin Feng sneered at Jinwu Shengjun.

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