Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1480: Terrible ‘waste soil’

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Perhaps the most untestable thing in this world is the relationship between men and women.

Distance, money, temptation, unwillingness and loneliness will change the relationship drastically. Therefore, there are too many people between men and women in this world who have betrayed their love and then have a relationship with other men or women.

There will be a second time for the first derailment, and this is the beginning of the fall.

Looking at the heads of the couple of dogs and men being sent by someone, although Qing Xuan felt very relieved, it was more distressing to Jun Moxiao.

For many years, Jun Mo laughed at such a couple of dogs and men. Is it worth it?


Jun Moxiao became the emperor, and Qing Xuan practiced even harder. She wanted to be a woman who could match Jun Moxiao.

There is a sense of urgency in her heart.

She worked hard to cultivate.

Finally one day, Qing Xuan practiced to the realm of a giant god.

A giant goddess.

Sublime status.

Qingxuan finally found the courage to find Jun Moxiao.

She entered the extraterrestrial world, traveling in the starry sky. She walked along the ancient road of the starry sky and went to many places that Jun Moxiao had visited.

She has been inquiring about Jun Mo's whereabouts.

"Waste soil, he went there ...". Later, Qing Xuan finally heard about Jun Moxiao's whereabouts.

Wasteland is a terrible place.

Rumor is that it was abandoned.

There are also rumors that the waste soil is connected to the foreign time and space, and the immortal, underworld, and chaotic Xuanhuang circles.

In that place, even the Great Emperor would not dabble easily.

Because it is too dangerous.

Exotic space-time, immortal, underworld, and chaotic Xuanhuang Realm are legendary but a higher-level world that surpasses the three thousand worlds.


It is hard to imagine how powerful the creatures inside are.


The waste land connecting the four realms, even the emperor may not get in and out.

Despite knowing the dangers of waste soil.

But Qing Xuan still went to the wasteland despite the danger.

She never wanted to hide her feelings.

From the age of thirteen when she was rescued by Jun Moxiao in despair, she fell in love with Jun Moxiao.

Over time, this love became love.


Jun Moxiao is too good.

Qing Xuan felt that he was not worthy of Jun Moxiao.

Therefore, in her life, she is desperately practicing, desperately practicing.

Now millions of years have passed.

She finally reached the realm of the giantess.

She didn't want to wait any longer, she wanted to immediately express her heart to Jun Moxiao.

The waste soil is very dangerous. This place is full of endless killing intentions.

Qingxuan entered the wasteland, and survived cautiously and difficultly.

She went to many places to find out where Jun Moxiao was.

A hundred years passed by.

Qing Xuan finally heard about Jun Moxiao's news, but this news almost made her collapse.

three years ago.

Emperor war broke out in the waste soil, Jun Moxiao was beheaded by the three supreme masters of the exotic world, and the body fell into the depth of the waste soil.

It is rumored that the burial emperor Yuan buried more than one emperor.

It was a place where everyone's conversation changed, and no one dared to enter Burial Emperor Yuan.

But Qing Xuan did not look back, risking his life of nine deaths and entered the burial emperor Yuan.

She saw Jun Moxiao's body inside the emperor's funeral.

She cried in front of Jun Moxiao's body.

In order to catch up with Jun Moxiao's pace, she has worked hard all her life and is practicing hard. Now, when Qing Xuan feels that she is qualified to be a woman standing beside Jun Moxiao.

Jun Mo laughed but fell.

"You said that if one day passed away, I hope to turn it into a handful of loess, bury it in my hometown, sleep with my parents and ancestors, and I will take you home ...".

Qingxuan came out of Jun Moxiao's body and found the blue sarcophagus.

The ancient ship in the starry sky, carrying the cyan sarcophagus, returns to its homeland.

A strong man in an exotic world stares at Qingxuan, and will not let her take away the emperor's corpse.

"A corpse of an emperor, whose value is unimaginable, should be our ration."

The strong voices of the powerful people in the exotic world launched an attack on the ancient ships of the starry sky.

The monks on the old ship in the starry sky were killed.

And Qing Xuan burned her long Shouyuan blessing combat power, and finally, at the cost of severe injuries and dying, she beheaded a few strong worlds, and several strong worlds were sealed by her. Inside the ancient ship.

"After all, I can't take you back to my homeland ...". Qing Xuan murmured, and she shed tears of sadness as she died.

A giant goddess fell like this.

All the pictures disappeared. Lin Feng was speechless for a long time, and it was difficult to calm down.

This giant goddess has been working hard all her life, just to be able to catch up with Jun Moxiao's pace.

The end result is so sentimental.

She worked hard all her life and met Jun Mo with excitement and excitement.

But what I saw was a cold body.

"Emperor is not invincible ..." Lin Feng muttered to himself.

In the three thousand worlds.

The great emperor is the supreme, looking at the sky.

But in places like the wasteland, there are the Immortal World, the Underworld, the Chaos Xuanhuang Realm, and the most mysterious exotic world powerhouse.

The emperor may be cut.

This world.

Full of too many secrets, too many terrible strong.

"In the cyan sarcophagus, it's really an emperor's body!"

Said the poisonous ancestor.

Now his eyes are tumbling, apparently moving some other thoughts.

The poisonous ancestor said sadly, "So touching story, can you bear to watch them die, can't they be together?".

Lin Feng patted the poison ancestor on the shoulder and said, "I can't bear it, so let's open the blue sarcophagus and bury them together.

The poisonous ancestor nodded and said, "You are really a good man, my respect for you is like a continuous stream of rivers."

Lin Feng said, "A little thing, not enough, don't praise me like this, I will be proud."

Zuzu smiled and said, "So, are we going to open the coffin now?".

Lin Feng had no opinion, and walked towards the back of the ship with the poison ancestors, they wanted to open the blue sarcophagus.

Thirty-six chains exude a cold and dark atmosphere.

Since ancient times, the cyan sarcophagus has been wrapped like this.

The poison ancestors folded their hands together and said, "Emperor, we are not disrespectful to you when we open the coffin, but we want to bury the giant goddess who loves you with you. Don't blame us."

Lin Feng also folded his hands and said, "Emperor, you can't be together during your lifetime. I hope you can be together after death. If there is anything you can't use, the juniors will take it away and keep it for you temporarily."

The poison ancestor whispered in his heart. This kid seemed shameless than me. He even said that the emperor's treasure was so pure and noble.

You can't compare to this shameless degree.

Of course, the poisonous ancestor would not whisper in his heart, he and Lin Feng jumped on top of the blue sarcophagus.

The poison ancestor said, "What should I do now?".

Lin Feng said, "I think the cyan sarcophagus needs to be placed on the ancient ship, otherwise, it is not easy to open the sarcophagus"!

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