Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1482: Emperor Corpse Curse

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Lin Feng doesn't know where the exotic world is, but Lin Feng knows the power and horror of the exotic world.

Taiyin the Great led the monks who exiled the world to fight against the invasion of foreign world monks. Although he repelled the foreign world monks, he was seriously injured and the stone was difficult to cure.

The emperor Mo Xiao was also jointly killed by the three Supreme Masters of the exotic world.

This shows how powerful and terrible the exotic world is.

The world that can compete with the Three Realms, the monks in it, are naturally terrifying in strength.

The fall of the giant goddess is also due to these foreign world monks.

Although the goddess had consumed all of Shouyuan's blessings, she was still hit by these foreign world monks. Before her death, she had a difficult time sealing these foreign world monks.

Obviously, these foreign world monks successfully escaped their difficulties.

"Humble creatures, you have disturbed the deep sleep of this seat, and this seat will break you up."

The strange foreign world monk's voice was cold, with endless killing intentions, and then he walked towards Lin Feng step by step.

At this time Lin Feng found something wrong.

This foreign world monk's footsteps are vain, and his body is extremely thin, except for the bones, which seems to be only a layer of skin.

"Is this hungry?". Lin Feng murmured.

The foreign world monk is in a state of extreme weakness, and walking along makes Lin Feng wonder if he will fall to the ground next moment.

Moreover, there is an extremely strange power in this exotic monk.

This turned out to be the power of curse.

Is this monk in a foreign world cursed?

"Curse", a word that any monk talked about inexplicably.

The curse is too weird.

Many things cannot be explained clearly once they are related to the curse.

Just like the creature in this exotic world in front of him, since he has broken the seal, he can completely leave.


He never left?

And being hungry became skinny?

You can eat even if you do n’t leave, there ’s no need to starve yourself like this?

Could there be a tendency to self-harm?

Lin Feng doesn't know that this guy has a tendency to self-harm.

Lin Feng speculated that this might be related to the curse.


Seeing the foreign world monk step by step, Lin Feng sneered and said, "The guy who has been half dead, even dare to say that he will break my body, I think you are sick, and you are still sick. Not lightly, are your monks in a foreign world all your arrogant arrogance? ".

"Humble creatures, unless they had cursed the emperor's corpse at the beginning, could not leave the ancient ship, could not enjoy any food, would this seat become so miserable? Wake this seat from a deep sleep, you know, this seat wakes up, How many years will this seat live? ".

The voices of the creatures in the foreign world are cold, and they stepped out in one step, and then came to Lin Feng, and slammed toward Lin Feng with a palm.

Lin Feng had been prepared for a long time, and he used the means of shrinking to the ground to move out to avoid the strike of the monk of the foreign world, and sent Babe back to the royal beast bag.

Then Lin Feng sacrificed the armor of the **** of death to protect his body. At the same time, the Nine Demon Figures, the three poisonous puppets, and Taishang Jianzuo all flew out.

Plus the cooperation of the poison ancestor.

Lin Feng launched the most violent attack on the monks of the foreign world.

Bang Bang Bang ...

Various powerful attacks bombarded the monks of the foreign world, and the energy of the world was drowned in it.

The Nine Magic Figure also suppressed the monks of the exotic world.

The three-handed sword was beheaded to a monk in an exotic world.

The foreign world monk was so awe-inspiring that the eight claws like spider claws waved back to resist the attacks of the three swords and the nine demon figures, and then opened his mouth suddenly.


The magical attacks carried out by Lin Feng, the poison ancestor and the three poisonous puppets were swallowed by foreign world monks.

then! !

The foreign world monk opened his mouth of blood, and directly swallowed the attacks he swallowed again. These attacks bombarded Lin Feng and others.

Lin Feng, the poison ancestor, and the three venomous puppet avatars slightly evaded the attack.

The poisonous ancestor said cursingly, "The guy who is about to enter the soil is so powerful."

Lin Feng nodded solemnly.

The curse among foreign world monks for so many years, now they are hungry and skinny.

Whether it is its own combat power or vitality.

All have been reduced to the trough.

But even such a bad situation still showed such a powerful combat power, which made Lin Feng helpless.

"The humble creatures are useless. You are too weak. Today, you have only one way to die." The voices of the strange creatures in the exotic world came out.

He struck off the three-handed swords and nine demon figures produced by Lin Feng.

Then rushed towards Lin Feng.

This guy obviously wants to solve Lin Feng first.

"Wandu Demon King! Wandu Demon King!"

Suddenly, Zuzu shouted coldly.

I saw the poisonous ancestor's body, and a terrible atmosphere was surging, and behind him, a tall figure appeared.

The mysterious existence stepped out, sweeping his fists towards the creatures of the exotic world.

Suddenly, the stars began to collapse.

"Haha ... let you know that my uncle is amazing"!

Shi Zhan came to this magical power, and the poisonous ancestor who had gathered out the poisonous demon king seemed extremely excited.

This Ten Thousand Poison Venerables is no ordinary character.

This person is the existence of the cultivation of the highly toxic way to the point of public participation.

The poison ancestors were able to swell in the past because of the inheritance of this poisonous demon king.

Now the magical tactics played by the poison ancestors are the indestructible Yuanlings left in heaven and earth after summoning the venomous demon king.

At this time, the three highly venomous puppets condensed out three imperial techniques.

Four-armed Sacred Fist, Devil Emperor Nine Slashes, and Ten Thousand Demon Reincarnation Fists.

This is the imperial technique of the Celestial Devil. The three puppet puppets were driven by Lin Feng. Lin Feng learned this imperial technique, and the three puppet puppets could naturally be exhibited.

The three emperors were bombarded at the same time towards the monks of the foreign world.

At the same time, Lin Feng exhibited the burning anger.

The three types of sky fire were compressed into a flame ball, which was sacrificed by Lin Feng.


Immediately afterwards, the ball of flame bombarded the monk of the exotic world and exploded instantly.

The attack of the Venom Demon King formed by the poisonous ancestors bombarded the foreign world monks almost at the same time as the imperial art performed by the three drama puppets.

So many powerful supernatural powers exploded in an instant, and the terrifying and destructive power instantly overwhelmed the foreign world monks.

"It's ..." Lin Feng and Duzu's eyes lighted up slightly.

"This attack is really too weak."

The foreign world monk grinned and walked out of the explosive energy center. His body was only slightly injured.

Seeing this scene, Lin Feng and the poison ancestor could not help feeling cold in the back.

Their tricks at the bottom of the box are all on display.

It could not hurt the foreign world monks yet.

This foreign world monk is too scary?

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