Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1501: The body shattered (Part 1)

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What horrible existence was Swire King Butterfly? Cultivation is called the sky, and the wings are shocked, which can kill the emperor.

This is almost like a congenital being.

In the long years, Taikoo Emperor Butterfly has only appeared a few.

Taikoo Emperor Butterfly and innate creatures are not the existence of an era, if it is the existence of an era.

Taikoo Emperor Butterfly may really have a way to contend with innate creatures.

Today, there is an Swire Emperor Butterfly here, which is really shocking and moving.

"No, it's not Taikoo Emperor Butterfly, it should be Taikoo Magic Disc!"

A monk said aloud that he seemed to recognize the kind of golden butterfly.

"Although the color of gold in the whole body, it is full of magical power, and its appearance is very similar to that of the Taikoo Emperor Butterfly. This Taikoo Magic Disc is also an extremely terrible creature. In more than 100 million years, the most important transformation will be completed and the emperor state can be reached. "

The monk continued.

For human race monks or other ethnic monks, even the giant **** realm, it is extremely difficult to live for 100 million years.

However, it is still possible for some races with relatively long life, such as the Sky Demon Race, such as the Archaic Devil Race, and the Xuanwu Race, for example, to live for more than 100 million years.

If the Taikoo Magic Disc lives to 100 million years to complete the transformation, then the life level of the Taikoo Magic Disc will complete the new transformation, the body will rejuvenate, and it is estimated that it can prolong its life by hundreds of millions of years.

"Although it is not Taikoo Emperor Butterfly, this Taikoo Magic Disc is also scary enough!" A monk said.

The monks around the Taikoo Magic Disc hurried away from where they were standing. It is estimated that if they accidentally offended the Taikoo Magic Disc, they would be attacked by the Taikoo Magic Disc?

"My archaic ancestor hatched, wasn't it worse than the archaic disc?". Lin Feng could not help touching his chin.

Now the eggs of the Archaeopteryx are hatching, and the vitality generated by the seedlings of the tree is nourishing the eggs of the Archaeopteryx.

Lin Feng believes that sooner or later, Taikoo Insect can hatch successfully.

Once the Archaic Insect is hatched successfully, then Lin Feng will appear near the sky.

There are constantly strong men coming, there are powerful men in the major star fields and major forces, but there are also many overlords in the starry sky.

Such as Starry Sky Behemoth, Taikoo Magic Disc these are the existence of the Starry Overlord level.

Soon afterwards, there were also very powerful starry overlords, such as the nine-headed evil caterpillar, the eight-winged devouring snake and so on.

Lin Feng also saw Huo Yihan and her colleague.

"That's the fairy star domain ...". Many people looked at Huo Yihan and her teachers and sisters, and some named their identity as pedestrians.

The fairy field is a very powerful star field in the starry sky. This star field is like a cloud.

And this star field is really famous because it is ruled by a force called "Fairy Sect".

The fairy sect only recruits female disciples.

In the fairy star field, the status of men is even worse than women.

Many people around are talking about the fairy field.

Lin Feng also heard a lot of news from the fairy star field, he couldn't help whispering, "No wonder Huo Yihan's little girl's temper is so hot, it seems that it should be related to her high status in fairy star field.

There is no reason for Lin Feng ’s speculation. The status of the woman in the fairy celestial domain is high, and the status of the man is low. A disciple of overlord fairy sect.

Such an identity, in the fairy star domain, is naturally a high presence.

Once people are in high positions, especially young people.

It is easy to be self-centered.

If you are not happy, your temper will explode.

Many large families and Da Zongmen disciples are like this, with no one in sight and a bad temper.


Huo Yihan also seemed to see Lin Feng, a pair of beautiful eyes, staring at Lin Feng fiercely, an expression of clenching teeth.

It's just that Huo Yihan has a handle in Lin Feng's hand, so this little girl dare not act lightly.


Three days later.

The prohibition that enveloped the ancient city of the stars began to gradually disperse.

When the prohibition of the ancient city of Starry Sky completely dissipated, everyone finally saw the huge ancient city.

The city walls are four or five kilometers high, and the black painted gates exude a cold and calm atmosphere.

Above the Star City, the time and space are all twisted. Obviously that is the no-fly space. If you want to fly over the Star City and land into the Star City, it is estimated that you will die.

"Look, those corpses ...". Someone pointed to the huge and dark city wall.

Many corpses were hung on those walls.

Many corpses were locked around their necks with iron chains and then hanged on the walls.

"Why hang so many monks?". Lin Feng frowned slightly.

This ancient city of starry sky is really too weird.

"A demon was crucified in the ancient city." Someone shouted in the distance, and many rushed over.

It was a strong man of the gods and demons, with three heads, six arms and eighteen pairs of wings.

A war gun pierced his chest and died on the wall. His blood ran down the wall.

The blood of the devil never dried up.

The **** and demon were crucified on the city wall for not many years. The blood still exudes the power of the **** and demon just as it just flowed out.

"Shen and Demon Races are a special race with the powers of Protoss and Demon Races. This should be one of the oldest and most powerful races. The monks of the Demon and Races are very rare, and they are not common in the ancient times But once it appears, it definitely has the ability to fight against the sky. "

Some monks said so.

Such a powerful **** and demon clan strongman was crucified, it really caused a lot of people's shock.

"Amitabha, kindness and kindness"!

In the distance, a monk stepped out and walked to the starry sky ancient city.

This is also a Taoist monk, with five Buddhist lights behind his head.

"This monk is terribly terrible, and has definitely exceeded the realm of **** fire, even more than the realm of true god," said the poison ancestor.

Lin Feng took a breath.

Could it be that the gods failed?

What a terrible strength.

"I estimate that these monks should also be star-travelers, and in the world of Buddhism, some monks who are enlightened will enter the world of starry sky in order to enlighten the Dao, and then walk through the corners of the starry sky to comprehend their way in the starry sky.

Said the poisonous ancestor.

Lin Feng touched his chin and said with emotion, "Buddhist is always terrible!"

Lin Feng's eyes immediately looked at the old monk.

The old monk walked towards the head of a monk hanging on the city wall step by step.

"He wants to take down the head of the monk?". Lin Feng frowned slightly, this starry sky ancient city was very weird, and it was not easy to remove the head of a monk hanging on the city wall.

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