Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1579: Xiu Xin

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What goes away with the wind is our youth.

The average age of the years.

It's really beautiful.

Lin Feng thought a lot, he was sitting alone in front of the lonely grave.

At first, I wanted to say something to Huang Linger.

Today, it can no longer be said.

Lin Feng left the country of desire.

He left alone, he wanted to look around.

Because of his heart.

It is difficult to calm down.

Lin Feng went to many places, Nanhai World looked at the legendary Dragon Gate, Fei Xianzhou went to see the wonders of Fei Xian Fei Xian ...... Finally, he went to Beihai, it was very cold, in the extreme north, Lin Feng looked It's the Aurora.

I also saw many strange creatures.

Like polar bears, there is also a creature, called a penguin, who walks on the road and has a good attitude.

Lin Feng sat on a sleigh and walked across the ice fields in the extreme north.

Nine giant snow wolves are extremely fast.

The driver was a 40-year-old uncle named Yuwen Beixuan who was very talkative.

He saw that Lin Feng had been observing penguins, and said with a smile, "The creature is an alien species. I heard that it was originally on the other side of the world. Later, they swam from the sea and lived here."

The southernmost tip of the world is the South China Sea.

The South China Sea also has polar regions.

Like the North Sea, it is very cold there.

Antarctica is the hometown of penguins.

But in fact, many creatures in the sea will migrate long distances.

"Where is there?" Lin Feng pointed to the depths of the ice field, vaguely you can see a palace sitting there.

"That is the Palace of Unforgettable, the oldest force in the Beihai world." Uncle Yuwen glanced at the palace and said aloud.

When hearing the three words of the Palace of Unforgettable Palace, Lin Feng thought of Xu Yibing.

Lin Feng became one of the four heirs of the Lingzhen Master Temple.

In addition, the three thousand states are proud of their arrogance.

Rise strongly in Tianwu Continent.

So many people want to marry Lin Feng and marry Lin Feng, the outstanding female disciples of their own power.

At that time, the North Sea desperate island.

Endless Fire Kingdom.

Four Seasons Gate in the South China Sea.

These three forces are the most sincere.

Xu Yibing is one of the Beihai desperate islands.

It is also one of the four saints on Beihai Island.

Beihai Despair Island originally wanted Xu Yibing to marry Lin Feng.

Of course, Lin Feng did not agree, and this matter went away.

Thinking of this Beihai desperate island, Lin Feng said, "There seems to be a desperate island in Beihai, don't you know what it has to do with the desperate palace?".

Uncle Yuwen said, "Beihai's Unforgettable Island and the Unforgettable Palace are a force. This unforgettable palace is equivalent to the ancestral land of the Unforgettable Island in Beihai. Some of the most excellent disciples will be sent to the Unforgettable Palace for training.

"It turns out so ...". Lin Feng nodded.

In the distance, more than a dozen female disciples in white clothes flew out.

They are like fairies falling from above nine days.

"The fairies of the Palace of Unforgettable Comes out, we should leave, and we should not be close to them. Many of the women here are not kind people, especially men, and even more bad!" Uncle Yuwen said.

"I heard that the Beihai Despair Island only recruits female disciples, and the word" Despair "is the sect name. It seems that the woman who created the Beihai Despair Island may be hurt by love."

Lin Feng said.

Uncle Yuwen drove the snow wolf to change the direction and said, "Maybe it is, but no matter how, this force has been separated from many men and women since the establishment of 500,000 years ago. A marriage, what this force does, is lacking in virtue. "

Lin Feng smiled and said, "Uncle is talking about the Palace of Absence in this way. Are you afraid that the people in the Palace of Abuse will know?".

Uncle Yuwen laughed a few times and said, "If you don't say it, little brother, they won't know."

Lin Feng smiled and said, "I don't know if I go to report the uncle, will the Palace of Unforgettable Palace reward me a beautiful female disciple."

Uncle Yuwen grinned and said, "If there is such a good thing, I will tell myself now"!

"Haha ...". The two laughed.

Nine-headed snow wolf pulled the sled quickly towards the distance.

At this time, more than a dozen female disciples from the Palace of Absence flew over.

These female disciples entered the extremely cold mountains and took the extremely cold water to practice.

Many of the exercises in this palace are extremely cold cathodes, so you need to use extreme cold water to help you practice, which can increase your cultivation speed.

And one of the female disciples looked at Lin Feng, who had left, and slightly frowned at Dai Mei.

"Sister Yi Bing, what are you looking at?". Asked a female disciple.

Xu Yibing said with a bitter smile, "I thought it was a person I knew, maybe Xu was wrong."

Xu Yibing withdrew his gaze.

Then quickly left with a group of teachers and sisters.

The sky gradually dimmed in the extreme north at about two-thirty in the afternoon.

In this place, the day is extremely short.

The night is very long.

The cold wind screamed at night, extremely cold.

Lin Feng returned to the town in a sleigh.

"Brother, it is already very late. Why not go to my house for a drink, how about warming up?"

Uncle Yuwen said.

Lin Feng is planning to find an inn to stay.

Hearing that Uncle Yuwen invited himself, he said, "I'm just afraid to disturb Uncle's family."

"Haha ... don't worry about this, I am alone. Even if we drink all night, no one can control us"!

Uncle Yuwen said with a smile.

"Then respect is worse than obey"!

Lin Feng clenched his fists and returned to his home with Uncle Yuwen.

Uncle Yuwen's home is in the northwest corner. This is a little rundown courtyard.

Uncle Yuwen parked the sled in the yard, and then loosened the rope around the neck of the blood wolf.

Then he took out some beast meat and threw it to the nine-headed snow wolf.

"This is the ice demon's meat. The ice demon is a kind of fierce beast everywhere in the extreme north of our country. It is unusually cruel. It often attacks the town or the people who are outside. If you are not familiar with it, you ca n’t eat it. Your blood will freeze when you eat it, and you will die immediately. Therefore, the ice demon ’s meat can only be used to feed the snow wolf.

Uncle Yuwen said.

Lin Feng nodded and said, "These snow wolves seem to have the same spirituality? They do not attack strangers!"

Uncle Yuwen smiled and said, "Snow wolf is different from other wolves. Other wolves have fierce temperament, but the snow wolf has a gentle temperament and is very clever, but there is no psychic, psychic snow wolf, It is already a demon, and you can practice on your own, and ordinary people cannot control such a snow wolf. "

After the nine-headed snow wolf had eaten enough, it entered its den and slept on the ground.

Lin Feng and Uncle Yuwen entered the house.

The house is very simple, but Uncle Yuwen cooked wine, put a hot pot on it, and put a lot of meat in it.

Then I added some condiments and cooked the hot pot.

In the extreme north, there are many fierce beasts, so there is no shortage of meat.

However, the environment in the extreme north is so harsh that vegetation cannot grow, so vegetables are not available here.

"Come here, how about tasting this wine?" Uncle Yuwen poured a large bowl of boiled wine to Lin Feng, instructing Lin Feng to taste it.

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