Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1709: Transaction

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The fire spirit of Hell Ghost Fire was too strong, so Lin Feng was not surprised by the fire spirit of Hell Ghost Fire.

Instead, a calm expression on his face.

The more life-and-death battles are, the more calm Lin Feng is. This may be a habit that has been cultivated for many years.

He was running an immortal body and repaired his broken arm instantly.

"Undead God Body! You turned out to be a member of that family!"

The fire spirit of Hell Ghost Fire cried in surprise.

"That family? Do you know what family I am from?". Lin Feng asked in a loud voice.

Lin Feng only knew that their ancestors of the Lin family were extraordinary, but as time passed, the bloodline gradually became mediocre.

This branch of them seems to be only a branch, and there is a main vein.

But Lin Feng knew nothing about the main vein. Obviously Hell Ghost Fire should know something.

"Ji-Ji-Ji ..., ask Lord Ye to go"!

The fire spirit of Hell Ghost Fire laughed.

Immediately, he rose to the sky and rushed towards Lin Feng.

"Burning Sky's Fury!"

Lin Feng drank coldly, squeezing the three kinds of sky fire together, forming a flame light ball.

The flame ball of light exuded a shocking wave.

The void is distorted.

He instantly sacrificed the ball of flame light.


Immediately afterwards, the ball of flame exploded in front of Hell Nether Fire and Spirit.

The devastating energy instantly exploded Hell Ghost Fire Spirit.

Hell Ghost Fire Fire Spirit is powerful, but withstands the blow of the sky-burning fury without guard.

He also suffered a lot of trauma, Lin Feng can clearly feel that the breath of Hell Ghost Fire and Fire Spirit is much more chaotic and weaker than before.

"How is it possible? How is this possible? I was injured by a ants?".

Hell Ghost Fire roared incredulously.

He could not believe what happened.

He couldn't accept what happened.

From the point of view of Hell Netherfire and Fire Spirit, Lin Feng only relied on an imperial soldier to fight him.

Now the imperial soldiers are trapped.

Isn't it easy to kill Lin Feng?

But the fact?

But he was injured by Lin Feng.

Hell Ghost Fire Spirit is proud.

He could not forgive himself for being injured by Lin Feng.

and so.

Hell Ghost Fire Fire Spirit!

Completely violent!

He roared and rushed towards Lin Feng directly.

The speed of Hell Ghost Fire is really too fast.

As if shrinking to an inch, Lin Feng did not give him the opportunity to condense his magical powers again.

He had already come to Lin Feng, and then punched Lin Feng.


This punch hit Lin Feng's chest.

Click, click!

The sternum shattered.

Lin Feng was blasted out.

He hadn't waited for Lin Feng to stabilize his body. Hell Ghost Fire Spirit had already deceived himself, and then punched Lin Feng with another punch.

Lin Feng raised his left hand to resist.

Click and click.

The arm suffered the blow and the bone broke.

Then the right leg of Hell Netherfire Huo Ling was pumped fiercely on Lin Feng's waist.

Lin Feng was pumped out.

Click and click.

The bones of the spine were all broken.

"I won't let you die so easily. I will torture you fiercely, let you taste all kinds of pain, and then kill you! Only in this way can I let my heart out!"

Hell Ghost Fire said fiercely.

He rushed towards Lin Feng again.

Another palm bombarded Lin Feng.


Lin Feng exhibited the make-up technique to avoid the terrifying blow of Hell Ghost Fire.

Hell Nether Fire Fire Spirit shot down in the empty space.

Lin Feng came 100 meters away.

The immortal body works.

His injury recovered again.

This is the ability of Lin Feng's bloodline, which can be called ordinary.

If you change to someone else and have suffered such a serious injury, you will have no longer any resistance.

"Making up!"

Hell Ghost Firefire looked at Lin Feng indifferently, "It is really a lot to know the magical power, but after the Skystretching technique is applied once, it cannot be performed for the second time in three days. Next time? ".


A terrifying breath emanated from Hell's Netherfire Fire Spirit, and he killed Lin Feng again.

At this time, Lin Feng was in charge of the blood of the emperor.

"Master! Trial!"

Lin Feng drank coldly, the light of endless judgment poured out, and he drove towards Hell Nether Fire and Spirit.


Hell nether fire fire spirit look indifferent.

In his body, Hell Ghost Fire was burning.

I saw the power of the trial played by Lin Feng.

They were all ignited by Hell Ghost Fire.

And the power of judgment was soon burned by the Hell Ghost Fire.

Seeing this scene, Lin Feng could not help but take a breath.

He once tried it with Golden Dragon God Fire!

Lin Feng found that Jinlong Shenyan could not hurt the power to ignite the judgment.

But Hell Ghost Fire does.

Sure enough, Tianhuo ranked 21st.

"Any of your supernatural powers are in front of me!

"The ants want to make waves in front of the dragon! This is simply impossible!"

"You are in front of me! There is only one way to die!"

Hell nether fire fire spirit look indifferent, his face full of grinning expression, he walked towards Lin Feng step by step.

"Everything should be over! There is not so much effort here to play with you."

Hell Ghost Fire Fire said coldly.

His breath began to climb.

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