Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1713: Wanbingshan

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There is a lot of people coming and going here in Wanbing Mountain.

Because in this huge mountain range, many weapons are sealed.

At the very least are all weapons of the artifact level.

It is said that the imperial soldiers were even sealed.

Of course, it is not an easy task to break Wan Bingshan's prohibition. Wan Bingshan's prohibition is very powerful.

Many monks were killed when they broke the ban on Wanbing Mountain.

Both form and spirit are destroyed.

The death is extremely miserable.

However, once the ban on Wanbing Mountain can be cracked, you can get the magic weapon inside the seal, so even if you know that Wanbing Mountain is dangerous here, there are still countless monks.

The Four Sacred Birds are flying in mid-air, and Wanbing Mountain is already in sight.

"Master! Wanbing Mountain is in front! There are many treasures in that place! Many powerful magic seals are sealed"!

Cried the four holy birds.

Lin Feng nodded and said, "Find a place to come."

"Yes, master!" The Four Sacred Birds responded quickly, and quickly flew into Wanbing Mountain, then landed in a forest.

Then the four holy birds became an eagle-sized spirit bird, standing on Lin Feng's shoulder.

Countless magic weapons have been sealed in the Wanbing Mountain, and Lin Feng is naturally interested in these magic weapons.

Although the general artifacts he despised.


In the future, you can form your own forces. These artifacts can be used to great effect.

Use an artifact to form a monk army.

Then this monk army is bound to be invincible.

To know.

Because of the scarcity of materials, many **** monks have no artifacts.

Artifacts are precious.

This is why Wan Bingshan attracts so many monks.

Wanbing Mountain is not a mountain peak.

It is a mountain.

It consists of nine peaks. ,

The mountains are continuous.

It stretches out seven to eighty miles, very huge.

In addition to the many magic weapons in Wanbing Mountain, this is also a place where wild beasts are rampant.

So here is very dangerous.

Of course, for a strong man like Lin Feng, this place, Wan Bingshan, is not enough to pose too much a threat to him.

Unless it is a monk above the realm of the real god.

Only then could it threaten Lin Feng.

"Roar"! The roar was loud.

In the valley far away, war broke out.

Lin Feng skimmed in the direction of the war and found a snow-white giant tiger fighting with a dozen monks.

The snow-white giant tiger is not a "white tiger".

It's the Jiaowei Tiger.

Tiger's body, dragon's tail.

The common tiger tiger has a cyan body.

But the tiger in front of him is a white body, it is estimated that the blood vein has changed.

Mutation is quite common among fierce beasts.

After the mutation, the color of the body of the fierce beast will often be different from the original, and the body shape will also change.

But the biggest change is strength.

The mutated beast will greatly improve its strength.

This valley should be the old nest of the mutant tiger, because Lin Feng saw a cave deep in the valley.

There are still a lot of corpses scattered outside the cave, which are estimated to be beasts hunted by the mutant carp tiger.

The tiger beasts are all treasures, especially the tiger bones, which are of high value.

The value of the mutant tiger is even greater.

It is said that the tiger bone of the mutant tiger can be refined into a god-level incarnation, which is precious and abnormal.

The dozen or so monks estimated that they stumbled upon this mutant tiger tiger by accident and wanted to kill this mutant tiger tiger.

Among the monks who besieged the mutated Jiaowei Tiger, the strongest one was the Triple Sky of Godfire Realm, which was also a very powerful monk.

The rest of the people are cultivated in the realm of False God.

Such a group of strong men united together with an arrogant power.

Dealing with the common tiger tiger is simply a matter of hand.

But to the words of the mutant Jiaowei Tiger.

Lin Feng felt this was not an easy task.

The strength of the mutant tiger tiger is more than ten times or even dozens of times stronger than the ordinary tiger tiger of the same level.

Although the modified behavior of the beleaguered Jiaowei Tiger is only the cultivation of the Divine Fire Realm.

But it was also difficult for those dozen monks to kill this mutant tiger.

Lin Feng suddenly lost his interest in looking down. He walked towards the distance, and it didn't take long to hear the scream of screams coming from the valley of the war.

Apparently the monk who besieged the mutant Jiaowei Tiger was killed.

This is just the beginning, Lin Feng believes that as time goes on.

The monks who besieged the variant Jiaowei Tiger.

More and more will die.

He left the area and walked deep into the mountains.

A dozen red-eyed demon pigs suddenly appeared in the forest.

These red-eyed demon pigs are well-known beasts. It is hard to see them even in the outside world.

The red-eyed demon pig has a pair of curved and huge fangs.

Each of these two fangs has a length of about one meter.

Like two sharp scimitars, it shone with a frosty light.

The red-eyed demon pig was covered with armor-like cuticles, his eyes were red, and there were flashes of cold eyes.

A dozen red-eyed demon pigs gave a low roar and rushed towards Lin Feng.

These red-eyed demon pigs are extremely fast, rushing towards Lin Feng like lightning, and their sharp fangs pierce Lin Feng's body.



Lin Feng snorted, raised his hand and chopped out.

A dazzling sword gas condensed.

Beheaded towards the red-eyed demon pig.

These red-eyed demon pigs responded extremely quickly, resisting with fangs.

Clang clang ...

A violent collision sounded.

A dozen red-eyed demon pigs were shocked and retreated.

The fangs of these red-eyed demon pigs are extremely hard and have not been hurt.

After seeing Lin Feng's strength, he dispersed.

"The red-eyed demon pig ran away! The meat is gone!"

The Four Sacred Birds shouted, and then chased them out. Soon after, the Four Sacred Birds returned, holding a red-eyed demon pig killed by it in their paws.

The Four Sacred Birds are omnivores and do not eat without it.

Since the last time I ate Lin Feng ’s barbecue, I have been thinking about having another barbecue dinner.

"At night! You can make a roasted whole pig! The taste should be good." Lin Feng touched his chin and said.

After the four holy birds heard it, their saliva almost came out.

Soon after, Lin Feng discovered a powerful ban.

He was slightly surprised and said, "Should Wanbingshan's magic weapon be sealed under such a ban?"

The Four Sacred Birds nodded and said, "Yes master! These prohibitions are the prohibitions of the seal magic weapon."

Any monk can try to break these restrictions.

But these prohibitions are terrible and can release all kinds of terrorist attacks.

Therefore, many monks are united to attack the ban, forcibly destroy the ban, and then take the baby.

It is just that these prohibitions are extremely powerful, so it is very difficult to forcefully destroy these prohibitions with brute force.

For others, it is not as difficult to crack the ban, but for Lin Feng, it is not so difficult to crack such a ban.

As he approached the prohibition, he saw that there was a horrible wave of escaping from the prohibition. The prohibition was brewing a powerful attack, and he was about to attack Lin Feng.

However, Lin Feng did not give the ban the opportunity. He exhibited the split formation technique inherited from Heavenly Master Dao. In the most powerful and overbearing way, he forcibly tore the ban and took a giant axe from the ban.

This giant axe exudes endless killing intentions, and there is blood of the gods and devils that have not dried up. It was definitely a horrible killer that exterminated the gods in the past.

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