Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1718: Strength and force (on)

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"Fight! Even if you die together! You must not be taken away by the people of the Yin and Yang Hehuan Sect!"

Xue Zimei gritted her teeth.

The rest of the Xue tribe are also determined.

Obviously, I want to fight hard.

Lin Feng touched his chin. At this time, he seemed to have to stand up and say a few words.

He has a good relationship with the Xue nationality.

And this woman is quite ambiguous with Xue Zimei.

Xuexin and Xuefei sisters are also obsessed with themselves. Lin Feng feels that they let Xuexin and Xuefei sisters follow him to the grove, and neither sister will object.

But Lin Feng felt that he was too pure. For such a long time, Leng did not take Xue Xin and Xue Fei to the grove.

Changed to another man, it is estimated that the animal nature has already made a big difference?

Nowadays, the Xue people are all women, and they are all beautiful and moving. No wonder the Yin and Yang Hehuanzong people will beat their crooked ideas.

Such a group of people, Lin Feng is a man.

If you don't stand up at this moment, it's a bit too useless.

Lin Feng said lightly, "The people of the Yin and Yang Hehuan Sect are a group of big Yin demons. Now that you and the Yin and Hehuan Sect are all shouting and fighting, they still dare to come out and jump, don't you know how to write dead words?

In fact, Lin Feng did not know much about the Yin and Yang Hehuan Sect of Kyushu.

Everyone of the Yin and Yang Hehuan clan in Tianwu mainland shouted, so they usually did some bad things in the background.

But the Yin and Yang Hehuan Sect of Kyushu is much more arrogant because of their strength.

These people of the Yin-Yang Hehuan Sect actually noticed Lin Feng long ago.

Among the group of beauties, there is such a man as Lin Feng, can you not pay attention?

At this moment, I heard Lin Feng's mockery of the Yin-Yang Hehuan Sect.

The monks of the Yin-Yang Hehuan Sect suddenly became gloomy.

Who is this kid?

A monk in the **** of fire.

How dare you scorn the Yin and Yang Hehuan Sect in front of so many masters of Yin and Yang Hehuan Sect?

The monk of the Seventh Heaven of the Yin-Yang Hehuan Sect is called He Liushui, and his evil eyes looked coldly at Lin Feng, and said with a grin, "Boy! You know, with your words just now, no one can Save your life, do you want to die? ".

Lin Feng snorted and said, "On the basis of your group of waste? Want to kill me? It's ridiculous. It's ridiculous to see that you guys are all vain and pale, have you been dried out? A slap will kill you. "

Hearing Lin Feng's words, everyone was stunned.

Snow people looked at each other.

Immediately afterwards, there were wry smiles.

They did not expect that this time, Lin Feng would be so arrogant.

The other party is as strong as the cloud.

There are twenty strong men in the real **** realm.

And there are more than one hundred people in the False God, the monk of Shenhuo Realm.

Such a huge force.

It's almost invincible.

Although Lin Fengxiu is not weak, Xue Zimei and others speculate that Lin Feng's Xiuwei is at most equivalent to the three or four heavens of the real **** realm.

But He Liushui, the leading monk of the Yin and Yang Hehuan Sect, is the strongest of the Seven Heavens of the True God Realm.

This level can almost kill three or four monks of the real **** realm in seconds.

So Xue Zimei and others really don't understand where Lin Feng's courage is so arrogant.

Maybe it's because he doesn't know how powerful He Liushui is? I don't know how many strong men there are on the side of the Yin and Yang Hehuan Sect?

"Grass! Something I don't know is alive, even ran to our Yin-Yang Hehuan Sect to pretend to be here! Give me this kid! Lao Tzu wants to slap him with thousands of swords!"

He Liushui's eerie voice came out.

There is a monstrous murderous intention in his voice.

In He Liushui's eyes.

Lin Feng is a ants.

Now the ants are provoking the majesty of the dragon.

How can it endure?

He Liushui did not want to kill Lin Feng directly, because in He Liushui's view, he killed Lin Feng directly.

It is too cheap Lin Feng.

He intends to torture Lin Feng fiercely, and then Lin Feng, thousands of knives, let Lin Feng step by step to death.

"Yes! Master!"

After getting He Liushui's order, a master of the triple **** realm stepped out.

He looked at Lin Feng with a grinning face.


The master of the triple heaven of the True God Realm grabbed Lin Feng.

A terrifying coercion came out.

Feel the powerful breath from this person.

Many people on the Xue ethnic side feel that they have difficulty breathing, and their faces are pale.

Only the six true **** monks, Xue Zimei, Xue Zilan, Xue Zizhu, Xue Ziju, Xue Ziling, and Xue Zixian, can withstand the coercion of this Yin and Yang Hehuan sect.

"Lin Feng! Be careful!"

Xuexin and Xuefei sisters cried in horror, worrying that Lin Feng would suffer.

"Dare ant-like things dare to attack in front of me?". Lin Feng raised his eyelids and beheaded with a stroke.

Brilliant daggers formed by condensation.

I saw that Daoman beheaded the strong man in the triple heaven of the real **** of Yin and Yang Hehuanzong.


A tearing sound spread immediately.

Blood spewed out.

Everyone will see.

The monk of the True God Realm of the Triple Heavens of Yin and Yang Hehuan Sect was actually split into two halves by Lin Feng's condensed sword, and the body fell from midair.

"God, so powerful?".

Everyone in the Xue nationality was shocked.

That's a master of the triple gods of the True God Realm, which was actually killed by Lin Feng in one stroke.

Originally, Xue Zimei and others thought that Lin Feng's cultivation practice was about three or four days in the realm of true god.

But now it seems that this strength has at least the fivefold heaven of the real **** realm, and even the sixth heaven of the real **** realm.

This guy has been hiding strength before?

Xue Zimei couldn't help thinking.

"Look for death! Look for death!"

Seeing that the monk of the Triple Heaven of the True God Realm was killed, He Liushui saw the killing intention in the sky. He jumped out and killed Lin Feng.

"You back up ...". Lin Feng waved his hand, powerful mana caught Xue Zimei and others.

Send them a group of hundreds of meters away.

Lest the war affect them.

Xue Zimei and others looked nervously at Lin Feng who was dragged by He Liushui.

He Liushui, however, is the Seventh Heaven Realm of True God Realm, whose strength is too strong.

They could not help worrying about Lin Feng.

He Liushui slapped towards Lin Feng.

Faced with He Liushui's attack, Lin Feng sneered.

Now he broke through to the **** fire.

Compared with the past, Xiuwei has been turned upside down.


Lin Feng also wants to check what level of combat power he has achieved.

Facing He Liushui's blow.

Lin Feng greeted the past with no fear.


The two collided together.

Just as the two ancient giant mountains collided fiercely, with Lin Feng and He Liushui as the center, the surrounding voids collapsed.

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