Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1734: Situ Mingyue

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"Boy! Don't be too shameless to be a man!"

A group of younger brothers looked angrily at Lin Feng. These people really wanted to kill Lin Feng and the fat man.

Lin Feng pouted and said, "Young Master, I exchange feelings with the four beauties and discuss life, is it your business?"

A younger brother said coldly, "We and Ruoliu and they are playmates who grew up together, are we concerned about what is wrong with them?"

"Yeah! Wolf ambition! I think your kid must be playing a very nasty idea, don't think I don't know what you think."

Lin Feng pouted.

"You, you, you, spitting people"! The younger brother's face was angry.

"Ye, for the sake of the four beauties, he will not care about you," Lin Feng said lightly.

A group of younger brothers rolled their eyes wildly, thinking we were afraid you wouldn't succeed?

This team was relatively lucky along the way, although it also encountered some fierce beast attacks.

But he did not encounter a beast that was too powerful.

So basically no casualties were caused.

That night.

There were sounds of violent waves in the depths.

Just like the two sleeping ancient emperors woke up.

Everyone looked deep.

You can see that a bright moon took off.

On the opposite side is a burning flame.

"Situ Mingyue! Du Gu Di Tian!"

Many people exclaimed.

Situ Mingyue stands in the bright moon, like a divine emperor in the moon, coldly looking at the lonely emperor heaven in the divine flame.

And the Alone Emperor's Heaven, the oblique eyes, swallowing the eight wildernesses, like the same Emperor Warrior, between his hands, he can sweep the universe.

"This place is not far from the reincarnation of Immortal Sect, this solitary emperor who pursued and killed Situ Mingyue even came here!"

Lin Feng frowned slightly.

I really don't know if the Du Gu Di Tian is too confident in his cultivation, or he still hasn't put the reincarnation immortal in his eyes.


The two of them did not speak too much, and directly launched a powerful attack to kill each other.

The vast moon, crushing the sky, is like the real moon descending from the sky, blasting towards the sky of the lonely emperor.

The Divine Flame in Du Gu Di Tian ’s body rushed into the sky and turned into a Divine Dragon with open teeth and claws, and went towards Situ Mingyue.


The two sides banged together.

The sky falls apart, and the sun and the moon are dark.

Large areas of mountains and forests were destroyed.

In the mountains and forests, even the sound of insects singing birds disappeared.

The fierce beasts active in the mountains and forests are not afraid to appear now.


"Good! Is this the person on the Tianjiao list?". Lin Feng was full of shock in his heart.

The two collided together, Lin Feng even thought that the two heavenly gods were fighting together.

"Situ Mingyue, you can't do it, the final destiny is to die in my hands." Du Gu Di Tian's voice was cold.

The flame inside him became more and more dazzling.

The second divine dragon was condensed and continued to fight against Situ Mingyue.

The two dragons attacked Situ Mingyue!

boom! boom!


The two sides collided again.

This time Situ Mingyue was shocked and retreated.

"No? Situ Mingyue was shocked? Was Du Gu Ditian so powerful? Not even Situ Mingyue is his opponent?".

Seeing this scene, many people exclaimed.

Ah quack!

The little donkey looked at the war monster in the distance and shouted.

The fat man said, "This Situ Mingyue seems to be injured".

Lin Feng nodded, he also felt it.

I don't know how this Situ Mingyue hurt.

Now it is difficult to raise the fighting power to its peak.

So seeing Situ Mingyue being suppressed by Du Gu Di Tian, ​​Lin Feng didn't think there was anything strange.

"Yin ..."

A high dragon chant sounded through the sky.

The Divine Flame from the Heavenly Body of Dugu Emperor turned into the third Divine Dragon.

This third dragon, also slain to Situ Mingyue.

Every time a more dragon comes out, the attack of Du Gu Di Tian will greatly increase the level.

This solitary imperial means is indeed extraordinary and terrifying.

"Dugu Emperor Heaven! Spreading wild in my reincarnation of Immortal Sect! Really thought you were one of the three great sons of Taishang Immortal Sect, don't you dare to kill you in this seat?".

Suddenly, a cold voice resounded in vain.


In the void, a big hand came out.

The big hand descended from the sky, and the three-headed divine dragon, which was condensed by God alone, suddenly shattered.

"Huh! Situ Mingyue, today you elders of the reincarnation of Xianzong shot, count your good luck, next time, you will definitely die."

Dugu Emperor was extremely arrogant and glanced coldly at Situ Mingyue.

He tore the void in an instant.

Before it could only be killed by a large amount of hands, it had already gone through the void.

That can only be a lot of hands, and then it will disappear.

Situ Mingyue stood in the void and frowned slightly.

He didn't stay, swept toward the distance, and disappeared without blinking.

Many people are still talking about the war just now. Although it is short, it is shocking.

At the same time, there are many people talking about who is the master who can only handle a lot of hands?

The master who can only handle a large amount of money should be shot within the reincarnation of Xianzong.

But across such a long distance, such a powerful attack condenses.

It feels incredible.

Three days later!

The large army came out of the reincarnation of Xianzong.

I saw the mountains in front.

One by one, the dragon veins lie in the forest.

The dragon gas was transpiring and Zixia breathed out.

In the mountains and forests, spirit deer are flying everywhere, and **** apes are playing.

Above the sky.

It is flying across groups of cranes from time to time.

This reincarnation of Xianzong is almost the same as Xianren Daochang.

People can not help but give birth to a deep awe and look up.

Outside the reincarnation of the Xianzong Mountain Gate, the dense monks had long been stopped.

The disciples of the mountain guard the mountain gate.

"When will the test start!" Cried the fat man.

Immediately, a disciple of Hushan shouted coldly, "No rebellion is allowed outside the Xianzong Mountain Gate, otherwise you will be disqualified from the test!"

"Fox is fake"! The fat man grunted, but he was more honest.

Waited for about three days.

During these three days, people continued to arrive.

There are also more and more people gathered outside the samsara.

At this time, more than a dozen monks flew out of the reincarnation of Xianzong, and an old man at the head said, "Shouyuan is more than a thousand years, and cultivation is generally lower than the gods, and it is not eligible to participate in the test of my reincarnation. .

The immortal sect gates such as reincarnation immortal ancestors are naturally demanding.

The monks who came to the test also knew the requirements of samsara, so they were not surprised.

"These people who meet the conditions, go with the old man to test, and the rest are waiting outside the mountain gate." The old man said that he immediately rose into the sky and flew towards the depths.

The qualified monks, one after another, went to the test site.

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