Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1740: Playing the Dafa gong and ringing the world clock (5)

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"Brother, you are too good! Come on! Clear the customs! Then take my brother to the fairy!"

Cried the fat man.

"Dead fat man! Shut up!" Many people glared at the fat man and really wanted to cut the fat man.

The three fairies could not help staring at the fat man.

The fat man saw the three fairies looking at him.

Also waved towards the three fairies.

Lin Feng continued to walk towards the depths of Tongtian Road.

The assessment of the third stage is obviously much more difficult than the first stage and the second stage.

Tao Xin torture may not be particularly difficult.

But Diwei was born.

It's terrible.

It is also very difficult for Lin Feng to contend with Di Wei if he is not mastering the Supreme Purple Domineering.

What more difficult assessment?

Lin Feng couldn't help himself.

This is what countless onlookers want to know.

The third stage of assessment, torture of Dao Xin and the arrival of Diwei, is a fixed assessment method.

Everyone will experience.

If you can successfully pass.

No one knows what kind of assessment came later.


"Heaven is boundless! If you want to testify! You need to defeat yourself!"

A vast voice came out.

Immediately after,

On Tongtian Road, another Lin Feng appeared.

The Lin Feng shot and killed Lin Feng's deity, the two immediately fought together, and the fight was indistinguishable.

"To defeat yourself? How can this be overcome?".

Many people are looking at each other.

It is easy for monks to defeat others.

But want to overcome yourself.

It is too difficult.

Because two self-identical battles, mastery, experience, etc., everything is exactly the same.

Therefore, in such a battle, the best result is indiscriminate outcome.

If you are careless, you may even be injured by another person.

After all, the other one is created by Heaven.

And the deity.

It is flesh and blood.

The self created by heaven will not be hurt.

The deity of flesh and blood will be injured.

Half an hour of hard work.

Various powerful supernatural powers were exhibited.

It is also difficult to overcome another self created by Heavenly Dao.

This made Lin Feng frown.

"This guy can't beat the other one at all, so if it is consumed, it won't last long, he will fall."

Many people said excitedly.

For many monks, they don't want to watch this shameless man who dares to molest the three fairies pass the customs smoothly.

"I will do all you can!"

Lin Feng stopped.

Lin Feng, created by Tiandao, also stopped.

He said, "Yes! Because I am you, you are me! You cannot defeat yourself!"

"This is not necessary!".

Lin Feng looked indifferent and stepped forward. This time, he didn't run mana and showed no magic power.

The battle has been so long.

He discovered another weakness in himself created by heaven.

With the power of pure flesh, Lin Feng fights against himself.

"Fuck against me? You will soon lose!"

Lin Feng, created by Heaven, looked coldly at Lin Feng's deity.

He did not choose to compete with Lin Feng's deity.

Because Lin Feng created by Heavenly Dao has all the magical powers of Lin Feng, he also has all the fighting experience of Lin Feng.

But one thing, he doesn't have it.

That is the body of the flesh and blood.

Lin Feng, created by Heavenly Dao, has no flesh and blood, and that body is formed by the condensation of laws.

If you compete with the flesh, there is no possibility to compete with the body of Lin Feng's deity. Now Lin Feng's flesh has reached the high-level flesh of the gods.

Lin Feng, who was created by Tiandao, knew his shortcomings, so instead of playing a physical game with Lin Feng, he chose to step back and distance him. He continued to suppress Lin Feng with his powerful magical powers.

"That kid wanted to physically fight the other one created by Tian Dao. The idea is good, but the key is that the other one created by Tian Dao does not give him a chance to get close. How can he fight this battle?

"Yeah, another one created by Heavenly Dao directly attacked him with powerful magical powers, which is invincible!"

"This battle, you don't have to keep watching, you already know the result!"

Many people talked about it, obviously Lin Feng is not optimistic at this moment.

At this moment.

Lin Feng, created by Heavenly Dao, exhibited powerful magical powers, and various magical powers drove towards Lin Feng.

Devil Emperor Nine Slashes, Split the Sky, Sword Qi, Great Death, and so on.

These magical powers were brought together to form a long river of magical powers, which flooded Xiang Linfeng.

Everyone thought Lin Feng was about to be defeated.

But soon everyone was shocked to discover.

When various powerful attacks bombarded Lin Feng.

Lin Feng smashed his right fist directly.

Bang Bang Bang ...

All kinds of supernatural powers were shattered by him.

"Oh my god! What kind of body is this? Can you resist so many powerful supernatural power attacks?".

Seeing this scene, countless people shouted in disbelief.

Lin Feng's flesh is almost invulnerable, so strong that it is abnormal.

"What's this? It's just supernatural, even if the artifact bombards me, it just tickles me."

Lin Feng said triumphantly.

Now his physical body has reached the high level of the gods.

As the cultivation practice continues to improve, the flesh will become stronger and stronger.

An ordinary artifact.

It's really hard to hurt Lin Feng.


Hear Lin Feng's complacent words.

Even those who were unhappy with Lin Feng did not make sarcasm because they knew that Lin Feng was talking about facts.

Ordinary artifacts can't hurt such a powerful body at all.

At least, artifacts above the gods are needed to hurt Lin Feng.

After breaking all kinds of supernatural powers with his body, Lin Feng stepped on the world of all directions.

He quickly rushed to Lin Feng, who was created by Tiandao, and swept past with a punch.

At this time, Lin Feng created by Heavenly Dao didn't shoot, but disappeared.

"It's over!"

Many people exclaimed.

It's hard to be calm.

Is that guy really going to climb the top of Shengzu Mountain?

Lin Feng strode forward and rushed towards the depths.

Many people moved.

Is that guy really going to climb Shengzu Mountain?

Lin Feng jumped up and set foot on the peak of Shengzu Mountain.

But at this time, a violent wave swept through the world.


A chain appeared.

That chain.

Distorted time and space.

That chain.

It seems to be immortal.

‘Emperor pattern’!

Many people exclaimed.

The emperor pattern is the divine pattern condensed by the emperor.

Kyushu was shrouded in emperor patterns.

Therefore, foreign monks cannot come.

Because Di Wen is so terrible.

Even the powerful in the realm of giant gods may be killed by the emperor's tattoo.

"From time to time! How many shocking generations have appeared in my reincarnation Xianzong? But there are only a handful of people who can ascend to Shengzu Mountain! The test of Tongtian Road is difficult. If you want to pass the customs, it is as difficult to climb the sky. Even facing the attack of Di Wen, this is simply impossible. "

"Yeah, it's too difficult. That's the emperor's pattern, the emperor's pattern is born, and God can't contend!"

Many people are emotional.

At this time, everyone felt that Lin Feng should take the initiative to quit, because Emperor's pattern is too terrible.

But no one thought that Lin Feng was walking towards the emperor pattern.


Emperor Wen seemed to think that he had been provoked in general, exuding endless Emperor Wen, and went directly to Lin Feng.

"Is that kid looking for death?". Many people shouted.

In their view, even though Lin Feng's methods were extraordinary, he could not compete with the emperor's patterns.

Now that he wants to fight against Emperor Wen, this is completely self-seeking.

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