Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1743: Kame

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"You all come and want to take him as a disciple?". Asked the spirit of the reincarnation fairy.

"Return to the fairy! That's exactly it!"

A group of strong ancestors replied.

"You can talk to him, as for who to worship as a teacher, it depends on his own choice!" Said the instrumental spirit of the reincarnation fairy.

Then a group of powerful ancestors looked at Lin Feng like a big wolf looking at the little white rabbit.

The thoughts of these strong ancestors flashed through their minds.

They are thinking about what attractive conditions should be developed to attract Lin Feng to study.

Lin Feng was not in a hurry, smiling, waiting for these strong ancestors to speak.

But at this time.

A cloud of black mist covered the sky and flooded into the stars and palaces.

"Jin-Jin! You guys! Let's go with the old man! You don't have to worry about hitting him."

A dark voice came out of the dark mist.

next moment.

The black mist caught Lin Feng.

Then tear the void and disappear.

"Old Turtle! You never want to grab someone!"

A group of strong ancestors suddenly became angry.

Quickly chased out.


The light flashed.

Lin Feng found himself in a forest.


He was directly dropped on the ground.


An old man looked at Lin Feng with a smile, and said, "Boy, what are you doing stunned? Hurry up and learn from the teacher!"

Lin Feng rubbed his **** and climbed up from the ground.

Then looked at the old man.

To his surprise.

This old man actually carried a turtle shell.

"Turtleman?" Lin Feng couldn't help shouting.

Turtlemen Lin Feng is no stranger.

This is a race in the ocean.

After hearing Lin Feng's address to himself.

The old guy slapped Lin Feng on the head.

With a thump.

Lin Feng's buttocks sat on the ground.

"Boy! Blind? Laozi is Xuanwu! Holy Beast Xuanwu!"

The old guy shouted with dissatisfaction.

Qinglong! White Tiger! Suzaku! Xuanwu! Huang Snake!

This is the Five Elements Holy Beast.

It is rumored that there are five emperors in heaven, who are in charge of the five elements of golden wood, water, fire and earth.

These five parties of the emperor.

They are the Eastern Blue Dragon Saint Emperor! Western White Tiger Saint! Emperor Suzaku of the South! Northern Xuanwu Saint Emperor! Emperor Snake Emperor!

The five emperors are from the Blue Dragon, White Tiger, Suzaku, Xuanwu, and Huangshe.

Therefore, these five races are the most powerful races in Xu Tian's ethereal world.

Among the three thousand worlds, there are also five holy beasts, but the pure blood of the five holy beasts is rarely seen.

Most of them are descendants of impure blood.

It is difficult to realize the powerful combat power of the Five Sacred Orcs.

"Little Master has never seen Xuanwu, how do you know if you are Xuanwu or the Turtlemen?".

Lin Feng couldn't help crying.

Of course he didn't dare to say these words in front of the old guy.

Lin Feng is also the first time to see the strong man of Xuanwu Saint Orc.

This old guy's strength is extremely terrifying, Lin Feng can feel his strength.

However, the strength is strong, just a bit careful.

He accompanied the smiling face and said, "The juniors have no knowledge, and admit the wrong predecessor's race. I am really sorry.

Seeing Lin Feng apologizing for his smile, the old man looked better.

He said, "You can worship Turtle Master and I as a teacher. It is a blessing you have cultivated in three lifetimes.

Lin Feng was directly forced.

He originally wanted to ask Lord Turtle how he would benefit from his apprenticeship.

Then ask Lord Turtle, if you can give yourself the top ten fairies as a hotbed.

But now, Lord Turtle opened his mouth and suddenly caused Lin Feng to get a crit.

This old guy blocked all the roads he demanded for benefits, not to mention the gift of the four fairies to him as a bed-warmer.

If I dare to make such a request, I wonder if this old guy will cut it off?

It's not just that you don't meet each other when you learn from the teacher.

He even had to prepare a gift for this old guy.

Now Lin Feng really wants to cry without tears.

Xianmen apprenticeship.

Are n’t all the masters rewarding their disciples with various magic weapons, secrets of cultivation, and resources?

Why did you come here?

Instead, this apprentice wants to contribute baby?

"Cough, I still have things. Can I go to the teacher next time?". Lin Feng coughed twice, then said in a shame.

He wants to slip away.

But Turtle Master laughed twice, and said, "Boy! Would you like to sneak away? Tell you, this is impossible. Now, I will give you two ways. First, you kneel down and kowtow to pray. Hand over the gift of honoring the master. Secondly, you can choose to escape, and for the teacher, you have to personally catch and arrest you, and then force you to kneel and kowtow to worship the teacher. Scavenge all the babies on you and keep them on your behalf! "

"I go……".

Lin Feng couldn't help being speechless for a while.

This old guy is too shameless.

So shameless.

He threatened himself like this.

Worship this old guy as a teacher.

The little fairy sister is gone.

The magic weapon that the future master rewards, the supernatural power, the cultivation resource is gone.

This is too hacky.

But now there is no other choice.

Even though he was reluctant, he must honestly worship Turtle Master as his teacher.

"Fortunately, this old guy is a master!"

Lin Feng can only comfort himself in this way.

"Tuer visits the master"!

He knelt three times and knocked on the turtle.

After apprenticeship, Lin Feng took out hundreds of various elixirs, and took out a jar of monkey wine.

All these things were handed over to Turtle Lord.

"Haha, good boy, kind of filial"! The turtle turtle smiled and put away the present.

"Shoot ...".

At this time, the figure after the shuttle shuttled from the void.

More than 20 strong ancestors appeared.

After looking at Lord Turtle, he shouted angrily, "Old Turtle! We don't stop you from accepting anyone as an apprentice, but you can never worship you as a teacher.

"why?". Lin Feng felt that something seemed amiss and asked aloud.

An ancestor said, "This old turtle will let his apprentice practice ** Xuan Gong! This ** Xuan Gong reverses the meridian and mana flows back. Which of the apprentices he collected in the past is not a stunning genius, It's because of the cultivation of the old turtle's ** profound skills, all because of the inability to control the rebellious mana in the body, the body exploded and died! "

Hearing this ancestor's words, Lin Feng's heart crashed to death.

I was miserable by the old guy Turtle.

Turtle said with a smile, "You are already late, this kid has now worshipped me as a teacher!"

"Old turtle, you are too much! Now we will go to the suzerain to judge, and the suzerain will never let this child worship you as a teacher"!

Cried these ancestors angrily.

"Don't go here, don't bother Laozi again!" The turtle turtle whispered, a careless look.

He grabbed Lin Feng and flew towards the distance, and soon disappeared.

"let's go……". A group of ancestors left angrily.

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