Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1766: Arrogant duo

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"A group of grandchildren, just like you, dare to do it with our brothers, and the fat man can kill you with a finger."

The fat man cried out arrogantly.

This guy is a lord of pigs and tigers.

Although it usually does not show mountains and dew.

But really speaking.

Fat means are quite powerful.

"There is a conflict here, it's time to fight!"

Many people see conflicts here, all around.

"Boom ...".

Soon, the two sides collided together.

These core disciples are at least cultivated in Shenhuo Realm, powerful, and large in number.

But in front of Lin Feng and the fat man.

It's not enough to watch.

Everyone saw that Lin Feng and the fat man rushed into the crowd, which is simply a crushing trend.

A famous core disciple flew out with a punch.

As the so-called curse does not expose the short, hitting the person does not hit the face.

But Lin Feng and Fatty are not like this.

The two specifically slapped their faces.

Left uppercut for a while and right uppercut for a while.

One punch after another hit the face of a famous disciple.

Such a powerful punch, but all the punches couldn't bear it at all and were smashed and flew out.

All of his teeth were smashed, and he was sprayed with bleeding water, fell to the ground, and screamed again and again.

Without much meeting, a group of people lay on the ground.

"you guys……".

Seven or eight monks were scared, and they quickly backed away and looked at Lin Feng and the fat man in horror.

"It's too cruel! It's as easy to abuse the chicks to clean up a group of core disciples."

"There is no resistance at all, it is not a level at all"!

"Isn't that the kid who taught Su Ying and others more than a year ago? Fuck! No wonder such awesome."

Many people around were pointing and talking.

The fat man continued to yell arrogantly, "A bunch of waste, don't hide it if you have the ability, continue to come and do some tricks with the fat man!"

"This fat man is just playing the pig and eating the tiger."

Many people rolled their eyes wildly.

Wearing the costumes of outside disciples.

But it crushed the core disciples.

Offending such a person is the worst.

The remaining group of monks looked gloomy, but they dared not come forward.

"You wait! This thing is not over!"

Li Yixu looked coldly at Lin Feng and the fat man, left a harsh word, and then left with a group of people.

"Unfortunately, if there was no one, this group of people was robbed directly," Lin Feng muttered.

Hearing Lin Feng's murmur, many people couldn't help being speechless.

Is this guy too shameful?

Robbing with the door?

When Lin Feng and the fat man walked towards their mounts.

At this time.

More than a dozen people came from a distance, surrounding Lin Feng and the fat man.

"Look! It's Su Ying!"

"Suzi City is here too!"

"There is a good drama to watch this time. Su Ying and others have been looking for the kid for more than a year. This time finally blocked him. Even Su Zicheng was invited out. That kid might be out of luck."

Seeing Su Ying, a group of people in Su Zicheng came to surround Lin Feng, and many people were excited to discuss it.

The disciples who don't know the reason ask the people around them what the conflict is.

Then many monks who knew the details introduced the conflict more than a year ago to those around them.

Su Zicheng ranked ninth among the 70,000 or 80,000 core disciples.

This shows how powerful this Suzi City's cultivation practices are.

In the future, Suzi City is very likely to become a "son".

Now that everyone sees the arrival of Suzicheng, it is natural that Lin Feng will definitely be out of luck this time.

"Boy! You have been hiding for more than a year, why don't you hide now? Today you're in the wings!"

Lin Feng pouted, and said, "When will I escape you? Why? It's impossible to find it again? Could you all be masochists?".


Many people smirked directly. Unless they are lunatics, who would be a masochist?

Su Ying's face plummeted, and she said coldly, "Boy! Don't be arrogant! Today you are kneeling on the ground and begging me for mercy."

Conflicts between Zongmen disciples are very common.

So I can often see the fighting between disciples.

But Zongmen has regulations.

Discipline fighting methods are not allowed to hurt lives.

This Su Ying can't wait to slap Lin Feng thousands of times.

But because Zongmen stipulated that she could not do this, she thought about how to humiliate Lin Feng and trample on Lin Feng's dignity.

Lin Feng said lightly, "Is your group of wastes also want to deal with me?".

"Yes! A bunch of waste! It is not worthy to give my brother shoes!"

Fatty shouted aside.

These two guys are too arrogant!

Many people muttered.

The two new disciples joined Zongmen, although they were good at cultivation, but they lay tigers, hid dragons and masters.

But Lin Feng and Fatty did not know how to converge.

One is more arrogant than the other.

Many people think that these two guys will suffer a big loss sooner or later.

"Among the new disciples, someone as arrogant as you! I am the first time I saw it."

Su Zicheng's voice suddenly came out, very cold.

The temperature of the air seems to have dropped to minus zero.

Su Zicheng practiced the nine-turn ice tactics, with him as the center, as if the world would be frozen.

"Is it arrogant? I don't think, the principle I pursue is that people don't offend me, I don't offend people! If people offend me! Ten times back! So how far do you roll, don't jump in front of me Reach! "

Lin Feng pouted.

"Should this guy not know Suzi City? If he knew Suzi City, he would never dare to say this!"

Many people whispered.

Let Suzicheng go?

How many disciples in Zongmen dare to say such things?

It's just bold! act recklessly!

"Boy! How dare you disrespect Brother Su, do you know that Brother Su is the ninth strongest among the core disciples?".

A disciple beside Su Ying immediately shouted coldly.

Straight out the identity of Su Zicheng.

Originally, everyone thought that Lin Feng would be in a panic after he knew Su Zicheng's identity.

But Lin Feng is still a light expression.

"It turned out to be the ninth core disciple, but what about this? In my eyes, it's still a waste"!

Lin Feng said lightly.

Everyone around was dumbfounded and stared at Lin Feng in a daze.

This kid is a bit arrogant, right?

Knowing the identity of Su Zicheng, dare to say that Su Zicheng is a "waste"!

Su Zicheng broke through the realm of Taoism long ago.

Cultivate oneself.


This offends Suzi City, can Suzi City spare you?

Su Zicheng's whole body was trembling.

Indulging the Son, the Saint did not dare to humiliate him in this way.

Su Zicheng's voice was cold as ice, "Boy ... What kind of arrogant and outstanding person have I never seen in Su Zicheng? People who are arrogant like you, or the first time I saw them, I would like to see what you have skills in me So arrogant in front of me. "

The voice fell.

Su Zicheng walked towards Lin Feng step by step.

The icy air permeated, as if to freeze the whole world.

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