Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1774: Red Emperor

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"Great compassion! Mahabashi immeasurable!"

Seeing the wicked evil spirits, Lin Feng's tongue burst into gold and thunder, and his voice rolled.

Within the body, the endless Buddha shines into the sky.

He practiced the great causal art of Buddhism and Taoism, which is simply the nemesis of the demon.

Now he seems to have become an ancient Buddha, with his big hands covering the sky and the light of the Buddha.

Endless Buddha light surging out.

The dense evil spirits, after touching the Buddha's light, directly extinguished their bodies.

"Hahahaha, great! Really great! Brother Lin also has a deep knowledge of Buddhism, and I admire the old Lei!"

He was a fighting madman, and now seeing the squadrons of thugs, Lei Gan sacrificed a baby, which was a giant hammer.

It's called Thor's Hammer.

The giant hammer lingered in the endless thunder.

A hammer hit it.

Endless thunder, condensed.

The dense evil spirits were shrouded in thunder and exploded in an instant, and the smoke disappeared.

"My hammer of Thor is a treasure created by the ancient treasure of the ancient Thor, and the material is exactly the same as the hammer of the ancient Thor created by the ancient Thor, but the power does not reach the power of the hammer of the ancient Thor."

Lei Gan said aloud.

Taikoo Quake! This is a famous treasure in the ancient times.

Taikoo Thor, once challenged Taikoo Dragon Elephant, the first strongest in Taikoo, although defeated by Taikoo Dragon Elephant.

But it was only a loss.

Taikoo Thor was afraid that it had already reached "Emperor Realm Cultivation Behavior" at that time.

Therefore, Taikoo Thor's hammer should also be a powerful "emperor"!

Many monks like to imitate some ancient weapons to build their own weapons.

But this is not a fake.

It's like imitating the hammer of the ancient Thor.

If only one shape is imitated, it is naturally very simple.


Only a shape is imitated, and the weapon created does not have much power at all.

But this piece of Thor's hammer that Lei Gan copied was different.

First of all, the material is exactly the same as the hammer of the ancient Thor.


Lei Gan got the craft drawing of Taikoo Thor to build the hammer of Taikoo Thor.

The thunderbolt is built according to the method of building the hammer of Taikoo Thor.

Although Lei Gan's Quake is just an imitation.

But because of the materials, the workmanship is exactly the same as that of Taikoo Quake.

So great power.

This is Lei Gan's magic weapon.

If one day.

Lei Gan became the emperor.

Then the hammer of Thor that he faked would also become an imperial soldier.

By the time.

It's hard to say that his weapon was counterfeit.

after all.

that time.

The power of this imitation is no less powerful than that of the true Archaic Thor.

After Lei Gan sacrificed the magic weapon, the rest also sacrificed their treasures, and a group of people killed towards the outside.

Because a large number of houses collapsed, many people had to rush from the hidden houses to the streets outside.


The inevitable outbreak of war.

The evil spirits fight with the monks. Many evil spirits are killed by the monks, but many monks are also eaten by the evil monks.

As for the fate of those ordinary people, it is more miserable.

Even without the ability to resist, he was devoured by evil spirits.



"Click! Click!"

"Click! Click!"

The earth is still trembling violently.

At the same time, it is also constantly cracking.



A low growl came from the depths of the earth.


I don't know how many people were spitting blood at the sudden roar.

Powerful like Lin Feng and his party.

Each face was as pale as paper.

"God, are you really out of trouble?".

Lin Feng and others looked deep.

The scalp is numb.

Dark creatures outside the ancient city also seem to sense the situation inside the ancient city.

So those dark creatures become extremely excited and crazy.

Continuous impact on Licheng.

"what is that?".

Suddenly someone shouted loudly and pointed deep into Chongli City.

Many people looked in that direction.

Deep in Chongli City.

The earth collapsed.

In the endless darkness.

If there is something.

It is about to get out of the collapsed earth.

But the dark fog obscures the sky.

Everyone can't see the existence in the dark mist, what is it.

This gave everyone a terrible look.

The repressed things in Chong Li City will come out of their difficulties.

Will this be a disaster?

"Hundreds of millions of years of repression! The immortal demon body, Chi Di! You are dead! Turned into dust! And I have to get out of trouble! You have to work hard to suppress me! , I want this sky to become a blood-stained sky! "

The mysterious presence made a murky voice.

He is struggling with the final.

Get out of trouble.

See the sun again.

Countless people were horrified.

If you are out of trouble by that existence.

Who can survive?

By the time.

Everyone will die in Chongli City, right?

Just when everyone was trembling.

Suddenly, an ancient, vicissitudes sound resounded in the ancient city.

"Everything is struggling, but Huang Liang has a dream!"



The huge Red Emperor Statue on Chongli City Square actually moved.

Uh! Uh!

Two bright eyes opened.

It seemed to light up the dark and inky night sky.

Endless divine power surged out, enveloping the Red Emperor Statue.

Rumble! Rumble!

The earth was shaking.

The Red Emperor Statue walked step by step towards the depths of Licheng.

"Red Emperor showed his spirit ...".

Countless people shouted loudly, tears in their eyes excited.

In a time of near despair.

The Red Emperor showed his spirit.

"Falling Red Emperor is still protecting Zhongli City." Lin Feng muttered to himself.

His heart was full of shock.

This is the immortal will of the Red Emperor is dominating this statue. Has the generation protected Licheng?

The Red Emperor Statue entered the black mist and fought with the unknown terrible creature.

"Red Emperor, you ... impossible!"

The unknown horrible creature made an incredible sound.

"Why is this?"

He growled in anger.

"Bang Bang".

Red Emperor God shot.

One punch followed one punch at the unknown creature.

The unknown horrible creature was not able to get out of it.

Now he was attacked by the Red Emperor Statue.

He was directly bombed into the underground of Chongli City by the Red Emperor Idol!

"No! I'm not reconciled!"

The unknown creature made an angry roar.

But there is no way to reverse everything.

The Red Emperor Statue directly sealed the unknown creature.

Eventually, the Red Emperor Statue returned to the square where it was originally, and stood in its place.

Eyes closed.

God light restrained.

Become the same as before.

Never move.

The dense dark creatures outside receded like tide.

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