Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1790: Torn arm

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Now Xu Chenshan can be described as extremely arrogant. In his eyes, Lin Feng is already a turtle in the urn, and there is absolutely no possibility of escape.

Lin Feng looked at Xu Chenshan with contempt.

The old thing of Xu Chenshan, the cultivation of Tianshen Realm, is unfathomable. If he uses force to suppress himself.

Hundreds of themselves are not opponents of this old thing.

But now the situation is different. If you are fighting for the flesh, Lin Feng will not be afraid of Xu Chenshan.

Because now Lin Feng's flesh is only one step away from reaching the **** realm.

More powerful than Xu Chenshan's flesh.

It can be called the flesh of the anti-celestial class.

This is one of Lin Feng's bottom measures.

Xu Chenshan wanted to see fear in Lin Feng's eyes.


What Xu Chenshan saw was taunt.

This made Xu Chenshan extremely annoyed.

In Xu Chenshan's view, Lin Feng was a mortal situation, and it was this time that Lin Feng even dared to look at him with mocking eyes.

Xu Chenshan was extremely angry.

I wish I could give Lin Feng a thousand swords and dump eight pieces.

He walked towards Lin Feng step by step and directly exhibited the martial arts technique of "Cang Ying Catch the Dragon".

I saw that his hands were held like eagle claws, and they grabbed Lin Feng's left shoulder and neck respectively.

This trick Cang Ying captured the dragon by Xu Chenshan to make the tiger come alive.

His whole person really seemed to turn into a goshawk.

This man cultivated a martial art of martial arts.

It is three points more powerful than the most powerful martial arts master in the secular world.

If Lin Feng does not exert his mana and moves simply with the flesh, he can shrink.

This is a speed that exceeds the speed of sound.

Compared with Xu Fengshan's physical speed and Lin Feng's physical speed, the difference is even more different.

Therefore, Xu Chen's attack is a set of actions that slow down in Lin Feng's eyes.

It seems seamless, but it is full of flaws.

When Xu Chenshan attacked.

Lin Feng's body moved out to the left.


It's like moving in an instant.

Lin Feng immediately avoided Xu Chenshan's attack.

"How can it be?". Xu Chenshan's eyes widened, his face full of disbelief.

In his eyes.

Lin Feng is just a ants.

But now the ants in his eyes evaded his attack.

This made Xu Chenshan unacceptable and unbelievable.

Xu Chenshan has not even had time to take the next step.

Lin Feng has lifted his right leg.

Pumped out fiercely.

This violent blow even sent bursts of sound.


Then came a dull collision sound.

Lin Feng's violent blow drew hard in Xu Chen's abdomen.

Xu Chen directly flew out.


Xu Chen spit out a blood in the air.

He stabilised his body with difficulty, and after landing on the ground, he had disheveled his hair and was extremely embarrassed.

In his eyes, there was even more vicious glances at Lin Feng, and he growled angrily, "This is impossible! This is absolutely impossible! How can you avoid my attack?".

Lin Feng sneered and said, "Is it difficult to hide at your speed like a turtle?"

Xu Chenshan looked at Lin Feng with murderous intent, and said fiercely, "Boy! Don't be proud! You are only faster! Next, let you learn about the real killing trick of the old man!"

Xu Chenshan leaped out, his fist clenched in his right hand, and a punch came towards Lin Feng.

After Xu Chenshan's punch came out, Lin Feng suddenly felt a powerful punch.

Avoid anyway.

Can't avoid this punch.

"Fisting mood! It's a bit interesting, but it's of no use to me, but since you insist on fighting with me! Then I don't mind playing with you, young man, let you know how strong my physical body is ".

Lin Feng sneered.

He walked towards Xu Chenshan step by step.

"Great talk"! Xu Chenshan looked at Lin Feng contemptuously.

"It's dying, I don't know yet, it's really sad."

Lin Feng sneered.


A terrible breath came from his body, Lin Feng punched and killed Xu Chenshan.

His punch also exerted the power of punching mood.

Practice to the level of Lin Feng.

The main purpose of the artistic conception is to block all the routes that the other party avoids.

Avoid anyway.

Can't avoid it.

Unless, can break the other party's mood.

Xu Chenshan locked Lin Feng with his fist, not wanting Lin Feng to avoid his attack like the previous one.

Lin Feng locked Xu Chenshan for the same purpose.

This old thing is amazing.

Now Lin Feng is also worried that Xu Chenshan has a way to avoid his attack when he is fighting.

Then kill yourself by surprise.


The two sides slammed together.

Fist collides with fist.

The dull collision sound.

Suddenly came out.

Dull like thunder!

Xu Chenshan's body was suddenly blasted out.

strong power.

Shocked he vomited blood.

It was not until this time that Xu Chenshan knew how terrifying Lin Feng's body was.

He was terrified.

Because in his long life.

I have never seen such a evil demon.

The cultivation of Shenhuo Realm.

The flesh actually crushed him, the strong man of the **** realm.

Xu Chenshan didn't think about it, turned around and fled.

But Lin Feng had rushed over and patted Xu Chenshan's head.

Want to kill Xu Chenshan directly.

Xu Chenshan looked terrified.

Quickly moved sideways to the right, avoiding Lin Feng's killing blow.

Lin Feng hit the air.

At this time, he split his empty palm to Xu Chenshan instead.


Lin Feng grabbed Xu Chenshan's left arm directly and shouted.


Accompanied by a tearing sound.

Xu Chenshan's left arm was torn apart by Lin Fengsheng.


Xu Chenshan uttered a terrible scream, and saw his arm ripped off by Lin Feng, his eyes widened.

Lin Feng jumped out and wanted to kill Xu Chenshan completely.

Xu Chenshan roared bitterly, "Little beast! My Xu Chenshan lives with you all this life!"


Xu Chenshan's voice fell and saw his flesh explode directly.

It turned into a haze of blood.

Then quickly flew towards the distance.

In the blink of an eye.

Disappeared without a trace.

This should be a means for Xu Chenshan to escape at a critical moment.

It's like the demon disintegration.

You can use this secret method to escape at a critical moment.

But the damage to the body is also extremely heavy.

Lin Feng frowned slightly and couldn't catch up with him.

Let Xu Chenshan escape, is not a small trouble.

But thinking that this person now has only one arm left, and his vitality is badly hurt.

The next time I see him, even if he confronts him head-on, he may kill him.

A trace of worry in my heart.

Swept away.

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