Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1803: The original Devil Emperor!

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"Little beast! You are looking for death!"

Seeing the Demon Gate destroyed, countless demons roared with anger.

One by one hates to eat Lin Feng's meat and drink Lin Feng's blood.

Lin Feng saw the success and turned and rushed towards the outside.


Nine Demon Figures, Swallowing the Sky Pot, Giant Swords blasted towards the original Capricorn, the Earl of Shura, the Lord of the Serpent Serpent.

Originally they were fighting with the Four Sacred Birds, Babe, Divine Realm, Winged Cobra and others.

At this time, three big babies were seen bombarded.

The expressions changed a lot, and they did not dare to resist. They quickly retreated their opponents and quickly retreated.

Lin Feng put the Four Sacred Birds, Babe and others into the mountain and river ring.

Then I collected three magic weapons.


Push the speed to the extreme and rush towards the outside.

Today, Shui Linglong's exquisite chess game still traps five or six thousand masters of the Mozu.

It was a good opportunity for Lin Feng to leave.


Not waiting for Lin Feng to rush out.


Above nine days.

A huge vortex appeared.

The huge vortex twisted the void.

In the vortex, there was a wave of devastating waves.


Immediately afterwards, a terrible force came out of the vortex.


That force directly flew Lin Feng to hundreds of meters.

His body hit **** a mountain.

The entire mountain collapsed, and he was buried in the rubble.


It turned out to be domineering power!

In the vortex, the domineering power exudes.

After that terrible force flew Lin Feng out, then shattered the Linglong chessboard of Shui Linglong.

"It's Master Demon Emperor's shot!"


Countless demons roared with happiness.

The original Devil Emperor!

Master of the original magic kingdom!

Although this person is not a monk on the Supreme List.

But really speaking, the strong men on the Supreme List, except for the Red Dust Fairy Venerable.

Who dares to say that he can defeat the original Devil Emperor?

The reason why the original Devil Emperor did not make the Supreme List is not because he is not strong enough.

Instead, he did not participate in the battle for the Supreme List.

This monstrous existence has been practiced for 75.2 million years and it is unfathomable.

Although his deity never came.

But across endless time and space.

It was actually able to bring domineering into this valley.

Cultivation is so arrogant that it is simply unimaginable.

"Kill this woman and that kid!"

Countless demons roared.

Murderous intentions!

The densely packed demons besieged the water.

At the same time, a large number of demons were rushing towards Lin Feng.


The ruins exploded and Lin Feng rushed out of the ruins. He was wearing the armor of death and protected his whole body.


He exhibited the burning anger of the sky, condensed a four-color flame light ball, and sacrificed it directly.


The four-color flame light ball exploded directly.

The energy that destroys the world is surging out.


The miserable cry came one after another.

I do n’t know how many demon monks were killed.

At this time Lin Feng looked at the vortex in the sky.

In that vortex, more terrible waves were passed.


The original Devil Emperor seems to be coming from a distance.

You must leave now.

Once the horrible existence of the original Demon Emperor appeared.

When the time comes, it will inevitably come to an end.

Lin Feng rushed towards the outside quickly.

Boom ...

But at this time the densely packed Demon monks hit all kinds of supernatural powers towards him.

Those supernatural powers formed a flood of attacks and swept the world.

He directly bombarded Lin Feng and flew him out.


Lin Feng couldn't help but spit out a bit of blood, his body fell from the air, and fell heavily on the ground.

Personal power is stronger.

There is no way to compete with the army.

The densely packed Demon monks hacked Lin Feng with various weapons.

"Go to hell!".

Lin Feng sacrificed the Great Waste War Gun, shouted loudly, jumped from the ground, swept across a thousand troops, and swept away a group of demon monks who had come from the fight.

He was surrounded by the army.

Can't get away.

There is not even time to perform magical powers, and now we can only fight with flesh and martial arts.

The demon monks flooded again.

puff! puff! puff!

A famous demon monk was stabbed to death by Lin Feng.

However, Lin Feng was also blown out again and again, and the armor of death was not lost by the divinity under the attack of these Demon monks, and the gloss was dim, and finally retracted into Lin Feng ’s body.

Seeing that Lin Feng's defensive armor was no longer effective, the attack of the demon monks was even more crazy.

Lin Feng didn't know how many wounds there were.

The whole person has almost become a blood man, in the army, left and right.

Lin Feng's expression was extremely gloomy. If he went on like this, he would definitely not be able to do so.

But now it seems that it is difficult to get out of trouble.

"Clang clang!"

At this time, Shui Linglong quickly killed with a sword.

Shui Linglong's swordsmanship is really superb. As soon as a sword stabs out, dense sword shadows appear.

Demon monks, if you rub it, you will hurt, and if you touch it, you will die.

The strength of her exquisite elder sister is much, much stronger than that of the common saints and saints.

Lin Feng had never seen what kind of cultivation practice Hongxian Xianzun was at the age of Shui Linglong.

But Lin Feng felt that even compared to the Red Dust Fairy Sister of the year, the elder sister Linglong's cultivation was not bad.

Lin Feng always felt that he was enough evildoers.

Compared with this sister Linglong, there seems to be a big gap.

But thinking of this elder sister Linglong is likely to be the reincarnation of the strong.

I was relieved in my heart.

Shui Linglong tore a gap in the army, grabbed Lin Feng, and quickly swept outwards.

"You all die"!

Infinite demon masters are coming round.

The situation is extremely dangerous.

"The heavens move!"

Shui Linglong Jiao drank.

I saw that at the feet of her and Lin Feng, the Galaxy World and the universe of the heavens appeared.


Under the galactic world at their feet, the heavens of the universe reversed instantly.


The light flashed.

Lin Feng and Shui Linglong have disappeared.

next moment.

It has appeared more than a dozen miles away.

Such a long distance.

Just like a momentary movement, it usually crosses the past.

And also avoided the attacks of thousands of demon masters.

This method is really unpredictable.


Shui Linglong shouted in a deep voice.

Rushing towards the distance together with Lin Feng.

But at this time.

A terrifying magic power radiated from the vortex above nine days.


A tall man wearing a royal robe descended from the sky.

After the man appeared.

Between heaven and earth.

Wan Lai is silent.

The whole world.

As if all were still.

A terrible breath came over.

Let Lin Feng have a creepy feeling.

Seeing the man, his scalp tingled.

The original Devil Emperor!

It's coming!

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