Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1823: Enchanting

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This fairy ancient cemetery is full of too many strange places, which makes Lin Feng's heart very puzzled, but now the many secrets hidden in it, it seems that Lin Feng can not find out clearly.

"What happened in this immortal age seems much more complicated than I thought!"

Lin Feng couldn't help himself.

He has seen a lot of ancient tombs one after another. These ancient tombs are very extraordinary.

In the Xiangu era, they have left their own glory.

But now.

But in the end it was hard to escape.


Suddenly, an ancient tomb shook violently.

Lin Feng was surprised and walked towards the ancient tomb.



The tomb rocked more and more violently.

This surprised Lin Feng, what happened? How could the tomb shake? It's really weird.

Click, click!

It didn't take long for something even more strange to appear, and the tomb began to crack open, and a spooky spirit sprang from the tomb.

Seeing this scene, Lin Feng couldn't help his scalp tingling.

Such a huge group of ancient tombs.

Buried is still the strong man of the ancient times.


The tomb cracked.

Is there something terrible to climb out of the tomb?

Is the body of a strong man in the ancient times?

After the fall, turned into a corpse? Ghost? Zombie or corpse?

Lin Feng stepped back quickly and stood watching from a distance.

Click, click!

The ancient tomb is still cracking, and the cracks are getting bigger and bigger.

"Roar!" A low roar came from the ancient tomb.

This sudden roaring sound frightened Lin Feng.

There are really terrible creatures in the ancient tomb.

This is definitely an evil spirit.

No matter how powerful during his lifetime, no matter how kind he was during his lifetime.

Connivance is a figure like Buddha, saint, confucian.

A body full of righteousness.


Once dead.

If it is a reawakening of consciousness again.


This corpse must be transformed into Yin evil spirits.


A large pair of **** hands stretched out of the cracked tomb.

The blood exudes a strange **** luster.

"I ... want to ... rush out ... out of prison ... cage ...".

There was a loud cry from the ancient tomb.

The voice was like a ghost's voice, sad, hoarse, and after listening.

It makes people feel creepy.

Bang Bang Bang!

The corpses in the ancient tomb began bombarding the cracked ancient tomb again and again.

It seems to want to crush the ancient tomb.

"This place should not stay long ...".

There was a creepy expression on Lin Feng's face.

He chose a direction and then quickly swept away.



At this moment something terrible happened.

The graves began to shake violently.

"Click click!"


The graves began to crack.

"Roar……". Earthquake-like roaring sounds came from the ancient tomb.

Lin Feng was cold all over.

He looked towards an ancient tomb not far away. From the cracked tomb, he saw a demon god.

It was a demon with three heads and six arms, but his heart was dug.

"Return my heart! Return my heart! Return my heart!"

The demon made a roaring sound.

Black mist poured out, shrouded Lin Feng.

Seems to want to pull him into the cracked tomb.

Lin Feng hurriedly took a picture and shook the black mist that enveloped him.

Then quickly back away.

"Long time, let's live up to Zhaohua!"

At this time Lin Feng heard a beautiful voice from behind.

This made him feel creepy.

Lin Feng turned to look around.

I saw a woman who stood in front of an ancient tomb and turned her back to herself.

And less than two meters away from himself.

She was dressed in a snowy white dress, and her figure was very touching.

From the back view, it should be a peerless fairy.

Now the woman turned around.

Where did Lin Feng dare to see what the woman looked like, he rushed towards the distance quickly.

"Boom ..."

The ancient tombs are shaking violently.

The tomb kept cracking.

A corpse transformed from a dead strong wants to rush out of the ancient tomb.

Some evil corpses even appeared, standing on the tomb and looking coldly at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng was not able to escape from the Xiangu cemetery.

Because he lost his way in the Xiangu cemetery.

"I'm afraid it's trouble this time!"

Lin Feng couldn't help but take a deep breath.

The look became very dignified.

This fairy ancient cemetery is too strange.

Now I want to go out of the Xiangu cemetery.

It doesn't seem to be an easy task.

This made Lin Feng's mood a lot heavier.


The cold breath filled him and enveloped him.


Darkness keeps pouring in.

Swept towards Lin Feng.

There seemed to be some terrible creatures.

The darkness is swallowing the earth.

The light source between heaven and earth is swallowed instantly.

Darkness wants to devour Lin Feng.


The sound of the collision of chains came out in the darkness.

There must be something terrifying hidden in the darkness.


That horrible thing in the dark quickly rushed to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng was horrified.

He quickly fled in the opposite direction.

Eventually, he came to a huge grave.

This grave is much larger than any grave.

But unlike other graves, the tombstone of this grave is empty and contains nothing.

This is a wordless tombstone.

Only then did Lin Feng discover that the surrounding tombs were built around this huge tomb.

This ancient tomb seems to be the core of the Immortal Tomb.

Creak! Creak!

Darkness poured in quickly.

In the endless darkness.

In addition to the sound of chain collision.

There was even the sound of grinding teeth.


Lin Feng drank coldly, and the demon emperor nine beheaded into the darkness.

But his attack was like a mud bull entering the sea, without making a trace of waves.


Lin Fengshi exhibited dozens of powerful magical powers.


No matter what kind of magical power, there is simply no movement.

Darkness can devour all attacks.

Darkness continued to be used towards Lin Feng.

Seeing him be swallowed up.

Lin Feng was very pale.

Because it is difficult for him to contend with "darkness".


At this time, a cold hum suddenly resounded through the ancient ancient mausoleum.

Seeing that the "darkness" that Lin Feng had swallowed, it quickly backed away, farther and farther, until it disappeared.

The countless evil corpses in the ancient tombs of the Xiangu cemetery also went quiet.

The tomb that was originally cracked was actively repaired by the formation.

Yuehua shines through the dense forest.

The Xiangu cemetery became extremely quiet.

It was as if nothing had happened before.

In the distance a dry old man came step by step.

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