Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1839: White jade toad

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Lin Feng returned to his box and sat cross-legged. He frowned slightly, feeling that something was not right.

A group of monks went to kill the young monk, apparently for the storage ring that the young monk had just inserted into him.

At this time, Lin Feng suddenly thought that the young monk had lost his eyes and said that he was going to exchange a baby with him for Yuan Jingshi.

Then he was chased.

Could it be that the group of people is staring at this time?

Was it blocked by those people before going to exchange the baby for the source spar?

Then those people want to kill him to win the treasure?

This is a possibility.

But there is a second possibility, that is this young monk, more than one "baby!"

When he took out the first baby for the source spar, the second baby was also exposed.

And this second treasure is enough to cause death.

If the second guess is true, then the group of people who besieged the young monk had two possible identities.

The first identity.

The group of people were also gamblers who exchanged baby for Yuan Jing Shi.

Seeing that there were other babies on the young monk, he moved to kill.

The second identity.

They are people in the casino.

The people in the casinos are all the people of China Business.

The owner of this huge fleet.

The casino man saw the second treasure, perhaps the young man was unwilling to exchange it.

Or it ’s because the baby is so involved that the wind ca n’t be heard.

So the young monk was hit by a killer.

There are possibilities in every situation.

Lin Feng couldn't help but take a deep breath, if it was the second situation, I was afraid that it would be bad for him.

He looked towards every corner of the box.

Because now Lin Feng is worried that there may be "surveillance spirit array!"

This kind of surveillance spirit array can brand everything happening in the box, and then appear on a crystal screen with a large array.

and so.

Had to guard.

"Sure enough, there is a monitoring spirit array!"

Lin Feng frowned slightly.

The monitoring spirit array is very hidden in a corner, and it is difficult to find if you do not look carefully.

Such large businesses generally do not do this kind of thing, so at first Lin Feng did not check it.

But it has just been inferred that if the second kind of inference is established, the actual behavior of this business is actually very mean.

Since such a despicable thing can be done, what's so strange about secretly arranging a large array of supervisors in the box?

Seeing this surveillance spirit array, Lin Feng gradually believed in the second speculation.

The man who besieged the young monk was the monk of the Shenzhou Business Firm.

At this time he was shocked in vain.

Because Lin Feng is worried about whether a large array of supervisors is also set up outside the casino, if there is also a monitoring spirit array in that place, is the picture of the young monk stuffing the storage ring on himself also branded?

If this is the case, then you must leave quickly, otherwise, continue to stay on the boat, only a dead end.

He got up and left the box, went to the area outside the casino to check it, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

Perhaps it is because people here come and go, so the people in China's business firms are a little scared.

Therefore, no monitoring spirit array is arranged.

This made Lin Feng take a breath.

"None of these firms is a good thing. This is true of the Kyushu Alliance, as is the Shenzhou firm!"

Lin Feng could not help but murmured.

These great forces.

It's self-interested.

For the benefit, they can do anything.

Therefore, the people of the Shenzhou Commercial Company got greedy and killed the young monk, and Lin Feng did not find anything strange.

He returned to his room, and then arranged a large psychedelic array, covering up the large array of surveillance companies that placed the Chinese firm in the box.

Then he took out the storage ring that the young monk stuffed him.

There is nothing special about this storage ring. It is an ordinary storage ring. Shennian invades it and finds that the area of ​​this storage ring is not large. It is only a dozen cubic meters in size and cannot hold much thing.

There are some trivial things in the storage ring, which are basically of little value. Lin Feng's eyes were attracted by a golden brocade box.

He took the golden brocade from the storage ring.

There is a ban on the box, which seals the box.

This prohibition has just been put in place shortly.

Lin Feng's eyebrows could not help but slightly raised.

He opened the box.

Quack quack!

Immediately afterwards, cries like frogs and toads came out.


White light flashed in front of me, something jumped out.

That white light wanted to rush out of the box.

Lin Feng quickly hit a mana, caught the white light flying out.

At this time, he finally saw what this was.

This turned out to be a white jade toad.

The white jade toad stared at Lin Feng with round eyes.

It tried to struggle with the shackles of Lin Feng's mana, but after several attempts, it failed.

"It's a terrific creation! Hurry up the blood sacrifice! Let Baiyu toad recognize the Lord."

The Black Bear Devil said excitedly.

Lin Feng didn't immediately drop blood to sacrifice the white jade toad, because he really didn't know what the white jade toad was.

He asked, "What's so special about this white jade toad?"

"Stones draw the spirit of the heavens and the earth, and the essence of the sun and the moon can be transformed into the stone clan, and the talent of the stone clan should also be very clear to you.

Said the Black Bear Demon King.

Lin Feng nodded.


The Shi people are too powerful.

Qi Tian Da Sheng, fighting against the Holy Ape!

The well-known stone clan.

Big and small stone apes, once rebelled the existence of the world.

Black Bear Shengjun continued, "Jade can also be transformed. You should have heard a sentence called jade psychic, which means that many jades are spiritual!"

Lin Feng nodded, and did say "Jade psychic".

When I was young, I saw that the jade worn by some elders of the family all year round was blood red.

Listening to the elders, jade needs to be nurtured with his body.

And some of the best jade can even absorb some blood from the host.

The jade that turned blood red absorbed the blood from the host.

Black Bear Saint continued, "Jade, in fact, is also a stone! If the stone is compared to an adult, then ordinary stones are equivalent to ordinary people without cultivation, and some stones that have absorbed the essence of the sun and the moon and the energy of the world are monks , And jade is a monk with a special bloodline! "

This explanation is easy to understand, and Lin Feng easily understood the meaning of the Black Bear Saint.

The black bear sage continued: "The white jade toad is transformed from the psychic white jade. It also belongs to the stone clan, but it is more powerful than the ordinary stone clan talent!

(End of this chapter)

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