Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1844: Gossip

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Bang Bang Bang!

There was a violent knock on the door outside.

Hong Zheng knocked **** the door of Lin Feng's box, but received no response.

"Little boy! Get out of here!"

Hong Zheng growled angrily.

However, no matter how Hong Zheng shouted, there was still no movement in it.

"Smash the door!"

Hong Zheng said angrily.

When even a few guards came up and started to smash the door.

But no matter how you smash it, you can't smash it.

"Adult, the inside is blocked by the ban and cannot be broken!"

Said the guards.

"Cheng Youli! You **** woman, come out for me!"

Hong Zheng had completely lost his composure and cursed loudly.

Many people were alarmed and came out to watch.

"So what happened?". Someone asked.

"Before I saw that Cheng Youli's woman entered that room, more than an hour had passed, and she hadn't come out. Hey, can you imagine what happened inside?". Suddenly someone said happily.

"Originally, it is no wonder that Hong Zheng has been so angry. I heard that Hong Zheng has been pursuing Cheng Youli. Recently, it seems that he has just caught it. He hasn't touched it yet. It's cheaper than other men. It's not crazy!

Said another monk.

The rest are also happy to see the excitement.

Among the boxes.

Lin Feng was sitting on the sofa and tasting spirit tea.

The beautiful woman is sitting on the other side.

She said angrily, "Since we have reached a cooperation, why not let me go quickly?".

Lin Feng smiled and said, "Make chaos! This way you will be more successful!"

He pointed to the outside, "Listen, is the outside completely messed up!"

"Cheng Youli, you **** woman, with such a noble expression in front of Lao Tzu, turned out to be a **** too. Hurry up and get out for Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu is going to kill you guys!"

Hong Zheng cursed loudly and corruptly.

Hearing Hong Zheng's cursing, the beautiful woman's face was angry.

Lin Feng said lightly, "If you do something for him and sell his life for him, even if something really happened, it should be his guilt and guilt, instead of cursing you indiscriminately and insulting you, I will help you see this person clearly. As a person, such a person should stay away as soon as possible, and it is still himself who is hurt in the end. "

The woman said coldly, "Do I have to thank you?"

Lin Feng said with a smile, "If you really want to thank me, it would be better to follow me and become my woman, I will hurt you well!"


The beautiful woman could not help humming.

Lin Feng said with a smile, "Do you want to be my woman by default?".

The woman said, "You are the default! I disdain! The man is dead, and I will not follow you!"

After he finished speaking, he got up and walked outside.

The woman said, "Open the ban!"

Lin Feng lifted the ban on the room.

The beautiful woman immediately opened the door.

"Hong Zheng! You are shouting outside, is it embarrassing? You are not embarrassing, I am embarrassing!"

The beautiful woman looked coldly at Hong Zheng.

"You dare to say that I am embarrassing? You have spent more than an hour with the kid in the room, what are you doing?".

Hong Zheng growled angrily.

"We are talking about things! What do you think we are doing?". The woman said angrily.

"Talk about things for more than one hour? What about cheating?" Hong Zheng said coldly.

Obviously do not believe Cheng Youli's words.

"The clearer clears himself! I don't have to explain anything to you! Moreover, we have nothing to do with it! There is no need to explain to you!"

The woman said coldly.

"Bitch! Looking for a little white face, so anxious to clear the relationship with Lao Tzu, right?". Hong Zheng scolded loudly.

Lin Feng walked out and said lightly, "How do you say me, I don't care, but don't humiliate Xiao Chengcheng under such eyes, is this a man's temperament?"

"Xiao Chengcheng?"

Hearing Lin Feng's address to Cheng Youli, many people who watched the lively crowd looked at each other.

Shout so intimately.

Does it matter?

Cheng Youli gave Lin Feng a glance.

But in the eyes of others, the two are simply frowning.

Seeing Lin Feng and Cheng Youli flirting in front of him.

This Hong Zheng was almost blown away by air.

Where can he stand it?

Can not help but roar, "Little beast! I want to kill you!"

Hong Zheng raised his right hand and was about to shoot towards Lin Feng.

The beautiful woman said in a cold voice, "Hong Zheng, don't go too far. This is the ship of the Shenzhou Commercial Bank, not your private place. If you are playing around here again, I don't mind participating in what you do today. At that time, even your uncle can't keep you! "

"Bad woman, are you threatening me? Your master is nothing but a big elder of the Shenzhou business firm and not the president of the business firm! What are your qualifications to be crazy in front of me?". Hong Zheng immediately cursed.

"Shut up!"

A cold drink suddenly came out.

Then a man formed by condensing light and shadow appeared.

This man is Hong Tianqi!

"grown ups!"

After seeing Hong Tianqi, everyone saluted.

"You guys are arguing here? What is your system? Come and see me quickly!"

Hong Tianqi said in a deep voice.

Immediately dissipated in the invisible.

"Little beast, you wait, I will not let you go, I will crush you like a bug!"

Hong Zheng looked at Lin Feng with a grudge.

Then left.

The beautiful woman did not stay and left quickly.

People around are still talking.

Such a farce.

It will naturally become the focus of discussion.

"Brother, you bull, Lao Tzu has long seen that Hong Zheng's grandson is not good, but the woman that Hong Zheng hasn't touched, but was slept by you, admiring it, but Hong Zheng is a narrow-minded person, so you need to be careful ! "

A burly monk reminded.

"Haha, thank you for reminding! Hong Zheng is just a clown who jumps on the beam, and can't afford any waves!"

Lin Feng said with a smile.

Then he returned to his box.

"This kid is really not afraid of making things worse. The woman who slept in Hong Zheng even said that Hong was just a clown!"

"It's interesting now. It seems that Hong Zheng and Cheng Youli have been completely upset, I don't know how they will end next!"

"Hong Zheng's guy won't be willing to give up. This ancient ship is also the ancient ship of the Shenzhou business firm. At that time, the kid might have nothing to end.

"It's not certain, if Cheng Yuli protects him, he won't be in trouble!"

"Let ’s wait and see!"

Many people talked about it, and this thing quickly spread throughout the ancient ship.

For a while.

Tens of thousands of people on the ancient ship talked about this in private.

Many people admired the five-body body that Lin Feng had never met before.

This guy is a real cow, even slapping Hong Zheng's woman blatantly.

Then there will be a good show.

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