Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1846: Maritime war

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"Making up!"



Seeing that Hong Tianqi's blow was about to bomb Lin Feng's body.

Lin Feng suddenly disappeared without a trace.

He disappeared too suddenly.

This is the magic of make up heaven.

Although Hong Tianqi is powerful, he still has no way to deal with Lin Feng's remedy.

He hit the air in one blow.

Lin Feng appeared hundreds of meters away, and then quickly flew away.

Now Lin Feng's strength is probably able to fight against the monks fighting in the heavenly realm.

But Hong Tianqi is at least four or five days of heaven and earth, or even stronger.

Therefore, Lin Feng had no plans to fight Hong Tianqi's life and death.

"Kill him with spirit cannon!"

Hong Tianqi's expression was extremely gloomy, shouting loudly.

Boom ...

Immediately afterwards, the spirit cannons on more than forty ancient ships were all fired out.

The mighty spirit stone shells can be called ruinous.

Faced with the attack of these spirit stone shells, Lin Feng sacrificed the Xuanyuan Starry Sky Ancient Ship.

The prohibition of the Xuanyuan Starry Sky Ancient Ship was opened, and the densely packed spirit stone shells on the Xuanyuan Starry Sky Ancient Ship were all resisted by the Xuanyuan Starry Sky Ancient Ship.

The Xuanyuan Starry Sky Ancient Ship really deserves to be the **** ship built by Xuanyuan Emperor, it is really amazing.

I saw the Xuanyuan starry sky ancient ship jump directly into the sky, disappeared and disappeared.

"Little beast! No matter how far you go! I will kill you!".

Hong Tianqi's resentful roar resounded above the sea.

And countless onlookers are stunned.

Everything happened so quickly.

From Lin Feng breaking the ancient ship ban, slaughtering Hong Zheng, evading Hong Tianqi's killing blow, and offering an ancient ship to resist the attack of more than forty giant ship spirit stone cannons, and finally left, the cost spent Time is very short.

But in such a short and big time, too many incredible things happened.

The most moving thing is that Lin Feng has really gone away, which can be called a miracle.

The ancient Xuanyuan Starship was sailing above the waters. Lin Feng purchased the chart before going to sea, so even if he went to Wanxian Island by himself, he could get there.

However, Lin Feng is relatively unfamiliar with the route in the ocean, and the time to reach Wanxian Island is bound to be greatly extended.

And if you act alone, it is likely to be attacked by fierce beasts or pirates.

Lin Feng wondered if he could meet the fleet of other firms on the road.

If it can be encountered, then take the fleet of other firms to go.

It's just that Lin Feng hasn't met other fleets yet. He has already first encountered a group of powerful beasts.

This is a huge group of crocodiles and tiger sharks.

The crocodile tiger shark is one of the most fierce large beasts in the sea.

Crocodile-like tail, shark-like head and sharp teeth.

The body of a crocodile tiger shark is very large. The length of a common crocodile tiger shark is about three hundred meters. Some large crocodile tiger sharks have a length of kilometers.

The larger the body, the more powerful the crocodile tiger shark.

There are as many as seven or eight hundred crocodile tiger sharks attacking the Xuanyuan starry sky ancient ship. These crocodile tiger sharks squirted a dense ball of energy.

The overwhelming attack was bombarded towards the ancient ship Xuanyuan.

The power is unimaginable.

The sky-long attack is like extinction.

The ban on the Xuanyuan Starry Sky Ancient Ship has been greatly affected.

The crackling sound began to sound, mainly because there were too many crocodile tiger sharks.

So many crocodile-tailed tiger sharks are united, and even the strongest of the giant **** realm may be killed.

Lin Feng manipulated the Xuanyuan Starry Sky Ancient Ship and finally resisted the attack of the crocodile tiger sharks, and then quickly rushed towards the depths of the sea.

The crocodile tiger sharks are chasing after each other, so they run away.

It took tens of thousands of miles to get rid of the crocodile tiger sharks.

"It's a terrifying fierce beast group. No wonder monks rarely go to sea alone. Once they encounter these powerful fierce beast groups, it is a disaster!"

Lin Feng said with palpitations.

The Xuanyuan Starship continued to sail in the sea, and at night, the sea was full of storms and storms.

Huge waves!

A huge wave.

It is ten thousand meters high.

The Xuanyuan Starry Sky ancient ship is drifting in the sea with the huge waves, so it is really worrying whether it will be overturned by the giant waves.

Above nine days, the black cloud rolled and thunder and thunder struck.

The rain is getting bigger.


In the distance, there are more than 20 giant ships coming

I saw a skull flag hung on that giant ship.

This is a pirate flag.

This fleet.

Is a pirate fleet.

A pirate regiment capable of gathering more than twenty top warships.

The power is naturally exceptionally arrogant.

"Brother! An ancient ship appeared in front!"

The pirates above the pirate king ship observation tower saw Lin Feng's Xuanyuan starry sky ancient ship and quickly entered the cabin to make a report.

In this cabin, singing and dancing rose, and a group of high-ranking pirates were having fun.

The pirate leader is a one-eyed dragon.

This person's nickname is called "One Eye!"

And this huge pirate group is called the one-eyed pirate group.

It is one of the top ten pirate regiments in the sea area of ​​Guixu, with strong troops and strong strength.

And it is said.

Behind the one-eyed pirate group, there seems to be support from the top powers.

Therefore, in the waters of Guixu, the one-eyed pirate group is definitely a terrorist pirate group that everyone must avoid to meet.

"Haha, what are you waiting for? Direct attack, all the men were killed, all the women were caught! Let the brothers enjoy!"

One-eyed laughed.


Many pirates who got the order quickly got up and returned to their pirate ships.

The pirate fleet speeded up and surrounded Lin Feng's Xuanyuan Starry Sky ancient ship.

"The people inside listen, come out quickly and surrender, otherwise, there is only one way to die!"

A pirate shouted loudly.

"Huh? Pirates?"

Lin Feng looked out, frowning slightly.

"Shenjing Doppelganger! Speed ​​up!"

Lin Feng gave orders to the Divine Realm avatar traveling on the Xingyuan Starship.

The ancient ship Xuanyuan Xingkong speeded up and wanted to break out of the encirclement.


At this time, the captains of more than twenty pirate ships issued orders for attack.

Boom ...

Immediately afterwards, all the spirit cannons on the more than 20 pirate ships were fired with dense spirit cannonballs.

Spirit stone shells hit the Xuanyuan starry sky ancient ship like raindrops.


Lin Feng couldn't help but snorted, and he also gave the humanoid puppet above the Xuanyuan starry sky ancient ship an order to fire.

Boom ...

Between tons of cities, the spirit cannon of the Xuanyuan Starship was also ignited.

The dense shells were also fired.

Bombed towards more than twenty pirate ships around.

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