Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1866: Lin Feng's deeds

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Zhou Zimu said, "This rumor can be determined to be true. I have been to Beimanzhou a few years ago. At that time, I heard that the reincarnation of Xianzong had a talented disciple, this is Lin Feng! It is said that this person boarded The ancestral sacred mountain of the reincarnated immortal, and also caused the heaven and earth vision to blow the Dafa snail and ring the heaven and earth clock! "

"What? Blow the Dafa Snail and ring the heaven and earth clock? This is a heaven and earth vision that can be caused by those with the qualification of Chengxian! Even the top tianjiao on the Tianjiao list, no one can elicit such a heaven and earth vision! "

Many people shouted in shock, with an incredible expression on their faces.

It's really horrible.

Blow the Dafa snail and ring the world clock.

This is just a rumor.

Now, it becomes a reality.

The people around were shocked.

Lin Feng, sitting on the periphery alone, had a strange look.

Because these people are talking about him.

Lin Feng was very surprised.

Butterfly Dance Fairy said with great interest, "This Lin Feng is so shocked to be so gorgeous, it must have been scrambled by the old monsters of the reincarnated Xianzong? Don't know who to worship as a teacher in the end?".

Zhou Zimu said, "Guiye!"

When I heard the word Turtle.

Many people twitch violently in the corners of their mouths.

Turtle's reputation has not been very good. It is said that when he was young, he was romantic and hooked up with many powerful ladies.

After the long years have passed, many of the contemporaries have fallen, but Turtle Lord is still very lively.

Moreover, the older the more serious.

If you see a beautiful female nun, you will still talk shamelessly.

But the strength of the turtle is too strong.

Who dare to say that the turtle is not?

And many forces understand.

Reincarnation Immortal Sect and Taishang Immortal Sect had deep grievances long ago. As the years passed, the grievances became deeper and deeper, but over the years, Taishang Xianzong did not take action to deal with reincarnation sect. Which played a big role.

Turtle Lord, the old and immortal existence, is known as one of the most mysterious powerhouses in Kyushu. Because he has lived too long, it is not easy to speculate what strength Turtle Turtle is.

Even an ordinary talented monk, such a long time is enough to make up for the lack of talent, and has already become a peerless strongman, right?

What's more, Lord Turtle's deity is a basaltic beast.

A monk said, "Isn't this tortoise a super big hanger? He had received a few apprentices before, but all the apprentices were tragically dead. Those old monsters in the reincarnation of Xianzong would make the tortoise take Lin Feng as apprentice?".

"Those ancestors of reincarnation immortal ancestors have no way to say yes!" Zhou Zimu said.

The rest laughed bitterly, indeed.

When you meet a very unreasonable guy like Turtle, you have to agree if you don't agree.

Suddenly someone said happily, "Lin Feng's guy, won't he become the next tragic death disciple?".

Many people nodded, naturally this is possible.

Turtle Master's apprentices have nothing to end.

The son of Ziyi is named Mo Ningfan. He said, "No wonder this guy dares to kill even Lei Shaoli. Does he think he might die in the future, so he breaks the pot and is fearless? Whoever offends him will kill him? If you can pull one more back, right?

Hearing Mo Ningfan's words, Lin Feng couldn't help but roll his eyes. Young Master, I will be forever blessed forever.

The rest of the people felt quite reasonable after hearing this from Mo Ningfan.

Butterfly Dance Fairy said, "I don't think so! I also heard about the tragic death of Master Turtle's disciple. When I respected her old man, I also mentioned that the tragic deaths of the disciples were all caused by accidents. The disciples died tragically, but Lin Feng did not necessarily die tragically. I think Lin Feng might kill Lei Shaoli and there may be other secrets we do n’t know about. "

At this time, one person said, "Lei Shaoli is very greedy. Was it because he wanted to kill Lin Feng and win treasure? So he was killed by Lin Feng?".

Zhou Zimu nodded and said, "It is indeed possible! I heard that this Lin Feng was taking the fleet of Shenzhou Business to Wanxian Island! But I don't know what happened. Hong Tianqi and Uncle Hong Zheng of Shenzhou Business wanted Kill him, later Hong Zheng was killed by Lin Feng! "

"This……". After hearing this news, everyone looked at each other with a look on their faces.

Because everyone discovered that what happened to Lin Feng seemed far more complicated than everyone thought.

Butterfly Dance Fairy said, "Before the fleet of the Shenzhou Commercial Company had docked on Leidao, it seems that Lei Shaoli must have received some news from Hong Tianqi before he started to deal with Lin Feng, but he did not expect that Lin Feng was so powerful. Cut him off! "

"Now Leidao is offering a reward for Yiyuan Jingshi to catch him! I don't know where this Lin Feng is now?". Someone said.

Immediately afterwards, another person said, "Yiyuan Jingshi is indeed very attractive! But! Such a powerful person as Lin Feng, who can catch or kill casually? I think those who want to For those who killed him, Bacheng has nothing to end! "

"Who said no? I heard before that many monks who went to kill Lin Feng were beheaded by Lin Feng instead." Zhou Zimu said.

Mo Ningfan whispered, "I also heard a rumor!"

"Oh? What little news?" Everyone showed interest.

"Lin Feng also killed more than a dozen disciples of Emperor Xianzong!" Mo Ningfan said.

"What? Killed the disciples of Taishang Xianzong?".

Suddenly, the sound of breathing down suddenly rang out.

Taishang Xianzong, super giant power.

The largest force in Kyushu.

Only the disciples of Taishang Xianzong could kill other disciples.

Other disciples, who dare to kill the disciples of Taishang Xianzong?

This is simply to find a dead end.

Anyone who was included in the list of must-kill by Taishang Xianzong.

How can there be life?

"Isn't this news true?". Many people questioned.

They couldn't believe that someone really dared to kill the disciple of Taishang Xianzong.

"This thing is true! I have 13 disciples in Xianzong too. I was attacked by Lin Feng, a fierce demon, and therefore died tragically!

At this time, a cold voice came from a distance.

A total of more than a dozen monks came, headed by Jianmei, extremely handsome.

"Li Xiuyan!"

After seeing the man, many people were taken aback, and they all got up and greeted the monk.

This person is a top son of Taishang Xianzong.

Moreover, he worshipped under the gate of a hidden ancestor of Taishang Xianzong.

In the future, it is likely to become a big-name existence where Taishang Xianzong is in charge.

So no matter where he goes, Li Xiuyan is a star like the stars.

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