Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1905: Crying for the king in front of Huang Nitai

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In fact, Lin Feng prefers that Thor and Taiko Dragon Elephant have fallen.

Because all kinds of deeds show that they really fell.

First of all, the magic beads that Lin Feng got, this is a treasure on Taikoo Dragon Elephant.

Unless Taikoo Dragon Elephant falls, who can take this baby from his hands?

The second is the emergence of Thunder City.

This is an ancient city built by Thor, and it was also the ancient city where Thor used to live. There are people who believe in Thor.

It is the place where the most devout believers of Thor live.

Now Thunder City has become a dead city, and so strange, if Thunder God really lives in the world, how can he make the ancient city that he personally built become like this?

So now when Lin Feng recalls the previous dialogue between Thor and Taikoo Dragon Elephant, he felt that the dialogue was a dialogue hundreds of millions of years ago, but only reappeared in front of him in the future.

What exactly killed Raytheon Lin Feng is unclear, but this Thunder City has become so weird now, Lin Feng feels that it may have something to do with the fall of Thor that year.

He continued to walk in the ancient city. Lin Feng heard the screams not long afterwards. When he passed, dozens of monks had gathered here.

These monks gathered around the front, solemnly talking about the strange things they saw.

Lin Feng's face changed slightly after the past, there were dozens of pools of blood on the ground, but no body was seen.

The dead person disappeared silently.

"We came a step late and failed to see the murderer!"

Someone said so.

"How did you die? Did you die? Or was it killed by something unclean?".

Someone said.

Many people look uncertain, because the situation in front of them is too weird.

At this time, a monk sneered and said, "I prefer to believe that these people died of man-made! In this world, the most terrible thing is not a ghost, nor a evil spirit, but a heart!"

The monk's remarks caused many people to think deeply.


As he said, the most terrible thing in this world is the human heart.

The monk continued, "After killing people to rob treasures, they create strange things and cause confusion. Such a thing is not a difficult thing for many people!"

Many people nodded and thought that what the monk said made sense.

"Even though the ancient city is strange, let's not be afraid, you must have all the treasures of Buddhism or Taoism on your body, take them out to protect yourself, those evil spirits, evil spirits and evil spirits will not come. Many people, the magic weapon of their bodies, is enough to destroy them! "

The monk went on to say that his sonorous voice was powerful enough to arouse the emotions of others.

Many people have taken out their Buddhist or Taoist magic weapons one after another, such as Buddhist cassocks, wooden fish, Buddhist scriptures and other treasures.

Taoism's robe, Fulu, Fuchen and so on.

Anyone who can restrain the evil spirits, evil spirits, and evil spirits are all taken out by these monks, and then put on or held in their hands.

Lin Feng took out the Bodhi and Vientiane Golden Buddha. If there is any horrible holy spirit, these two treasures can definitely play a key role.

A group of people walked together and walked towards the depths. It didn't take long for them to meet some other monks one after another.

Ooo ...

That murky cry of crying still did not disperse.

"Cry for the king in front of Huang Nitai ...".

Indistinctly, there seemed to be a mournful voice in the cry.

Many people heard it, and felt scalp tingling.

"Have you heard that voice? What did you say?". Someone said.

Many people shook their heads and did not hear the specific content clearly.

Lin Feng said, "Cry for the king in front of Huang Nitai ...".

His heart was not calm, what did this sentence mean.

Lin Feng then asked the demon monarch and the black bear demon monarch, but they did not know what they meant.

The demon left only part of the remnant soul, lack of memory, many things can not remember.

The Black Bear Demon King, although in the past, followed Emperor Chonglou.


Emperor Chonglou became an emperor soon after he fell.

So many secrets, the Black Bear Demon King did not come into contact, so the Black Bear Devil King is not very clear about many things.

But the three words "Huang Nitai" left a deep impression on Lin Feng. He felt that Huangnitai was extremely extraordinary, which must represent something terrible and strange.

So I kept my eyes open.

"Cry for the king in front of Huang Nitai? What is Huang Nitai? Crying for Jun? Is he crying for his husband?". Someone said.

Everyone shook their heads.

No one knows what the true meaning of this sentence is to express, and one cannot simply understand this sentence literally. That would be too one-sided.

The crying voice soon fell silent.

Just like what happened before, the cry is not always heard.

It will only appear again after a period of silence.

Lin Feng and others went deep. Their team, the number of people is increasing, originally only a few tens of people, not long after they have gathered three or four hundred people.

With so many people gathered together, the courage naturally grew.


At this time, screams came from a distance, and everyone was stunned. Everyone rushed over and saw a fallen monk.

After the monks fell, the body disappeared.

There was only a blood stain on the ground.

Many people felt scalp numb after seeing this scene.

The supernatural event appeared.

Lin Feng and others have seen such blood stains before.

But no body was seen.


Strange things happened in front of my eyes, making many people uneasy.

"Pretend to be a ghost!"

A dozen people flew in the distance, all of whom were Taoists. The old Taoist headed by sprinkled a golden powder towards the front.

Then the gust of wind swept.

Golden powder flew all over the sky.

At a corner, more than twenty monks suddenly appeared. They were dressed in black and were originally hidden in the void. No one could find their traces. But now, their bodies touched the gold shed by the old Taoist After the powder appeared completely, this scene shocked everyone, and then the monks around them became furious.

Was deceived by this group of people.

Many people roared and killed the twenty monks.

The faces of the twenty or so monks changed dramatically, and they turned and fled.

But many monks chased after them.

Lin Feng smiled bitterly.

Many unexplainable things were actually made by man.

Some people like to play tricks.

Cause confusion.

This is more conducive to their actions.


Suddenly, an extremely screaming scream came from the front, just like the scream of Li Gui.

Everyone's face changed abruptly. It was the screams of the more than twenty people who had fled and those who chased them. What happened in front of them?

"Come and see!"

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