Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1913: Huang Nitai

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Many people rushed to the street, their expressions flustered, not knowing what happened.

The whole ancient city was shaking, it was too weird.

Click and click.

Then the earth began to split.

The black mist filled out.

The huge Thunder City was covered by the black mist.

It's almost out of reach.

Leicheng was strange enough.

Now covered by black mist.

This is too scary.

Many people were pale with fright.

"Boom ...".

In the darkness, a terrible force surged from the cracked earth.

Then a famous monk fell to the ground.

The monks were all face down and died tragically on the spot.

There were also many monks around Lin Feng, and none of them were spared.

"Burial earth ... sacrifice ...".

Seeing this scene, a horrified look appeared on his face.

"Burial soil ... sacrifice ..." has also appeared before. The scene of the monk's tragic death face down.

But not many monks died.

But now.

A strange event occurred in the ancient city.

The ground of the ancient city cracked, and the black mist filled.

A large number of monks died tragically.

Not even knowing how they died.

It seemed that there was an invisible force that immediately deprived them of their lives.

At the same time it makes people feel incredible, but also can't help but feel a deep sense of uneasiness and thrill.

The demon said, "Trouble! I am afraid that the terrible existence under the thunder city will be born!"

Lin Feng's face changed suddenly.

The place where the burial ground appears means itself to sacrifice a terrible undead.


Large numbers of monks were sacrificed.

Indeed, as the demon king said, it is likely that the horrible existence is about to be born.

Suppressed under Thunder City.

Lin Feng couldn't help guessing, was that terrible evil spirit suppressed by Thor?


The fall of Thor may have something to do with those evil spirits.

Today, evil spirits are born.

Once the world is really reproduced.

No one will survive.

At this time Lin Feng suddenly felt a terrible energy enveloped his body, and that energy was very strange.

Seems to want to destroy his life force.

This is a terrible thing.

"Is this energy killing so many people? Is this burial soil ... offering sacrifices? Now, are you going to bury me here?"

Lin Feng's voice trembled slightly.

His body also began to be invaded by this strange energy, which made Lin Feng feel very bad.

Lin Feng's face was uncertain, but this time he was pleasantly surprised to find that the iron box behind him began to absorb the strange energy that poured into his body.

All energy.

All are absorbed by the iron box.

"Awesome iron box!"

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief, and he quickly skimmed towards the depths.

Due to the black mist rolling in the thunder city.

So the visibility is very low.

Wow! Wow!


He heard the sound of a chain collision.

The cold air filled the air, and there seemed to be some terrible evil spirits approaching in the darkness.

Lin Feng sacrificed the Nine Demons.

The imperial soldier was suspended above his head while he was holding the Vientiane Golden Buddha.

Buddhism spreads out, covering him.


The sound of the chain collision in the darkness gradually went away, and the terrible evil spirits in the darkness did not attack Lin Feng.

"A lot of bodies ...". At this time Lin Feng looked around.

Dense bodies on the ground.

I don't know how many monks died.

All face down.

"Boom ..."

The ancient city began to shake violently again.

Click and click.

The earth kept cracking.



A trembling roar came from the depths of the ancient city.

Startled all directions.

"There is really something to come out!"

Lin Feng looked unusually ugly.

The dilemma now facing is unable to get out of Thunder City.

"Huang Nitai, all spirit blood ...".

Suddenly a cold voice resounded in Lin Feng's mind.

When the voice came out, his consciousness suddenly became blurred.

The voice seemed to have a magical power that no one could resist, and would be lost in it after hearing it.

Lin Feng's body seemed to be pulled by a mysterious force, and he walked toward the front uncontrollably.

He crossed the streets.

Walk towards the deepest part of Leicheng.

In the deepest part of Thunder City.

There was a huge plaza, which was originally covered with prohibitions, but now these prohibitions are all shattered.

Many strong men walked towards the square.

These are the real powerhouses.

The lowest strength also has the real **** realm, and there are many powerful **** realm.

There are even powerful people in the realm of giant gods.

But now everyone seems to be lost.

A famous monk entered the square and walked towards the center of the square.

In the center of the square.

There is a yellow mud platform.

The yellow mud platform is about one meter in diameter and half a meter high, not particularly large.

But it is extremely strange.

Bang Bang Bang ...

When a famous monk came near Huangni Terrace, his body exploded into blood mist directly, and died on the spot.

Then Huangnitai absorbed all the blood mist.

This is the most domineering sacrifice.

Sacrifice with living people.

Bang Bang Bang ...

The flesh of monks kept exploding.

There are constant deaths of monks.

All the flesh and blood left behind by the bodies of the dead monks exploded.

All are absorbed by Huang Nitai.

The yellow clay platform was stained with a strange **** luster.

It's too strange and terrifying.

Soon after, Lin Feng also came here.

He also entered the square, and the people who entered this huge square, regardless of strength, lost themselves.

Even Lin Feng is no exception.

"Namo Amitabha!"


A magnificent voice resounded through the world.

Woke up a part of the monks who have great strength or willpower.

But most people are still lost.

"God, Huangni Terrace ...". Lin Feng was awakened, and his face changed again and again when he saw the Huangni Terrace.

"Weep for the king in front of Huang Nitai!"

He still remembers the cry that he heard before, and that cry was heard more than once.


Huang Nitai appeared in front of him.

Lin Feng looked around, saw An Keying, saw the little fairy bred by Qinglian, saw the strong man of Taishang Xianzong, saw the strong man of Dragon Blood City, and saw the evil dragon palace The strong man, saw the Mingzi, the mysterious giant **** realm shrouded in golden light, saw the Tao, saw several old monks, saw several other unfathomable strong men, very It may also be a strong man in the realm of giant gods.

Now these people are awake, everyone looks solemnly at the Huangnitai in the square, everyone's face is extremely ugly, Huangnitai is too strange and terrible.

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