Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1924: Bone refining

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"Bone refining into the body? What does this mean?". Lin Feng asked doubtfully.

The demon said, "Emperor bones can be refined into the body! Become a part of yourself. With the passage of time and the improvement of cultivation, you will be able to gradually grasp the emperor power contained in the emperor bones. This is the The true value of Emperor Bone is! If you only understand the inheritance contained in Emperor Bone, it is a waste of Emperor Bone. "

"Moreover, the inheritance in the emperor bones is not so easy to comprehend, because the emperor bones are wrapped in emperor grains. To understand the inheritance in the emperor bones, you need to crack the emperor grains first, but these emperor grains are too difficult to crack So the best way is to refine the bones into the body, so that the bones of the emperor become part of your body. "

"In this way, when you urge the bones of the emperor, you can not only release the power of the law of the emperor, but also the various magical inheritances within the bones of the emperor!"

Lin Feng said, "But ..., refining the bones of the emperor, will there be any problems with the body?"

It is not unreasonable for Lin Feng to have such worries. What terrifying existence is the strong man in the realm of the emperor?

Which great emperor is not an eternal figure.

Emperor bone remains in the world, I don't know if there is any calculation.

Caution is the boat.

The cultivator's world will always be too much to cheat.

Have to guard.

The demon king said, "If you are worried, you can use the skyfire sacrifice, if there is any insidious means, you can quickly find it with the skyfire sacrifice!".

Lin Feng's main concern is that the bones of the Emperor's bones contain residual souls, and then they have to control themselves or even take themselves away.

Before, he worried that Skyfire could not destroy the remnant soul hidden in the bones of the emperor.

But since the demon monarch said that using Heavenly Fire Offerings can solve the things he worried about, Lin Feng felt relieved.

He sacrificed four heavenly fires.

Burn the emperor bones back and forth with four kinds of sky fire.

The flames of different temperatures burned the bones of the emperor, bringing a sharp change in temperature difference.

This destructiveness is even more powerful.

Of course, the Emperor's bones are strong enough to not be damaged by Skyfire, but if there are still ghosts hidden in the Emperor's bones.

It will certainly not be able to bear the repeated burning of the skyfire.

After two hours of full sacrifice, Lin Feng did not find any problems, and Lin Feng felt relieved.

Then he asked, "How to refine the bones into the body?"

The demon said, "It depends on which part of the body you intend to refine this emperor bone to!"

Lin Feng said, "So, can this emperor bone be refined to any part of the body?".

The demon shook his head and said, "No, it can only be refined into the gap between the bones. In such a place, there are a total of 108 places in the body. ** There are places like this where you can fit this emperor bone! "

"Which part should I put the emperor bone into?". Lin Feng asked.

"I suggest you integrate the emperor bone into the **** position!" Said the demon king, "the left chest is where the human heart is, and the heart is the core of the blood, so the heart is extremely important. Many times, it can also protect the heart! "

Said the emperor.

Lin Feng nodded. The emperor's words, he very much agreed.

The heart is for monks.

It's too important.

Several dead spots of the monk.

One is the soul.

The soul is destroyed, and the person is dead.

The second is the heart.

If the heart is destroyed, people will die.

On the contrary, it is injured elsewhere. If you take some healing materials or panacea in time, you can gradually recover.

Only soul and heart.

Once seriously injured, it is fatal.

The medicine is hard to cure.

Lin Feng asked, "How do I refine bones into the body?".

"You need to cut your chest! Embed the emperor bone in it, and then continue to mana, sacrifice the emperor bone, and let the emperor bone merge with your bone!

The demon said.

"It's too bloody!"

Lin Feng felt his scalp tingle.

Shaved his chest.

Even if it is just pure thinking.

There is also a chilling feeling.

The demon said, "In order to improve his strength, what is this?".

Lin Feng nodded.

The demon said something very reasonable.


Against the sky.

In order to enhance your own strength, let's not cut open your chest.

Even if the heart is dug.

Also have to do it.

Lin Feng took out a dagger.

Go down with a knife.

The chest was cut open.

Then he embeds the emperor bone into the crevice in the chest.


He began to run undead.


Lin Feng's wound healed.

If it is replaced by others.

After opening the chest, wait for the wound to heal slowly.

It takes a period of time to heal the wound to recover.

But Lin Feng is different.

He has an undead body.

The injury can be recovered in a short time.

After the wound healed, Lin Feng began to run Taiko Dragon Elephant Trick.

The mana in the body flows.

The bones of the emperor were scoured over and over again.

Lin Feng immediately felt that the emperor bones in the chest position began to heat up.

It seems to have begun to merge with his bones.

The next day.

Lin Feng and Naza left the place together and went to the place where Naza's friend was.

Naza's friend is a princess from an ancient undersea country called Shirley.

This ancient undersea country is also regarded as a top-ranked ancient country in the underwater world.

When Naza went out, she encountered a powerful undersea beast and was chased by the undersea beast.

Princess Shirley happened to pass by and rescued Naza.

The two met.

Although Shirley is the princess of the ancient country, she is approachable and very good to Naza, so the two have become good sisters.

After Shirley's introduction, Naza met several friends one after another.

These people are also few friends of Naza.

Naza's undersea kingdom is called "Deep Sea Demon Kingdom."

Three days later, Lin Feng and Naza came to the deep sea demon country.

I saw a huge city in front of it. Above the city, there were dense shrimps, soldiers and crabs.

Those shrimps and crabs will be armed with weapons and patrol everywhere.

Naza said, "The sea nations in the deep sea are quite special. The sea nations do not have many cities like the human kingdom. In the deep sea, a city is equivalent to a country! And according to the strength of this country Different, the sea area controlled by this country is also different! "

Lin Feng nodded.

"Yin ..."

Suddenly, a high-pitched dragon sound came from a distance, and I saw the nine-headed dragon dragging an ancient car through the deep sea.

And around the ancient car is followed by dense guards.

Such a big show is obviously extremely extraordinary.

The rumbling noise came out.

The gate of the ancient city opened.

The densely packed monks of the sea clan came out of the ancient city.

These people obviously came to greet the "big man".

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