Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1949: pressing

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Si Kongyun's hands are quite handy.

He asked Lin Feng to kneel and wipe the dust off his shoes, naturally he wanted to humiliate Lin Feng severely.

Of course Sikong Yun also knows.

Lin Feng will not agree.

But it doesn't matter if you don't agree.

Originally Sikong Yun wanted to simply disgust Lin Feng, but never thought Lin Feng would really agree.

If it is true.

That would be better.

There is no need to fight.

The people around were full of discussion, and Si Kongyun humiliated the perverted guy. The guy didn't seem to be a master who swallowed his voice.

"This person seemed to say that he was called Lin Feng when he celebrated his birthday with Red Dust Fairy Lord? Was it the reincarnation of Xianzong's disciple, the Lin Feng who was in the sea of ​​Guixu some time ago?".

When even a monk said aloud.

"You mean the Lin Feng that was wanted by the forces of Taishang Xianzong, Fusang Island, Evil Dragon Palace, Thunder Island, etc. within the sea area of ​​the ruins?

"Yes! It's him!"

"Hey, then there is a good drama to watch, and it can still live so chic under the wanted of so many powers. This Lin Feng is definitely not simple, and Si Kongyun is a bit too big!"

"Actually, Si Kongyun's move I guess is to intentionally anger this Lin Feng. Once a person is in a state of anger, he or she will lose some of his reason. Once he loses some of his reason, he will inevitably mess up his position when he shoots. It ’s much easier to get up! "

"It makes sense, it seems that Sikong Yun has already calculated everything! This battle I prefer Sikongyun. It has been famous for a long time, is powerful, and works hard!"

"Yeah, I also like Si Kongyun, this guy is not a simple character"!

"I am optimistic about Lin Feng, this person can rise in a short time, there must be some powerful means!"


Many people talked about it. Some people were optimistic about Si Kongyun and some people were optimistic about Lin Feng.

Above the ring.

Lin Feng looked at Si Kongyun, and he said with a smile, "Wipe the dust off your shoes and spare me? Look at your interest."

Lin Feng raised his right foot and said with a smile, "You kneel to lick the dirt on my soles, so I might consider forgiving you!"

Many people are looking at each other.

Si Kongyun asked Lin Feng to clean his shoes.

Lin Feng is even more ruthless.

Actually let Si Kongyun lick his soles clean.

Many people were excited when they saw the tit-for-tat.

This battle is inevitable.

Si Kongyun's face plummeted, and he sneered and said, "I don't know what to do!"


When the words fell, Si Kongyun had already moved.

I saw the afterimages on the ring.

In the blink of an eye.

Above the entire ring, Si Kongyun was everywhere.

The dense Sikong Yun did not know how many.

Lin Feng's thought was sensed, but he didn't sense which one was Si Kongyun's deity.

This Si Kongyun's method is really strange.

"Is this Phantom Doppelganger?" A monk said in surprise.

"I didn't sense which one is Si Kongyun, it seems to be true!"

Then another monk said.

Si Kongyun's method is too powerful.

At this time, an old man said, "This is not a phantom doppelganger, but the rumored three thousand avenues big avatar! It is said that this three thousand avenues can be transformed into countless avatars. It is difficult to distinguish between the deity and the avatars The deity can switch to the deity anytime and anywhere, and the doppelganger can also switch to the cost deity at any time! If the deity is locked and immediately switched, it will be destroyed only by a doppelganger. This three thousand avenues is unpredictable.

Any kind of Three Thousand Avenues has unique special abilities.

Only the purpose is different.

Obviously, this great avatar is a kind of three thousand avenues very suitable for this battle.

"Doesn't it mean that Si Kongyun is already invincible?". A monk's expression moved.

"Yes!" The old man nodded.

Just when there was a lot of discussion.

The dense Sikong Yun above the ring has launched an attack on Lin Feng.

Bang Bang Bang ...

A series of violent collisions came out.

Lin Feng was shaken back and forth.

He tried to lock Si Kongyun's deity, but failed.

This great avatar is too weird.

Switch between the deity and avatar at will, it is difficult to grasp which one is the deity and which is the avatar.

"You are really too weak!"

All Si Kongyun spoke at the same time.

The sound is cold.

Uh, uh, uh!

A famous Si Kongyun was besieging Lin Feng again.

Many people moved.

In everyone's view, if Lin Feng was unable to find a solution to the crack.

This battle.



Facing the dense Sikong Yun from the siege.

Lin Feng could not help sneering.

Inside his body.

There was a strong wave of volatility.

The five engulfed the martial souls.

Then the five swallowed Wuhun instantly united.

The imprisoned magnetic field was exerted by Lin Feng, and the powerful force imprisoned the void where the entire ring was located.

These avatars are extremely realistic.

But there is a fatal weakness.

That is the lack of power of the avatar.

No matter how realistic the avatar is, if there is not enough power, in the face of the imprisonment of the imprisoned magnetic field, it must be restricted everywhere.

as predicted.

Under the imprisonment of the imprisoned magnetic field, all of these avatars were imprisoned and could not move.

Only Si Kongyun's deity can move, but the speed has also declined significantly.

Lin Feng quickly rushed towards Si Kongyun's deity, and punched him towards him.


Si Kongyun snorted, and his deity instantly switched to a doppelganger.

"Lion Roar Gong!"



Lin Feng roared, and a powerful sonic attack suddenly oscillated.

these years.

Lin Feng didn't know how many kinds of magical powers he got, Sonic magical powers, he also got many.

And also practiced several powerful sonic attacks, the lion roar is one of them.

This trick lion roared out.

Powerful sonic shocks the void.

Bang Bang Bang ...

Si Kongyun's condensed clones began to explode.

Without many meetings, all the avatars exploded, leaving only the deity of Si Kongyun.

Lin Feng has rushed to Si Kongyun again.

He punched Si Kongyun with a punch.

Si Kongyun's face changed suddenly.

In the imprisoned magnetic field, his actions were greatly blocked.

So facing Lin Feng's attack.

Si Kongyun couldn't get rid of it.

He had to shoot Lin Feng's punch.


The two sides slammed together.

have to say.

Si Kongyun is very strong, and hastily tried to fight Lin Feng's punch.

Even with Lin Feng.

Quite well.

Si Kongyun wanted to condense a new attack and launch a counterattack against Lin Feng.

But at this time, he discovered that his power was madly passing.

"Oh my god, look at it ...".

Countless people pointed at Si Kongyun, shouting in shock.

Because Si Kongyun changed from being young to being old in a few breaths.

"It's the great magical power of the Great Reincarnation! How is this possible? Within the Reincarnation Immortal Sect, isn't it true that only Zhang Xianzun is qualified to practice the Great Reincarnation? How can this Lin Feng do great reincarnation?"

Countless people exclaimed in disbelief.

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