Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1956: Zhang Zilong

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"Where is the auction place?". Lin Feng asked.

"If the son is going, there will be a car to pick up the son at night!" Said the fat man.

"Good!" Lin Feng said.

"Then don't disturb the son to rest!" The fat man got up and left.

After waiting for the fat man to leave, Lin Feng walked towards the room and found that Naza was actually cleaning the room.

This girl is too simple.

"Brother Lin, you have finished talking!"

Naza said.

Lin Feng nodded and said with a smile, "Take you to a place at night, prepare, we go out to dinner, and when we come back, we should leave."

Naza nodded cleverly, then went back to her room and simply dressed up.

Soon after, Lin Feng and Naza went out, picked a restaurant, and ordered a large table of dishes.

The two greedy cats Beibei and Longtu couldn't help but flew out of the mountain river ring.

Then they ate meat and sipped alcohol, and the two little guys slurped about.

Lin Feng originally wanted to ask if the Four Sacred Birds and the Soul Swallower came out to enjoy the food.

The Four Sacred Birds are closed, and the Soul Swallower has little interest in these delicacies.

For it.

The soul is the most delicious thing.

After enjoying a meal, Lin Feng and Naza returned to their residence and found that there was already a beast car waiting outside.

The fat man is also waiting here. After seeing Lin Feng and Naza coming back, they said with a smile on their faces, "Son, the veterinary car is ready, do not know when the son will start?"

"Go now!"

Lin Feng said.

Then got on the veterinary car with Naza.

"Young man walking slowly!"

The fat man waved his hand.

Then the driver drove the beast car away.

"Brother Lin, where are we going?" Naza asked.

"Auction house!" Lin Feng said.

Naza's eyes lightened slightly and said, "I heard that there will be a lot of treasures in the auction house. I haven't been there yet. I can open my eyes today!"

Lin Feng said, "It's not an auction house that auctions items, it's an auctioneer's auction house!"


Naza's pretty face was pale and scared.

She thought of the scene where she was auctioned before, and her body shivered slightly.

Lin Feng rubbed Naza's head and said, "Don't be afraid! With me in, no one can hurt you!"

Naza nodded and leaned closer to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng could even smell the fragrance of Naza's body.

Not long after, he came to this auction house.

This auction house is called the Blackstone Auction House.

People come and go, it's very lively.

Lin Feng and Naza walked down from the beast car and walked towards the auction.

"Hey, mermaid!"

Someone made a surprised voice, this is a man looking at the most 30-year-old, dressed in golden robes, followed by more than 20 guards, and a beautiful woman with arms around each.

After seeing Naza, the man's eyes could no longer be opened.

"Son ... aren't we beautiful?".

The two beauties were jealous in their hearts, and they were sullenly talking, and began to act coquettishly.

"Compared with mermaids, you are simply a vulgar powder!"

The man directly pushed the two beauties away from his arms.

Lin Feng was quite surprised. Now that Naza has turned into a humanoid figure, he is seen as a mermaid at a glance.

This man's eyes are very bitter.

Feel the naked desire in the man's eyes.

Naza was scared and pale, hiding her body behind Lin Feng.

"This little mermaid is your slave? How about selling at a price?".

The man said in an unquestionable tone.


Lin Feng said coldly.

The man was stunned for a moment, and then annoyed. He said in a cold voice, "Boy, do you know who I am? How dare you speak to me like this? Don't want to live?"

"who are you?". Lin Feng asked indifferently.

"Tell him who I am!" The man sneered.

A little man behind him said immediately, "Our son is a giant whale gang and a young gang advocates Zilong!"

"Have not heard!"

Lin Feng said lightly.

Zhang Zilong looked at Lin Feng with a sneer on his face, wanting to see horrified eyes from Lin Feng's face.

Then threaten this kid again.

The little mermaid is here.

This Zilong's plan is very beautiful.

But who ever thought.

The plan is beautiful and the reality is cruel.

After Lin Feng's "not heard" came out.

The corners of Zhang Zilong's mouth twitched violently.

In Zhang Zilong's view, Lin Feng was deliberately teasing him.

In Zhang Zilong's eyes, a glorious gaze flashed.

The Giant Whale Gang is the twelfth gang on Wanxing Island. It has tens of thousands of gangs and is powerful.

Therefore, this dragon relied on the reputation of the giant whale gang, and robbed the women outside, doing a lot of bad things, and doing a lot of conscience.

But no one dared to say much, because the giant whale gang is too powerful to be offended by ordinary people.

This sub-dragon in Wanxing Island can be said to be a well-known evil and few people are scared.

But today, Zhang Zilong felt an unprecedented anger.

Because in his view, Lin Feng is simply provoking his majesty.

"I don't know anything about life and death, break me this guy's legs and throw them out. This little beauty will send me back and wait for the son to go back and enjoy!"

Zhang Zilong ordered.

"Yes, son!"

A group of guards beside Zhang Zilong hurriedly responded, and then came towards Lin Feng.

Obviously do this kind of thing.

It's already handy.

I don't know how many times I have done it.

"Look, isn't that Zhang Zilong? Who is that kid? It's miserable to offend Zhang Zilong!"

"Offending this dragon on Wanxing Island, there is nothing to end!"

There are people of all kinds in and out of the auction house.

Many people know Zhang Zilong, and now see Zhang Zilong's men surrounded Xiang Linfeng, all of a sudden there was a lot of discussion.

Obviously no one would be optimistic about a very strange face like Lin Feng. Many people speculated that Lin Feng should have just come to Wanxian Island from the outside, so I did n’t know who Zhang Zilong was.

In the eyes of many people.

Lin Feng offended Zhang Zilong, and it will definitely be miserable.

This sub-dragon is a famous little evil, what has never been done to lose the conscience?

In the past, even in front of her husband, he forced a man's wife.

It's just that the beast is not as good, but who made Zhang Zilong powerful behind him, he is still very lively.

Just when everyone thought that Lin Feng was going to be finished.

Everyone was shocked to see.

Lin Feng stepped out, a strong breath radiated from his body.

Fluttering Fluttering!

With Lin Feng step by step toward Zhang Zilong.

Zhang Zilong's group of guards could not bear the strong breath emanating from Lin Feng's body, and all knelt on the ground.

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