Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1966: Deep Sea Devil's Cave

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"Deep Sea Devil's Cave?". Lin Feng looked at Wan Yan with surprise.

In fact, the deep sea magic cave is very common in the sea.

Deep sea magic caves generally refer to some strange caves that appear in the deep sea.

These caves are very dangerous, and the monks who enter them are often in danger of life.

Wan Yanyang said, "Several of us entered the deep sea devil's cave, but failed to come out alive!"

"Take me to see!"

Lin Feng said.

"Also invite the master to come with me!"

Wan Yanyang said that he led the way ahead, Lin Feng also took a dozen guards.

The group left quickly.

The Deep Sea Devil's Cave is about three hundred miles from the Longmen Island. Half an hour later, Lin Feng and Wan Yanyang came to the location of the Deep Sea Devil's Cave.

Wan Yanyang said, "Master! The Deep Sea Devil's Cave is in the deepest abyss of this sea."

Lin Feng nodded, and a group of people lurked towards the deep sea, and it didn't take long to reach the abyss below.

This abyss is located in a place where the underwater world is not ten thousand meters deep.

In the surrounding seawater, there was a cold breath.

This cold breath.

It made people feel a chill, and it didn't take long for Lin Feng and others to come before that huge cave.

"You guys are waiting here, let me take a look!"

Lin Feng said.

"Master! It's too dangerous! Let's go in with you!"

Wan Yanyang said.

Lin Feng said, "Don't worry! If I really encounter any danger, I can escape!"

Wan Yanyang and others did not dare to disobey Lin Feng and had to wait outside.

Lin Feng stepped into the cave.

The air in this cave is very cold, and the deeper the air, the colder the air becomes.

"Huh, is there a rune above this rock face?".

Lin Feng looked at the rock walls on both sides in surprise, never paying attention before.

A quick glance.

Found something extraordinary.

The runes above the rock walls are densely packed, which is a mysterious pattern.

These lines are extremely old, Lin Feng has checked many lines.

Found that he had not seen this pattern.

"Isn't this deep sea magic cave formed naturally?".

Lin Feng said to himself, he was a lot more careful.

He continued to walk inside.

Boom Boom ...


Lin Feng heard something coming from the depths.

When he heard that weird voice, he felt a tingling sensation in his heart.

This feeling made Lin Feng frown, but the deep-sea devil's cave was really not simple, it could even be called weird.

He endured this tingling sensation and continued to walk inside.

Boom Boom ...

Boom Boom ...

That weird voice became clearer and clearer.

The pain suffered by Lin Feng's heart is getting stronger and stronger.

He even thought his heart would be split.

This feeling is very bad.

"What's in there?" Lin Feng frowned.

It was really unwilling to withdraw in this way. He endured the severe pain of his heart and continued to walk for a while.

Suddenly, Lin Feng vaguely saw.

In the deepest part of the cave, a cloud of black gas filled out.

"Uh! Uh!"


Two cold eyes opened.

At that moment.

Lin Feng felt his soul seemed to be split apart.

That mysterious existence.

I don't know what kind of creature it is.

Horrible unimaginable.

Lin Feng did not dare to hesitate, turned and rushed towards the outside.

Huh ...


Powerful swallowing power surged.

That powerful swallowing force wanted to draw Lin Feng into the black hole, but fortunately, Lin Feng was about to rush out of the cave.

When that powerful swallowing force came in, he rushed out ahead of time.

"Hurry up ...".

Lin Feng shouted in silence, and quickly left with Wan Yanyang and others.

Eventually they were suspended outside the abyss.

Lin Feng looked at the magic cave in the abyss from afar, his expression was very dignified.

Wan Yanyang asked, "But what did the master see?"

Lin Feng said, "There seem to be some terrible creatures trapped inside. Let me know and stop everyone from coming to this place!"

"Yes! Master! After I go back, I will convey the order!"

Wan Yanyang said in reply.

"Um ..." Lin Feng nodded.

A group of people did not stay long and left quickly.

On the way back, Lin Feng exchanged some views with the demon king.

He asked what might be the cave of the demon **.

The demon king said, "I was sealed in a deep-sea demon **. The mysterious and ancient prohibition is densely covered in the whole deep-sea devil's cave. The long years have passed, and I have never died. I can't imagine, what is there!"

Lin Feng frowned slightly, and the appearance of such a mysterious deep sea demon cave not far away from the Longmen island was not a good thing in his view. If the creatures inside were out of trouble, it would be a big trouble.

The only thing fortunate now is that the seal seems to be quite strong, and that creature should not be able to come out for the time being.

Returning to Longmen Island, Lin Feng saw five daughters.

The five women all added a particularly tempting sense of maturity.

After seeing Lin Feng, all the five women saluted Lin Feng, but their cheeks were blushing.


Lin Feng nodded.

At night he released the slaves of the five women.

The five girls are free.

Weeping with joy.

"Now you are free! You can continue to stay on Longmen Island or you can choose to leave! I will not stop any of you!"

Lin Feng said.

"We are willing to follow the son and serve the son every day!"

The five girls said quickly.

Gentle township, hero tomb.

Lin Feng fully experienced what this sentence meant.

Surrounded by the beauty, the phoenix pours its wings.

Happy or not.

The past two days is really ridiculous.


Three hundred miles away!

The fleet of fire scorpion islands approached.

Chilian Fire Scorpion asked, "How long will it take to reach Longmen Island?".

"Return to the island master! You can arrive within an hour!"

Said an elder.

"Excellent! Continue to order, the major battleships are ready to fight!"

Chilian Huoxing said with a smile.


The elder hurried down to convey the order.

"Look, look, the fleet of Fire Scorpion is here!"

"Oh my god, there are fifty ancient warships here. Such a big hand! Is it possible that Chi Lianhuo Scorpion arrived in person?"

Many people exclaimed.

Ooo ...

The horn sounded through the clouds.

The monks in Longmen Island have already been alarmed.

Seeing so many fleets coming, the monks in Longmen Island were very calm.

Lin Feng's ancient ship destroyed a fleet of evil dragon palace.

Everyone cast their eyes on the five bodies that Lin Feng admired.

In everyone's opinion.

As long as Lin Feng is here.

Anyone who comes to invade Longmen Island will inevitably suffer heavy losses.


After the fleet of the Fire Scorpion Island sailed to the sea about ten miles away from the Longmen Island, Chilian Fire Scorpion issued the order to fire the gun.

Boom ...

The dense shells of spirit stones were bombarded towards Longmen Island.

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