Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 2061: The emperor left full of thoughts

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In a blink of an eye, three months passed. During these three months, Lin Feng had been comprehending the Xuanwu camel stele map.

"To die, to die, Master, come and save us ...".

"Master, help ...".

Two calls were suddenly heard from Lin Feng's mind while he was practicing. Although he was very weak, he was still caught by Lin Feng. After hearing the two voices, Lin Feng's face changed slightly.

This is the voice of Poison Ancestor and Shadow Void Beast.

"what's going on?". Lin Feng frowned.

Lin Feng is in a master-servant relationship with the poison ancestor and the Shadow Void Beast. Through the connection between these souls, both parties can sense some of the other's circumstances.

However, this kind of induction is extremely weak.

Lin Feng had sensed the breath of the poison ancestor and the Shadow Void Beast several times before, but neither had any gains.

But now.

He sensed the voices of help from the poison ancestor and the Shadow Void Beast.

Lin Feng tried to use the weak soul connection to sense the location of the poison ancestor and the Shadow Void Beast.


He felt himself immersed in a black world.

This dark-black world is filled with horror killing intentions.

But the induction was so weak that it disappeared without a trace.

"Damn ...". Lin Feng's expression was very gloomy.

He tried again to sense the black world, but he could no longer enter the mysterious and mysterious induction. Lin Feng's face became abnormally ugly.

"What the **** is that?".

Lin Feng muttered to himself, and Mei Yu tightened.

One thing Lin Feng can be sure, that place must be Kyushu. At first, he was in the waters of the Nether Sea and the poison ancestors, and the two Shadow Void Beasts were scattered.

Obviously, the situation of the Poison Ancestor and the Shadow Void Beast is very bad now. It seems to be imprisoned in that dark world.

Lin Feng wanted to rescue them, but he also needed to find out where that place was before he could rescue them.

The point is, Lin Feng does not know where that place is.

Now Lin Feng hopes to get in touch with the poison ancestor and the Shadow Void Beast again.

But he knew that this required waiting for opportunities.

There is no problem on his side, the key is the poison ancestor, the Shadow Void Beast side.

They sent out this kind of wave of helplessness, which Lin Feng could feel.

However, Lin Feng speculates that the place where the poison ancestor and the Shadow Void Beast are trapped is very difficult to convey the fluctuation of the mind.

Now the only thing Lin Feng can do is wait.

After another half month, the empress finally came out.

The blood awakening took three and a half months, and the emperor had a sacred breath after going out.

"Everything all right?". Lin Feng asked.

The empress nodded slightly, and she said, "Clean up things, let's leave here!"

Lin Feng nodded.

After packing up everything in the cave house, the two boarded the pirate ship of the gods and returned along the same path.

Lin Feng found that the emperor was always in a daze, and some of her soul was not at home, which made him very puzzled and did not know what happened.

"Wife, what are you thinking?" Lin Feng asked.

The empress shook her head.

When Lin Feng saw the empress did not want to say, he did not ask any more.

The female emperor is a very opinionated woman.

Some words she would not hide if she wanted to say.

If she didn't want to say anything, she wouldn't say it if she asked.

In the passage to the underworld, there will be undead ships every day.

Different people were sitting on top of the undead ships.

They are about to enter the underworld.

Lin Feng did not know what kind of fate these undead entered the underworld.

Are there really six reincarnations?

Will they reincarnate?

After all, this is just a legend, true and false, and it is often unclear.

"You said, one day will we also take the undead ship and enter the underworld?".

The emperor watched the ships of the undead murmur.

Lin Feng didn't know why the emperor asked this question. He always felt that the emperor had become abnormal since she left the border.

It seems that the mind is heavy.

Lin Feng grabbed the emperor's hand and said, "Even if the master of the underworld can't take us away, I dare to attack us, and I will smash his hall!"


The Empress couldn't help but chuckled and hummed her nose, "Violent!"

"This is called heroism!"

Lin Feng said with a smile, reaching out to hold the empress in her arms.

The Empress threw her fist and threatened, "Is it tickling?"

Lin Feng smiled, but didn't dare to be arrogant.

Five days later.

Yin Yang reversed.

The pirate ships of the gods turned over.


The next moment, they returned to the real world from the channel leading to the underworld.

At this moment, the night lingered.

The moon is like a plate.

The stars are dotted in the starry sky world, beautiful.

The empress said, "I'm leaving!"

"Where are you going?" Lin Feng asked the emperor.

He guessed that when the empress awakened her blood, she must have awakened some special memories.

You should know that these ancient bloodlines not only contain the inheritance of magical powers, exercises, etc., but also contain many memories.

Nu Wa has a lot of secrets in her veins.

Maybe the Empress awakened some of these secrets.

"Go to a place to prove something. This place is too sensitive. I can't tell you because I'm afraid it will hurt you!"

The voice of the empress was a little low.

"Is this place dangerous?" Lin Feng asked.

"For foreigners, it is very dangerous, but for me, it is not dangerous, you don't have to worry about me", the empress tried to smile.

Lin Feng embraced the empress in her arms.

The emperor did not refuse this time.

She leaned in Lin Feng's arms.

"Don't forget at any time, in a remote place, someone will care for you!"

Lin Feng said softly.

"Hmm!" The Empress nodded slightly.

Lin Feng bid farewell to the empress.

Immediately, he was alone and returned to the Longmen Island by the Xuanyuan Starship.

He lay on the deck, and the warm sunlight fell on him.

Very comfortable.

At night that night, the black clouds rolled and storms raged.

In the darkness, the cursed ship rushed out of the deep sea.

"Master Captain, the kid is alone. Shall we catch him on the ship?". One crew member said.

"No, no, that woman is terrible!"

Suddenly, many crew members shouted, they thought of Red Dust Fairy Venerable, the woman who had mastered the way of fate.

The captain of the cursed ship said unkindly, "Now it is not appropriate to tear your face with Red Dust Immortal Venerable!"

"Then continue to let this kid go unpunished?". Said another crew member.

The captain of the cursed ship grinned humbly. "I have realized the fate of the boy. You can wait and see. Soon, he will take the initiative to board the cursed ship!"

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