Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 2195: Out of the world formed by the magnetic field

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This voice full of enchanting power resounded, and many people could not resist this enchanting power.

Then, gradually fall into sinking.

Finally, a monk turned his head.


Suddenly, a scream came.

"what happened?".

Many people feel scalp tingling.

Someone wanted to turn around to check the situation behind. At this time Lin Feng said in a deep voice, "Don't turn your head, go forward, hope to be in front, don't be fooled!"

The old monk also said, "This little brother is right, don't look around, we will go forward and we can go out soon"

The rest of them suppressed the feeling of fear in their hearts and followed to the front.

"Wow La La ... La La La ...".

In the dark, the sound of the chain collision came out.

The black mist rolled around, and there seemed to be some horrible creatures coming from the darkness.

The situation is moving in a worse direction, and many people are pale with fright.

In such a weird situation, it is really not an easy task to keep calm.


The sound of the chain collision rang again.

In the darkness, even chains appeared, winding towards the monks.

"Cut off the chain!"

Lin Feng said with a deep voice.

Everyone hurriedly hurriedly offered a magic weapon to cut off the chain.

But when various attacks bombarded that chain of chains.

Suddenly there were clashes of clashes.

Those chains are very strange, lingering around the terrible runes, like the legendary dark patterns, resisting the attack of everyone.

Then, a chain of tangles entrapped a famous monk.

The monks were suddenly pulled into darkness by the chain.


A scream of screams came from the darkness.

The dozen or so monks who were pulled into the darkness were afraid that they would have been traumatized by poisonous hands.

"I don't want to die ...".

"I have only been practicing for more than 700 years this year and have a long life. I still have a beautiful fiancee waiting for me to marry her. I can't die here!

"My child is just three years old, and his wife is pregnant now, and I can't die here!"

Many people tremble and cry.

Although the cultivator has great strength, he has a long life span.

But in fact.

Really speaking.

There is no difference between practitioners and ordinary people.

They have emotions and sorrows, as well as seven emotions and six desires.

Family, love, friendship, etc. are all things that they are difficult to give up.

When faced with danger or even death, they will also take into account these difficult feelings.

"The big devil enters a dream, seeks longevity, and the place of bliss is all here, heaven and hell, in one thought, the road of light, can get eternal life ..."

Suddenly, the voice full of bewitching power resounded in everyone's mind again.

All roads are bright.

Appeared in the darkness.

That one bright road after another.

It seems to be the way to leave, the way to survive, and the way to eternal life.

Many people are under great stress today.

Many people are even in a state where their spirits are almost collapsed.

So after hearing this bewitching voice.

You can't control your body.

Quickly rushed to the bright roads.

In the blink of an eye.

Only more than twenty people remained.

The roads of light around them were instantly swallowed by darkness.

In the darkness, a terrible cry was made.

It was the monks who had just left, they were robbed in the dark.

"The magnetic field here is terrible, and constantly creating various scenes or sounds confusing us, but I guess that we are really going out. The closer the exit, the stronger the magnetic field will be!"

Lin Feng said in a deep voice.

"It seems that some real skills need to be exercised, otherwise, I am afraid it is not easy to break the magnetic field here!"

Said the oldest monk.

"Senior has a way to go out?". Many people's eyes suddenly burst into light.

The old monk said, "The method can be tried, but if you can't go out, then I can't control it!"

The old monk's voice fell, and he saw him take out a rung.

The rune is covered with dense runes, like ghost runes.

Very mysterious.

The old monk began to chant.

I don't know what spell it is.

After reading a spell.

The old monk bit his finger.

The blood flowed out suddenly.

The old monk spotted blood on Fulu.

"With blood as a guide, burn!"

The old monk snorted.

I saw that the rung actually started to burn up.

It didn't take long.

The rune will burn to ashes.

A powerful wave of energy surged out.

That energy poured into the two eyes of the old monk.

The old monk's eyes turned into a pair of golden eyes.

"My eyes now can vaguely see some of the structure of the surrounding magnetic field. We need to find the weak place of the magnetic field and then cross the magnetic field. Everyone follow me."

Said the old monk.

Everyone followed behind the old monk.

There is a saying that Shengji will decay, and decay will turn into prosperity.

This place is where the magnetic field is the strongest.

But it is often the biggest flaw.

If we can find the weak place of the magnetic field, it is a good opportunity for Lin Feng and others to leave.

Obviously, the old monk is quite proficient in these Qihuang ways.

Under the leadership of the old monks, everyone finally found such a place.

The old monk was planning to lead everyone to rush out in one go.


In the darkness, a terrible figure appeared.

This figure was wearing a dark green robe.

Unable to see what he looked like, only a pair of blood-red eyes.

Everyone didn't even notice that he appeared in front.

When those blood-red eyes light up.

Everyone knows that such a horrible existence is in front.

The blood-red eyes met the old monk's eyes.

"Ah, my eyes ...".

The old monk screamed, covering his eyes with both hands.

Blood flowed from his eyes.

The horrible creature in the dark wounded the old monk's eyes.


The sharp claws scratched directly towards the old monk's chest.

That terrible creature wanted to take out the old monk's heart.


Lin Feng snorted coldly, and he turned the causal force, condensed a powerful punch, and drove towards the terrible creature.

"Ah, the causal power of Buddhism, this is the great causal technique!"

The horrible creature exclaimed and did not resist Lin Feng.

Instead, he chose to retreat.


Lin Feng said with a deep voice, he held Xian Yue Ling's hand in one hand, and grabbed the old monk toward the front with one hand.

The rest followed.


The light flashed.

Lin Feng and others rushed out of this strange world transformed by the magnetic field.

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