Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 2261: Scary black robe monk

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"Poison Fairy Sect?".

Lin Feng raised his eyebrows slightly, he had not heard of this force, but seeing how these people were scared after hearing the name of Duxianzong, they knew that the force of Duxianzong was definitely not simple, it was probably an extreme The power of terror.

Lin Feng, the little fairy, the poison ancestor, and the venerable saint did not get too close. They were watching the bustle around.

Seeing the monks around retreating one after another, the monks of the Poison Sect were obviously somewhat proud.

Many people do not understand the poison fairy, some monks asked the monks around, what kind of power is poison fairy.

A monk who knew the poison fairy sect said, "This is a hidden secular sect, belonging to the power of demons, and its strength is very strong. This force is best at using poison and captive of all kinds of poisonous insects!"

"How is it compared to the Gu Gu Men?". Someone asked.

Gu Xie Men is a force of evil Dao, and it is also a well-known force, and is very good at keeping various poisonous insects.

"Guxianzong is nothing in front of Poxianzong. Although Zongxianzong is not as famous as Guxianzong, it is because Poxianzong is relatively low-key, but in terms of strength, Poxianzong does not know how much stronger it is. Times! "

"This poison fairy is so powerful!"


Lin Feng also heard some talks around.

This poison fairy sect turned out to be a captive insect, good at using poison sect.

Such forces, few people dare to provoke them.

Because such a force kills people almost silently, once provoked, Bacheng has nothing to end.

Nowadays, the monks of Poison Sect will inevitably use "Very Poison!"

So everyone has to retreat towards the back like a snake, so as not to be affected by the pond fish.


"Hand over that thing and give you a happy death method, otherwise, we will make you die better than life!"

The monk Poison Sect in blue said coldly.


Many people are looking at each other with a look on their faces, and they can't help but show their interest. The baby who can be poisoned by the poisonous fairy is definitely a great baby, but the poisonous fairy's people obviously didn't take that baby as everyone's. The plan that was spoken out of the face, and the mysterious man shrouded in black robe, had no plan to speak out.

So although many people want to know what kind of baby that baby is.

But no one told them that they could only guess in their heart what the baby was.

"If you want, you can give it a try! If you have the ability, the baby is naturally yours. If you do not have the ability, you will all die in my hands today!

A hoarse voice came out, which was very unpleasant, like the sound of the night owl wailing, and it was very harsh. Did some processing?

"Since you are so ignorant of life and death, then today we will send you back to the west and start ...".

The blue monk shouted coldly.

This group of poisonous immortals is obviously based on him.


A group of people besieged towards the black robe monk.

A stream of achromatic poisonous smoke diffused out and enveloped the monk in black robe.

"It's colorful poisonous smoke!"

Many people exclaimed.

Colorful poisonous smoke, this is a terrible poison.

It is made from five poisons.

There are many methods for refining multicolored poisonous smoke. Depending on the five types of drugs, the power of multicolored poisonous smoke will be different.

Poison Sect is such a powerful sect, the multicolored poisonous smoke is absolutely terrible.

Many people retreat quickly, for fear of being affected by pond fish.

"Trick and worm!"

The black robe monk sneered with disdain in the face of the attack of colorful poisonous smoke.


Then he took a breath.

All the colorful poisonous smoke poured towards the black robe monk, and then the colorful poisonous smoke was directly swallowed by the black robe monk.

"Oh my god, such a horrible and toxic poison that colorful poison smoke was swallowed by him like this?".

Many people took a breath.

Even the poisonous ancestor also made a horrified "Huh" sound.

Obviously the poison ancestor was also quite surprised.

"Now it's my turn to attack!"

The monk in black robe said sullenly, and saw that his wide black robe shuddered suddenly, and suddenly the dense poisonous fly flew out.

The poisonous insects fell directly on the faces of a group of monks.

It was a seven-color poisonous bug, much like a ladybug.

Exudes a force of evil.

"Seven-color ladybug!"

Someone recognized the poisonous insect, and his expression became very dignified.

This ladybug is a terrible poisonous insect.

Contains seven different poisons.

Once bitten by the seven-colored ladybug.

Seven different poisons will pour into the opponent's body from the location of the wound, and then the opponent's body will decay quickly.

This poisonous insect is very rare and extremely difficult to cultivate. It has not been seen for many years.

But now everyone sees this seven-color ladybug again.

"what……". A group of people made a terrible scream.

They reached out and caught the poisonous insect attached to their faces.


But at the next moment, a monk named Xianzong Zong fell to the ground and died in anger.

"come back……".

The black robe monk stretched out a pale white palm and waved towards the poisonous insects.

All the poisonous insects flew back.

Immediately he left toward the distance, and even the storage rings of the dead monks of the Poison Sect were not collected.

"The storage ring is mine ...".

Many people shouted and threw them directly.

The man in black robe looked down on the storage ring of Monk Poison Sect.

But in the eyes of other monks.

The storage ring of the dead monks of the poison fairy is definitely something they deserve to fight for.


Lin Feng looked at the poison ancestor and said, "What level do you think that person is?".

"The master of poisoning is terrible, and I feel that there are definitely more than one kind of poisonous insects on that person. It seems that there are even more terrible poisonous insects that have not been released!"

Said the poisonous ancestor.

Lin Feng nodded, and then found rest with the little fairy, poisonous ancestor, and evil saint.

I rented a small courtyard in the Bieyuan district of a high-end inn.

After a day off, Lin Feng intends to visit the insect market.

At night, the poisonous ancestor grinned and said, "There are many exotic places in the ancient capital of the Nether Sea. Would you like to go chic tonight?".

The big zombie said coldly, "Don't go!"

The poisonous ancestor pouted and said, "I didn't invite you, I invited the son to go dashing together! As for you, where do you love to go, the grandfather is too lazy to care what you do.

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