Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 2504: Fate

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Lin Feng Shen Nian invaded the golden jade, and then he heard a misty voice.

"Who can see that fateful reincarnation?".

"That ancient destiny is finally buried in the long river of history!"

"Every creature has its own destiny."

"No one can escape the fetters of fate."


The sounds of the streets are full of a grand atmosphere.

Dim and vague.

Lin Feng seemed to see a long river, and that long river was a long river of fate.

Nothing in this world can escape the fate of fate.

Fateful way.

This is the most mysterious avenue except the way of fate.

And the way of fatalism is closely related to the way of destiny.

These two ways involve the word "fate".

Fate represents what a person's life will be like.

For example, some people are born to be the sons of the emperor.

Some people are born to be poor children.

This is fate.

Fate is destined to God and cannot be changed.

It is like two children born, one is a prince and one is a civilian.

Doomed not to change this result.

But destiny can be changed.

What is not magical is unpredictable, and no one knows what the future will look like.

This is the power of fate.


And the way recorded in this golden jade is not the way of fate, but the way of fate.

"Fate is three points, buried in the past, live in the present, enter the future!"

A faint voice resounded in Lin Feng's mind. This passage was full of a mysterious feeling.

"What does it mean?". Lin Feng murmured, some did not quite understand the meaning of this sentence.

This sentence involves the past, present, and future.

So he felt puzzled.

"The Tao is immortal, the God does not collapse, all the laws are spiritual, and the destiny lives forever."

Immediately after that, another voice resounded in Lin Feng's mind.

Lin Feng's spirit shook slightly.

This should be a mantra.

And it is probably the general formula.

Could it be the general recipe for the cultivation of fatalism?

Thinking of this possibility, Lin Feng's face could not help showing a happy look.

If you can't get the way of fate.

Can get the fatal way.

It is also extremely against the sky.


A series of formulas resounded in Lin Feng's mind.

Lin Feng quickly remembered these mantras.

Lin Feng now has a deep understanding of Dao.

So soon he could confirm that the formula he got was the formula of fatalism.

Great fatalism, rumored Taoism.

If there is any Taoism between this heaven and earth that can conquer fate, maybe there is only fate.

of course.

The focus of the fateful way is different from the fateful way. The fateful way is still to be overwhelmed by the fateful way.

"Ask to the immortal in the past life, seek the Tao in this life, and honor the future!"

After all the formulas have been taught.

That quiet voice resounded again. This sentence is not a mantra, but it is also very profound, and it requires Lin Feng to slowly understand it.

In the end, Lin Feng's mind returned.

The golden jade was cracked.

Lin Feng studied these formulas carefully, and soon he found something that was not right.

Although the mantra is complete, the avenue is missing.

Lin Feng asked the demon king for advice.

The demon said, "In fact, the formula is not complete ...".

Lin Feng said, "These formulas are very coherent and unobstructed. Isn't this complete?".

The demon said, "What you see is just a part, and this part is complete. What I said is incomplete. There are two other parts missing!"

"Missing two other parts?". Lin Feng frowned slightly.

"Inheritance of this level is too defiant, and will generally be kept separately ...". The demon said so.

Lin Feng nodded, he could understand this.

"I don't know how to get the other two parts! The content that the golden jade passed to me is not mentioned!"

Lin Feng said.

The demon said, "In fact, it has already been mentioned, maybe you have not been able to notice!"

"Oh?". Lin Feng wondered.

"Fate is three points, buried in the past, live in the present, enter the future!" Said the demon.

Lin Feng said, "Can you say that the fatalism is divided into three parts? They were buried in the past and entered the future, and part of it is in the era we are in now?".

"Maybe it means something else, or something else!"

The demon said, did not give a very positive answer.

Nothing in this world is absolute.

The demon king only understands this way, but whether this is the case or not, the demon king cannot make a guarantee.

Lin Feng said, "How can we get the two parts buried in the past and into the future?".

"I don't know, but there must be a way to the car before the mountain. This inheritance will not be lost, and one day it will be found!" Said the demon king.

at this time.

A huge shadow suddenly appeared in the cave.

Lin Feng felt that his rune was making the rune jump violently, and he had an extremely uneasy feeling.

Although he did not find the shadow.

But Lin Feng was also the first time to show off the sky, and disappeared from the place.

He appeared twenty meters away.

Then looked towards the cave.

Inside the cave, empty and empty.

There is nothing.

"What's the matter? Am I wrong?".

Lin Feng muttered to himself, he felt very puzzled and clearly felt the danger, but he saw nothing.


Like a whim, Lin Feng looked up.

He saw a shadow above the rock wall.

It was a black shadow.

The black shadow came directly towards Lin Feng.

at that moment.

Lin Feng felt a breath of death covering his whole body. This feeling was extremely bad.

There was a terrible look in his heart.

What is that black shadow?

It was so terrifying.


at that moment.

Lin Feng felt his body seemed to be unable to move.

"Supreme domineering!"

Lin Feng growled, and at the most critical moment, he sacrificed his supreme domineering.

When the supreme domineering was released.

A bang came out.

That black shadow was shocked by Lin Feng's supreme domineering.

"Flee fast, this is the rumored death shadow ...".

The demon seemed to think of something and could not help shouting loudly.

His voice even shuddered slightly.

The demon seldom has such a gaffe. Obviously this existence is really terrifying before it will make the demon feel a deep horror.

"Shoot ...".

Lin Feng didn't want to think, turned and rushed towards the outside.

The black shadow floated behind and quickly chased Lin Feng.

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