Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 2594: The mysterious power in Lin Feng's body

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"The images of those strong men have disappeared ...".

"I really didn't expect that the strong man ranked first was so cynical!"

"I wonder if the strong man is rumored to be the originator of the imperial tribe among you?".

"Who knows? It's so mysterious to dominate the emperor!"


Countless people are talking about dominating the emperor, and talking about the ghost image of the strong man who appeared on the heavenly stele.

The monks gathered around the Celestial Monument began to gradually disperse.

Because the ghost images of those strong men have disappeared, there is no excitement to watch here.

The Celestial Stele is so horrible, it is too difficult to test, and it is only possible to test against the Celestial Stele only against the inferior talent.


There are fewer and fewer monks around the Celestial Monument.

Lin Feng has never left.

He wants to test his potential and see what level of existence he can grow to in the future.

The Celestial Stele is very extraordinary, it can predict the future, basically it can predict the future achievements of the monk.

Of course, the future is also full of variables, and sometimes there may be some deviations.

But the final deviation will not be particularly huge.


Soon the sky gradually dimmed.

There is only Lin Feng left here.

He walked toward the Celestial Monument step by step.

A terrifying and powerful breath permeated and went toward Lin Feng's oppression.

Feeling that powerful fluctuation, Lin Feng's expression was indifferent.

Although the coercion from the Celestial Monument is powerful, it is difficult to resist his pace.

Soon Lin Feng came to the Celestial Stele, and then used the power of the whole body.

His physical power, mana, dominate Emperor's blood, and Undead Blood all work.


Lin Feng snorted and swept the punch.

The invincible punch blasted towards the Celestial Monument.


A tyrannical blow hit the heavenly monument.

Suddenly, the sound of heaven and earth was passing through the sky.

Phantoms of various powerful monks appeared.

Lin Feng was one thousand meters away, branding his ghost image.

"I'm going to ..., my talents only appeared in the kilometer position! Are the talents of those people above you?".

Lin Feng was a little speechless.

This result is much worse than he expected.

However, Lin Feng thought of his undead blood, and the dominant tribe had not yet awakened in depth.

It's pretty good to be in this position.

Before the ancient **** clan's Shinto Heaven, the bloodline had already been deeply awakened, but it only appeared at the bottom of the Celestial Monument.

If it is the deep awakening of its two blood lines.

It is not a problem to appear at a position of three or four kilometers. Maybe it can appear at a higher position?

Lin Feng was about to close his fist when he left.

Suddenly at this time, Lin Feng felt his body began to heat up.

A vortex appeared in his Dantian.

The vortex lingered in a chaos.

"what is that?".

Lin Feng's face showed shocking eyes.

For the first time, the mysterious vortex in Dantian has never been seen before.

At this time, the vortex in Lin Feng Dan Tian gushed out a terrible force.

That force is like a row of mountains.

All poured into Lin Feng's arm.

This is an extremely mysterious force.

The strength of this power shocked Lin Feng.

In addition to physical power and mana.

The monk also has "blood power", of course, this refers to the monk with a special blood line.

If it is a monk of ordinary bloodline, he has no power of bloodline.

Therefore, Lin Feng's punch just contained his own physical strength, mana, and two bloodlines.

But what is the power of this mysterious force that is gushing now, Lin Feng is not clear at all.

Is this the power of bloodline?

Could it still have a third bloodline?

Lin Feng at this moment is extremely unsteady in his heart.

Because there are some amazing secrets hidden in his body, and these secrets are secrets that he never knew.

After that force poured into his arm, Lin Feng just wanted to swing his arm and hit the punch.


He made a second punch.

When this punch hit the Celestial Monument, amazing things appeared.

Between the heavens and the earth, the Taoist sound is utterly empty for 100,000 miles.

Smallpox falls.

Diyong Jinlian.

The most shocking thing is that Lin Feng ’s brand that appeared on the Tianjie Monument at a distance of thousands of miles was walking towards it step by step.

All the strong brand on the Celestial Stele looked at Lin Feng's brand at the same time.

Soon Lin Feng's brand came to the position of two kilometers, but there was still no stop, and he kept walking towards it.

Three thousand meters.


Four kilometers.


Five kilometers.


Eight kilometers.


Nine kilometers.


Even Lin Feng was dumbfounded at this scene, and the more he went up, the higher the future achievements would be.

After the mysterious power in the body surged out, the ghost image he had branded had already reached the position of nine kilometers, which was really shocking.

Reached the nine-kilometer position has not stayed.

Nine thousand and one hundred meters.


Nine thousand two hundred meters.


This talent force overwhelms the immortals and countless innate creatures.

Nine thousand three hundred meters.


Nine thousand four hundred meters.


Nine thousand five hundred meters.


Nine thousand six hundred meters.


Nine thousand seven hundred meters.


Lin Feng reached the location of the landlord of the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Immortals and the five mysterious strongmen.

At this moment.

The breath of Lin Feng's imprint actually connected the breath of the five powerful men together.

Blood is connected.

The same ancestry.

Those five exist.

It turned out to be Lin Feng's ancestor.

"Is it the ancestor of the emperor?"

An extremely shocked expression appeared on Lin Feng's face.

His brand did not stop there, and he walked towards it.

The four giants of Hongmeng era all looked at Lin Feng.

At this moment, Lin Feng suddenly had an illusion. He vaguely felt that the eyes of the four giants in the Hongmeng era were a look full of encouragement.

In addition to encouragement, there seems to be expectations.

Finally, Lin Feng reached the position of the four giants in the Hongmeng era.

After a short pause, he continued walking towards it, and soon came to the position of 9,900 meters, which was in the same position as the originator of the imperial tribe.

Now Lin Feng himself can't believe he can reach this position. How talented is this position?

In the future, will you achieve the achievement of dominating the originator of the emperor?

Lin Feng felt a proud look, and the originator who ruled the emperor seemed to feel proud of having such an excellent descendant.

However, what made Lin Feng even more shocked was that this position was not his end point.

Lin Feng's imprinted shadow continued to walk towards it.


This phantom stood at a position of 10,000 meters and stood at the top of the Tianjiao list.

He trampled the Celestial Monument to his feet.

Between the world and the world, the sound of war drums thundering resounded.

"This is the Tiangu's ringing! The rumored Tiangu is ringing. It is said that if someone's talent reaches a talent that can surpass the fairy realm, the Tiangu will ring!"

Within the territory of Nanxian Demon, in countless directions, a horribly gaze looked toward the direction of the Celestial Monument.

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