Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 2826: Serve the old slave of the three generations of Demon Emperor-Nu Bo!

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The son Nirvana is a deep-minded and extremely sinister person.

He was looking for Gongzi Yu, not because of his affection, but because he wanted to personally kill this half-brother and then **** the magic lotus of Gongzi Yu.

The son Nirvana can never forget the hysterics when he heard that the son Ziyu was recognized by Molian.

The son Nirvana attaches great importance to the blood, he regards the son Yu as a family shame.

How does the family's shame deserve to own the magic lotus?

So now the son Nirvana only wants to find the son Ziyu, and then kill the son Ziyu.

Wash away the shame of the family.

Now he is approaching his goal step by step. Last time he almost killed Gongzi Yu, but unfortunately he failed.

Now that he meets Gong Ziyu again, Gongzi Niek doesn't want to let Gong Ziyu escape.

Gongzi Yu raised his eyelids, looked at Gongzi Nirvana, and said, "Why are you so hypocritical? There is absolutely no need for this. Who do you want to show to?".

Gongzi Nirvana said, "My good brother, how can you misunderstand your brother like this, your brother is wholeheartedly for you, but you misunderstand your brother like this, it will make the brother extremely sad, and my father has missed you too Come uncle to pick you up, my good brother, go back with your brother, this is not your home, you are destined to be a passer-by for Kyushu, follow your brother home, our entire family is waiting for your return! "

"Come on, there is no need to act here, and your acting skills are really too clumsy, and I'm about to vomit!"

The poisonous ancestor said with a sneer, looking at the son Nirvana with a disdainful expression.

The son Nirvana looked at the poison ancestor indifferently, and said coldly, "cheap creatures are not eligible to intervene, so you should choose to shut your mouth at this time!"

The son's pride comes from the bones, looking at others obliquely, not looking at anyone.

I always think that others are much worse than him. This is a kind of bloodline gap.

So the son Nirvana does not take anyone's eyes.

The poison ancestor said with a curse, "How noble do you think you are, but you just sit on the sky and watch the sky!"

"Today my son doesn't mind killing things that don't know life or death!" The son Nirvana was indifferent, even facing Lin Feng, Gong Ziyu, Huo Qilin and so many masters, he was still so arrogant.

He has absolute self-confidence in himself, which is a kind of inherent self-confidence, which has been integrated into the soul.

"You can give it a try!"

Du Zu sneered.


A strong breath emanated from Gongzi Nirvana's body, and that breath permeated out and went directly towards the poison ancestor.

The son Nirvana really wants to fight against the poison ancestor, and kills the poison ancestor.

"Your opponent is me ...". Master Ziyu's voice was cold, and he stopped Master Nirvana.

"My good brother, do you want to start a fight with your good brother? We haven't dealt with for a while, let the good brother let me see if you have improved in the recent period!"

Nie Zi narrowed his eyes and looked at Zong Zi Yu, with an inexplicable smile on his face. That kind of smile looked very gloomy, making many people feel a chill.

The son Nirvana raised his right hand and slashed towards the son Ziyu. At this time, an old voice came from a distance.

"Nie Gongzi! Yu Gongzi! The two sons are brothers, how can they fight privately, this will damage the feelings between the brothers!"

An old man came in the distance, this is an old heavenly demon, ricketing his body, it is too old, but no one dares to underestimate this heavenly demon.


After seeing the old man, the pupil of Nirvana contracted sharply, apparently never expecting that the old man would appear here.

Nubo has served three generations of Demon Emperor.

Now serving the father of son Nirvana and son Yu.

Although it was only a servant, no one really dared to treat Uncle as a servant.

Even if the Devil Emperor was in front of Nu Bo, he respected Nu Bo quite.

Nubo seldom came out and walked around, but now he appeared in Kyushu, and his son Nirvana foretells something special.

Perhaps Nu Bo's appearance came for the young son Yu?

If this is the case, then it will be troublesome. If you want to kill the male Ziyu, it will be difficult.

Various thoughts appeared in the mind of Prince Nirvana.

The son said quietly, "Nubo, how come you come to Kyushu? Is it your father's instructions?".

Nu Bo said, "It's not there, but it's just old. I want to walk around. If I don't walk around again, this old bone might be completely scrapped!"

"Nubo, you laughed!" The son Nipi said with a smile.

Nubo said, "The old slave still has a few words to tell Master Yu alone. If there is nothing wrong with Master Nirvana, let's leave first!"

Young Master Nirvana was furious, because Nubo obviously wanted to stop him from dealing with Young Master Yu.

Is this Uncle's own idea? Is it father's idea? This made the son Nirvana inaccurate.

But Nu Bo's order, he really did not dare to violate.

"Yes, that junior will leave!"

Young Master Nirvana was full of suffocation and left quickly.

Nubo looked at Gongzi Yu and said, "Master Yu, we have disappeared for many years!"


Gong Ziyu salutes the old man.

In the past, Gongzi Yu was chased and killed. If Nubo secretly helped each other, how could he escape again and again?

Now when I see Nubo, I can't help but feel a lot of emotions.


"Let's take a step!" Nubo said.

Gong Ziyu nodded and walked away with Nu Bo.

Nubo whispered something to Gongzi Yu.

Gong Ziyu's brows were frowning, and sometimes he was thinking.

But what did they say specifically.

This is not what Lin Feng and others can know.

Eventually, Nubo left.

Gong Ziyu returned to Lin Feng on their side.

Lin Feng did not ask what they talked about. This is the privacy of others. People who have a good relationship should not ask about the privacy of the other party.


In the following days, there was a lot of noise outside because there were several great emperors appearing to kill the stone apes. .

The stone ape failed to escape and was wounded in the primitive ancient forest outside the city.

Many people see the hope of killing the stone apes, and even the strong men of the quasi-imperial realm want to kill the stone apes.

"I don't know if the stone ape can escape from birth?".

Lin Feng frowned slightly.

Such a powerful existence is really the end of the hero.

Traversed by this robbery, people feel sad and lamentable.

"The stone ape was found and is now under siege!"

On this day, great news came out that the stone ape was found, and several great emperors began to besiege the stone ape in an attempt to kill the stone ape in the primitive ancient forest.

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